Recent content by ZZzzzzz

  1. Z

    Hello Everebody, wakeup!;-)

    "Thus" meaning you don't have time for a job, because you have to poop all day?
  2. Z

    Hello Everebody, wakeup!;-)

    By regocnize do you then mean recognize ? and by Everebody do you then mean everybody? Why didn't you use google toolbar like you use to do? :D :D :D Also where did you find the time to post it?
  3. Z

    Best food and drink?

    PEPSI! Are you a retard?!
  4. Z

    Morrowind vs. Oblivion

    Which is best?
  5. Z

    My conversation with Pimpsta

    like, You don't know how much blood I have in my.....
  6. Z

    My conversation with Pimpsta

    He looks like a retard..
  7. Z

    DS vs. PSP

    Which one is best?
  8. Z

    Family guy vs. all

    If we should take a Simpsons character it should be Homer
  9. Z

    Family guy vs. all

    Family guy is better than every thing. but which character from the show is gonna rule the world?