Basically, I wanted to have all the mapping-related things that were posted in all of the patch updates in one place, because I often forget about the new mapper toys given to us mappers, and don't want to look though the entire update just for these peices.
I actually made this quite a while ago in preperation for the development of Oculus, and decided to share it.
Yes, I know it's long. 8)
New Beasties:
⢠monsters/skeleton_ice2_hammer - Frost Hammer [40]
- First of the next tier of ice skeletons
- This large ice skeleton wields two hammers and has a nasty speed attack
⢠monsters/lost_soul_ice - Lost Soul [25]
- Ice variant of the Lost Soul.
- (Aggressive flight model, freezing attacks, explodes on death.)
⢠traps/splodie_skull_ice [25]
- Ice variant of the splodie skull (bounces randomly for about 20 secs, then explodes)
⢠monsters/telf_wizard_novice [40]
- Summons a sphere of floating death that he can guide through walls
- Has repulsive shield attacks
⢠the_wall/forsuth - Forsuth the Frosty, for The Wall
- Extended escort mission character
⢠the_wall/elf_wizard_guard - Seeker Velend Varon
⢠the_wall/elf_warrior_guard1 - One of Velend's escorts
⢠the_wall/elf_warrior_guard2 - Velend's other escort
⢠the_wall/telf_necro - Ihotor, Torkie Necromancer of Dewm [40+]
- Current XP value assumes extensive escort
⢠the_wall/telf_leader1 - Azura - Industrial Strength Torkie [40+]
⢠the_wall/telf_leader2 - Ulectrath " " [40+]
⢠the_wall/telf_leader3 - Ivicta " " [40+]
monsters/ghoul_lesser - kewt lil ghoul
monsters/ghoul_greater - not so kewt nor lil (sry for funktastic ghoul models)
monsters/spider_turret - similar to calruin spitting spider, bit meaner, doesn't roam nor have close range attack issues
⢠monsters/scorpion6 - Dread Scorpion
- First of the 'really fooking huge' scorpion series (needs a lot of room to operate at 196x196 base size) (30+ miniboss)
- Strong poison, AOE stun + knockabout
⢠monsters/eagle_giant_thunder - Thunderbird
- Really big bird with various thunder/lightning/tornado attacks (30+ Miniboss, 0 to 60 in 5.7 seconds, 6 MPG highway)
⢠monsters/sorc_juggernaut - Shahaddar Juggernaut
- Really, really big orc, with a really, really big axe (35+ miniboss), these form the backbone of the Shahaddar Armies
⢠monsters/sorc_brawler - Shahaddar Thunderfist
- The Shahaddar answer to the blackhandâs brawler can teleport short distances
⢠monsters/sorc_guard - Shahaddar Guard
- Next step up from recruit
⢠monsters/sorc_warrior - Shahaddar Warrior
- A slightly stronger Shahaddar Warrior with thunderaxe
⢠monsters/gloam1 - The standard, jumpy, flesh eating, tropical/swamp/wetlands gloam (level 30 minion, or 25 mini-boss)
⢠monsters/gloam_ether - Ethereal variant (level 30+ mini-boss)
- See the wiki for more info on Gloams.
⢠monsters/fire_spider_spitting - Fire Spider
- Big shiny red spider, shoots bolts of fire
- Ditto, but doesn't move
⢠monsters/fire_spider_mini - Fire spider hatchling
- Only has 10hp but is guaranteed to be the most annoying beast since the Horror
- Latches onto your body or face at random locations, biting, and hindering your movement - must be "scraped off"
⢠monsters/fire_reaver_mini- Fire Reaver Hatchling (untested)
- A small fire reaver whose little volcano isn't old enough to be active, but it still has a taste for burning flesh.
⢠monsters/slime_green - Lesser green slime
- Bugger's hit and run projectile tactics make him hard to catch, he may yet chew on your poisoned corpse
⢠monsters/scorpion4 â meaner, but slower, giant scorpion
⢠monsters/scorpion5 â Gigantic venomous scorpion, lumbering beastie with some push back and heavy poison (more to come)
⢠monsters/wizard_normal â Generic variant of Keledros, goes straight into combat, you provide drops (use wizard_died trigger to respond to death event, post âreanimationâ)
⢠monsters/wizard_strong â Generic variant of Venevus, goes straight into combat, normal death sequence, you provide drops
⢠monsters/snake_lord â Generic variant of Slithar, goes straight into combat, does not summon skeletons, you provide drops
⢠monsters/elemental_air1 - Air Elemental - tad stronger than the summoned variant, and has great bawls o' lightning
⢠monsters/elemental_air2 - Greater Air Elemental - multiple guided great balls of lightning, prototype "true-chain" lightning, tornados - what more could an evil wizard ask for?
