Recent content by selims

  1. S

    FN is Down

    Yeah same issue here.
  2. S

    Rollback for Selims

    I've got items back no need for any further assistance thanks [=
  3. S

    Rollback for Selims

    So, it appears I was online during the time you rolled back. It's fine I'll just work for the items back.. Thanks.
  4. S

    Rollback for Selims

    So yeah I'll go with losing symbols I can just find them again...
  5. S

    Rollback for Selims

    It seems it was rolled too far back =[ is the anyway you can roll forward from that time? I honestly don't care if i lose the symbols as long as I get my others items back. Thank you for your time!
  6. S

    Rollback for Selims

    Hello, seems the rollback was a little ahead I lost items like greater thunder axe , hoarfrost, 5 of 5 symbol of felewyn /= if there's anyway you can do a rollback to a more recent time it would be greatly appreciated, thanks