Hi to all who still alive here, im using dedicated server with LAN character save system, yesterday i caught crash, and char disappeared from menu after connection, i still have file of char and backup file, can i fix this problem?
Hi, i have very annoying bug with charging. After few minutes of map run start my charging becomes mad. It can work or f*ck with me as usual. Ability of charge depends of place where i stay or point what i look at. I use usual two neckhunters and in case of this bug shooting with it is true...
1.Yesterday, about this time on two-hour later.
3.Roll back on one hour.
4.Missing of big part of items.
Then you will fix it ,please, give me answer here, when i can start to play again.
Hi everybody. I have some problems with my account. My character Solitarius Nihil missed all armour, part of bags, spellbook and all stuff from galats chest. How to fix it?
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