Recent content by Forelan

  1. F


    May I have the password please?
  2. F

    gatecity error

    When I get to gatecity and I kill the 3 goblins and procede to the the main part of the city, the dwarf guard tries to kill me, and then i get an error. Mod_Extradata: caching failed I have the thothies map update. update: I restored my maps back to before thothies update...
  3. F

    Saying HI, and asking a question or two.

    First off, I wanted to say Hi. I use to play MS back 4 years ago, but got rid of my PC and only had a mac for work. Well new Intel mac means XP on it also so I decided to download MS again. Great job guys, you really pulled it together. I had a few questions that I searched the forum for...