⢠monsters/elemental_fire2 - Greater Fire Elemental - The burning! THE BURNING!
⢠monsters/troll_stone - Troll made of stone (Troll Guardian, as seen in WW3d - rename at will)
⢠monsters/ogre_stone - Stone Ogre - actually been around awhile, just forgot to mention it (if you've had a lot of folks in MSCave, ye may have seen one already)
- Unlike the troll_stone, he's a level 30+ beastie
- Nasty lil bugger flies all over the place, attacks from above, probably suitable for 200-400hp range, lest you use them in groups, wildanimal faction
- additional parameter: start_perched- use this and the eagle will stay perched and idle until someone comes within 384 units and in its field of vision, or it is attacked
- Variants in order from weakest to meanest (est. level 300-800hp, all demon faction):
- monsters/eagle_plague - disease spreading, some knock back
- monsters/eagle_demon - fire effects, some knock back
- monsters/eagle_ice - ice effects, some knock back
- monsters/eagle_stone - damage reduct, lots of knock back
- monsters/eagle_metal - heavy damage reduct, lots of knock back, stun attacks
- Level 40+ miniboss
- This walking volcano packs a wallop and has guided explosive balls o' fire to boot
⢠monsters/wolf_ice (now works, thank MiB)- Winter wolf
- Winter wolf minions (30+) with freezing howl
⢠monsters/wolf_ice_alpha (now works, thank MiB) - Winter Alpha Wolf
- Ice wolf boss (40+)
- Summons uber blizzard (800 radius) at monster location or at the location of other/summon_point1 - if the script is present
- Also casts ice shield
⢠monsters/wolf_ice (untested) - Winter wolf
- Winter wolf minions (30+) with freezing howl and breath attacks
⢠monsters/wolf_ice_alpha (untested) - Winter Alpha Wolf
- Ice wolf boss (40+)
- Summons uber blizzard (800 radius) at monster location or at the location of other/summon_point1 - if the script is present
⢠monsters/zombie_zygol - Zygoli, The All Seeing (level 25+ boss)
- This giant zombie is invulnerable so long as at least four of the eyes he summons are present
- Zygoli summons these at a 64 unit radius from himself on spawn, each is 32x32, the zombie itself is about 200 units high, so this boss needs a lot of room to operate.
- Zygoli is weakened as each of these eyes is destroyed, becoming increasingly vulnerable to attack, but the zombie grows a new eye every three minutes
- The Eyes of Zygoli themselves have stunning lightning attacks and use hit and run tactics coupled with partial invisibility
- Zygoli also has a necro-energy beam that slowly drags you towards him
⢠monsters/orc_cata_winder - Orc Catapult Winder - this big guy winds up catapults
- First entry in "params" becomes the prefix for his events (see New Mapper Toys), this allows multiple catapults to be manned by multiple winders
- Fires <params>_fire every 7 seconds, unless interrupted.
- Fires <params>_wind 1 second later, and again, 3 seconds later, to toggle the catapult winding wheel
- Fires <params>_died on death
- Kicks players away from time to time, but otherwise concentrates on his job
⢠monsters/wolf - pack wolf
⢠monsters/wolf_alpha - pack wolf leader (slightly stronger)
- pack wolves will stay near their pack wolf leader (they detect their leader 2 seconds after spawning)
- so long as the alpha wolf is alive, pack wolves will flee no further than his location
- alpha wolves fight to the death
- hostile to pretty much everything, save each other
- (These are low level wolves for thornlands)
⢠monsters/wolf_shadow - Shadow Wolf
- This, much meaner nastier wolf, is a lone wolf. Stunning howl and fire attacks. (Don't place with regular wolves: he'll eat them.)
⢠monsters/ogre_ice - Marogar Ogre
- Just in case your standard ogres weren't mean enough, this frosty variant features freezing claws and damage reduction.
- Demon factioned to play nice with undead
⢠monsters/ice_mage - Ice Mage
- Frozen masters of the icey art trained by Maldora himself.
