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I know its big but please take the time to read it.
Wandering the vast desert he parches his thirst, in his dryness he laps the top of his mouth for moistness, which is not there. Waves of sand and auras of despair surround all around him. His life hangs as the last drip of blood to leave a sword. Trusting, hope thatâs all that is left knowing there are more promises than this he holds, abandoning his heavy suit of armor behind he feels helpless as a baby if the demons come to attack again. He hears the serpent clanging a haunting bell in his right ear, the vivid words of forsaken taunt his hope. Closing his eyes he falls with his knees hitting the ground followed by his hands in the scorching sand. Kneeling in the sand, feeling the sand he says evident words, he says âSatan why would he abandon me when the Father says a promise in my heart.â âNever will I forsake my children.â
Looking at a horizon of nothing but waves of sand as the sandy floor of an ocean he knows what he must do. 30 days have passed. Dehydrated from these days in the desert without food but only a swallow of water a day from his side pack, he knows he must be a warrior of Christ he must endure this trial without fail or flaw. He stands and walks. He looks ahead and does nothing more but walking to what is ahead, his promise. The sun soon falls and the moon replaces with its comforting glow. His feet swollen by walking so far without rest, he stops. Smiling he closes his eyes to say his prayer. Opening his eyes he sees what unseen, The Angel Michael. The Angel levitating in his glow moves his hand to the right pointing and the sand immediately blows to reveal a suit of white armor. Then the Angel says, âWalk to the west you will find a shack its inhabitance will show you what your foundation lays.â The Angel then turns to a dust devil and goes to the west and implants a trail to follow.
Out of sight from the warrior he looks now at the white armor, which has a mystical glow in the moonlight as a tears glow, shows the moonlight, as did the armor from the Father. Walking to the armor his eyes were focused on the helmet. The helmet was that of a demon slayer. Reaching down to the helmet water dripped from his finger as moister filled the air around him cleaning his whole body and refreshing his thirst without a drink. Grabbing the helmet he slipped on to see the sight if it altered. Seeing it did not he put it on then his body. As one with the armor he pulled his sword from his sheath and his sword glowed as a soul resonating to his body knowing he was complete he felt no weight from the armor. Kneeling to the ground, steadied by his sword he gave thanksgiving to the lord. No longer tired, drained of energy, swollen or hungry he knew what God gifted his armor with. Knowing full well these gifts could be taken away by the slightest bit of pride and ego, he says, âPraise the Lord, and all this is bestowed upon me as a gift. Blessed is the Lord!â
Running he did with joy as an ostrich does so he did also on the trail to the west. Hours passed and tired he was not. He could also jump, as a flea does not by a normal human motion but that also of a flea a burst to the legs as if to flick the ground. Many miles hath passed but the sand hath turned to split dirt dry and far from water. Night was still evident and morning was soon to come. Stopped as though of by the heavens he looked to see a light in the distance. Firelight it was and the trail hath ended. Looking up I began to see the light of first light barely evident. Stopped I still was for wood was not evident anywhere. Walking to the light I saw the shape of a shack with the light from its windows.
I know its big but please take the time to read it.
Wandering the vast desert he parches his thirst, in his dryness he laps the top of his mouth for moistness, which is not there. Waves of sand and auras of despair surround all around him. His life hangs as the last drip of blood to leave a sword. Trusting, hope thatâs all that is left knowing there are more promises than this he holds, abandoning his heavy suit of armor behind he feels helpless as a baby if the demons come to attack again. He hears the serpent clanging a haunting bell in his right ear, the vivid words of forsaken taunt his hope. Closing his eyes he falls with his knees hitting the ground followed by his hands in the scorching sand. Kneeling in the sand, feeling the sand he says evident words, he says âSatan why would he abandon me when the Father says a promise in my heart.â âNever will I forsake my children.â
Looking at a horizon of nothing but waves of sand as the sandy floor of an ocean he knows what he must do. 30 days have passed. Dehydrated from these days in the desert without food but only a swallow of water a day from his side pack, he knows he must be a warrior of Christ he must endure this trial without fail or flaw. He stands and walks. He looks ahead and does nothing more but walking to what is ahead, his promise. The sun soon falls and the moon replaces with its comforting glow. His feet swollen by walking so far without rest, he stops. Smiling he closes his eyes to say his prayer. Opening his eyes he sees what unseen, The Angel Michael. The Angel levitating in his glow moves his hand to the right pointing and the sand immediately blows to reveal a suit of white armor. Then the Angel says, âWalk to the west you will find a shack its inhabitance will show you what your foundation lays.â The Angel then turns to a dust devil and goes to the west and implants a trail to follow.
Out of sight from the warrior he looks now at the white armor, which has a mystical glow in the moonlight as a tears glow, shows the moonlight, as did the armor from the Father. Walking to the armor his eyes were focused on the helmet. The helmet was that of a demon slayer. Reaching down to the helmet water dripped from his finger as moister filled the air around him cleaning his whole body and refreshing his thirst without a drink. Grabbing the helmet he slipped on to see the sight if it altered. Seeing it did not he put it on then his body. As one with the armor he pulled his sword from his sheath and his sword glowed as a soul resonating to his body knowing he was complete he felt no weight from the armor. Kneeling to the ground, steadied by his sword he gave thanksgiving to the lord. No longer tired, drained of energy, swollen or hungry he knew what God gifted his armor with. Knowing full well these gifts could be taken away by the slightest bit of pride and ego, he says, âPraise the Lord, and all this is bestowed upon me as a gift. Blessed is the Lord!â
Running he did with joy as an ostrich does so he did also on the trail to the west. Hours passed and tired he was not. He could also jump, as a flea does not by a normal human motion but that also of a flea a burst to the legs as if to flick the ground. Many miles hath passed but the sand hath turned to split dirt dry and far from water. Night was still evident and morning was soon to come. Stopped as though of by the heavens he looked to see a light in the distance. Firelight it was and the trail hath ended. Looking up I began to see the light of first light barely evident. Stopped I still was for wood was not evident anywhere. Walking to the light I saw the shape of a shack with the light from its windows.