Recent content by Solutus Uretrus

  1. Solutus Uretrus

    Lan character disappeared from menu of choose, can i fix this?

    You just can say what shall i do and how can i decrypt char file.
  2. Solutus Uretrus

    Lan character disappeared from menu of choose, can i fix this?

    Thanks for answer, i already tried to use backup file, and effect was the same.
  3. Solutus Uretrus

    Lan character disappeared from menu of choose, can i fix this?

    Hi to all who still alive here, im using dedicated server with LAN character save system, yesterday i caught crash, and char disappeared from menu after connection, i still have file of char and backup file, can i fix this problem?
  4. Solutus Uretrus

    Bug with charging of weapons.

    Hi, i have very annoying bug with charging. After few minutes of map run start my charging becomes mad. It can work or f*ck with me as usual. Ability of charge depends of place where i stay or point what i look at. I use usual two neckhunters and in case of this bug shooting with it is true...
  5. Solutus Uretrus

    Rollback Request

    1. For a day earlier. 2. First slot. 3.STEAM_0:1:99021856 4. Dissapeared bag of holding with all items.
  6. Solutus Uretrus


    Aye! Time to see done work, hehe.
  7. Solutus Uretrus

    Rolling Back.

    Thanks, it it works correct i waste a little bit of skills, but it doesnt matter.
  8. Solutus Uretrus

    Rolling Back.

    Oh, if there is no way then i agree to return.
  9. Solutus Uretrus

    Rolling Back.

    Oh ,shiii, i lost nearly all, my skills , all items, my level,HP,MP.
  10. Solutus Uretrus

    Rolling Back.

    Thanks for help!
  11. Solutus Uretrus

    Rolling Back.

    Oh, of course, it is first slot character.
  12. Solutus Uretrus

    Rolling Back.

    1.Yesterday, about this time on two-hour later. 2.STEAM_0:1:99021856 3.Roll back on one hour. 4.Missing of big part of items. Then you will fix it ,please, give me answer here, when i can start to play again.
  13. Solutus Uretrus

    Disappearing of my stuff.

    Thanks for advice.
  14. Solutus Uretrus

    Disappearing of my stuff.

    I couldnt see my character full body only helmet and some bags , also after clicking on it didn't work.
  15. Solutus Uretrus

    Disappearing of my stuff.

    Hi everybody. I have some problems with my account. My character Solitarius Nihil missed all armour, part of bags, spellbook and all stuff from galats chest. How to fix it?