⢠monsters/maldora_gminion_random - Maldora's Greater Minions
- These things seem downright invulnerable! Or are they? Come in four random elemental flavors:
- monsters/maldora_gminion_poison, monsters/maldora_gminion_ice, monsters/maldora_gminion_fire, monsters/maldora_gminion_lightning
⢠monsters/skeleton_lightning - Lightning Forged Skeleton
- Golden skeleton with a lightning wand and a bone to pick with you
- Random hard animated elemental archer, each glows and fires a nasty arrow of its element
- Individual variants include: monsters/anim_archer_hard_fire monsters/anim_archer_hard_lightning monsters/anim_archer_hard_ice monsters/anim_archer_hard_poison
- PS. These buggers can fly
⢠monsters/anim_warrior_hard_poison - Enchanted Armor of Venom
- added to the anim_warrior_hard lineup, which all now glow the appropriate elemental color
⢠monsters/elemental_air0 - Summoned Air Elemental
- Floats around, shoots lightning. Intended as backup for Djinn Ji'Azolt
⢠monsters/djinn_lightning - Djinn Ji'Azolt
- Ogre lightning djinn boss: lighting with push, stun, invisibility, temporary flight
- Unlike previous Djinn, this monster is dependent on the map for his backup
⢠monsters/horror_lightning - Electric Horror
- If clones dream of electric sheep, this must be what they have nightmare about?
⢠monsters/shambler1 - Bog Creature
- Fugly, player sized, bog creature (pretty mean) by Shurik3n
⢠monsters/shambler2 - Shambler
- Larger, meaner, gooier, bog creature by Shurik3n
⢠monsters/fish_demon â Demon Fish
- A large red shark that smells your blood in the water (v. mean, horror flight AI)
- Remember, with fishies, you have to monster clip them into water, or they fly (working on ways around this)
⢠monsters/lightning_worm â Ethereal Vermicular
- This creature from dimensions beyond, brought forth by some twisted magics gone awry, is as strange as its name suggests
- The Vermicular will rise 256 units, and then circle in a 256 unit radius, hovering up and down -196/+128 units during its circling, it's max attack range is 2048 units (keep in mind with placement)
- The Ethereal Vermicular will ignore and pass through any and all obsticles in its flight path, including solids
⢠cleicert/fpriest - Ghostly Priest
- Mouthy NPC for Cleicert Temple. Fires "GiveCrystalOne" mid speech.
⢠lodagond/maldora_fragment - Fragment of Maldora
- This is a generic, attack on sight, no orc intro variant of Maldora, you'll probably run into in groups in Lodagond
⢠lodagond/maldora - Maldora
- Yes, the one, true, Maldora.
- This placeholder is fully deadly, and fully functional, but hope to add more tricks and intro/exit text later
⢠monsters/cold_lady - Cold Lady
- This ghostly apparition proves that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
- Like the Vermicular, these pass through anything and everything. Unlike the Vermicular, they haunt their targets
- Cold Ladies will hunt any target within 4096 units of its spawn. It will circle 128 units from its spawn until it sees a target.
- These ladies are near impossible to solo without some sort of cold resistance, although for a group of players, they are only an annoyance... Provided there aren't a lot of these ghosts about.
- These are particularly CPU friendly, so feel free to add a swarm
- Shahaddar Orcs -
( After the death of Lor Malgorand, the founders of this Orc tribe took up residence in the abandoned lair of the sorcerer Shahaddar. Here they were able to obtain his powers, making them the most feared orcs in all of Daragoth. These are among the weakest of their warriors: )
⢠monsters/sorc_recruit - Shahaddar Novice
- This is the lowliest of the Shahaddar Tribe, yet he would strike fear in the hearts of all but the most powerful of the Blackhand.
⢠monsters/sorc_warrior_lesser - Shahaddar Warrior
- Carrying a Thunder Axe, this beast can usually be found leading small groups of recruits.
⢠monsters/sorc_shaman_lesser - Shahaddar Shaman Initiate
- A lightning elementalist with a shocking grip, this initiate has learned well from his masters.
- Bludgeons! -
(Someone get Little-G a napkin!)
⢠monsters/bludgeon_gaz1 â Bludgeon with a scythe he calls an axe, and he can throw it at j00
⢠monsters/bludgeon_gaz2 â Bludgeon with a big hammer
⢠monsters/bludgeon_gaz1_demon â Demon Bludgeon has additional armor and fire attacks, this is axe boy
⢠monsters/bludgeon_gaz2_demon â Demon Bludgeon, with hammah
- Currently all bludgeons are demon faction, so they won't fight with orcs, undead, or one another
- Bludgeons are all really mean (30+ minions) â the Demon Bludgeons border on insane mean (40+)
- Probably work out smaller and larger bludgeons down the line, and maybe shamans and the like
- Bludgeons have charge, can jump real well, and have multiple stun attacks
- Bear God Series -
⢠monsters/bear_god_polar - Bear God of the Frozen Tundra
- Godzilla sized bear with perpetual blizzard
⢠monsters/bear_god_brown - Bear God of the Thundering Plains
- Godzilla sized bear with perpetual thunderstorm
⢠monsters/bear_god_black - Bear God of the Black Forest
- Godzilla sized bear that sprouts trees of dewm
⢠monsters/bear_god_random - One of the above four at random
⢠monsters/bear_guard1 - Bear Guardian
- Fast moving angry bear wants your picnic baskets
- Kharaztorant Cult Series-
⢠monsters/k_alcolyte_random - Kharaztorant Acolytes (also aliased under: monsters/k_alcolyte )
- An introductory member of the Kharaztorant cult, bent on doing the will of the mysterious ancient dragon Kharaztorant. Each has a ritual knife that he can throw or use in melee combat. This script spawns one of the following four flavors randomly:
⢠monsters/k_alcolyte_red - Red Robed Kharaztorant Acolyte
- The Fire Adept has a blade that can set you ablaze.
⢠monsters/k_alcolyte_green - Green Robed Kharaztorant Acolyte
- The Afliction Adept has a blade with long lasting poison. He throws it very frequently, and thus is the ranger of the acolyte types.
⢠monsters/k_alcolyte_blue - Blue Robed Kharaztorant Acolyte
- The Ice Adept has a blade that can freeze and slow opponents.
⢠monsters/k_alcolyte_gray - Gray Robed Kharaztorant Acolyte
- The Phsyical Adept has a mundane knife, but moves about more than the other Acolytes, can parry, and has some damage reduction.
⢠monsters/k_alcolyte_ambush - Kharaztorant Acolyte (ambush variant)
- This version of the random Kharaztorant Acolyte will stay crouched still until a player comes within 256 units and in his field of vision. He'll also attack if notices he has been spotted, or is damaged.
⢠monsters/k_alcolyte_blue_turret - Turret variant of blue robed Kharaztorant Acolyte
⢠monsters/k_alcolyte_green_turret - Turret variant of green robed Kharaztorant Acolyte (both turret variants stay crouched, do not move, and throw knives like mad - there are no turret variants for the other two robe types at the moment, didn't see much point.)
- Kharaztorant Spawn -
⢠monsters/k_larva - Kharaztorant Larva
- Those of the cult who fail to make it past the rank of Acolyte when given "The blessing of Kharaztorant" degenerate into these twisted larval demons. This is the first of several stages that, say the believers of Kharaztorant, will eventually lead to the return of their master.
⢠monsters/k_childre - Kharaztorant Childre
- This, much more terrifying beast, is what the Larva will grow into, given enough time. This fast moving armored bundle of claws can throw fireballs and turn invisible. The ethereal shift, while invisible, renders it partly invulnerable to magic. Thankfully, it apparently can't attack while invisible, but instead likes to creep up behind its unsuspecting opponent and rake with its gigantic claws while manifesting with a roar. Rumor also has it that Kharaztorant Childre can also fly short distances. It is believed the next stage beyond this is the dreaded Fire Lizard.
⢠(see Wiki Entry for more info on the Kharaztorant Cult) [Lanethan inspired & approved]
-other- (Little Frodo Requests)
⢠monsters/horror2 - Elder Horror
- Meaner, nastier, armored horror with spore cloud
⢠monsters/bludgeon1 - Standard bludgeon, sans insane holy multiplier and Rox0rz comment
⢠monsters/bludgeon2 - Bludgeon Warrior
- Meaner, nastier, bludgeon, same old craptastic model, brand new craptastic sounds!
⢠monsters/uber_reaver - Ice Reaver Patriarch
- A gigantic ice reaver, enhanced by the magics of Maldora, level 40'ish mini-boss
- AOE stun, lightning attack, massive perpetual blizzard attack, quadruple freeze sphere attack, big ol bag of hp
- Invulnerable escort for the uber_reaver, comes and goes
- Must be tied to the a repeatable monsterspawn named "summon_skels" with 1 life for proper function with uber_reaver
- This troll lobber tosses giant snow boulders that break into fields of deadly ice spikes
- Good for juicing up level 40'ers
- Demon faction for easy placement (gets along with both undead and orcs)
- non-roaming variant of same
⢠monsters/sorc_chief1 - Runegahr, Shahaddar Orc Chieften (WIP)
- Semi-functional, but not quite ready for prime time. Can actually fight, but want a few more abilities.
- ATM he has various lightning attacks, a vampiric sword, and the ability to teleport
⢠monsters/sorc_telepoint1 (monsters/sorc_telepoint2,monsters/sorc_telepoint3,monsters/sorc_telepoint4)
- Places these on the map with Runegahr, or any other Shahaddar orc, and they will periodically teleport to them and/or their spawn point
- Creatures near teleport points will be catapulted away just before the orc arrives
- Multiply orcs can be used as each teleport point as a built in "cool down" time
⢠monsters/skeleton_stone2 - Stone Mason. Tough stone skeleton with dual weilded hammers. Stun attacks, summons rocks.
⢠monsters/skeleton_stone3 - Petrified Blademaster. V. Tough stone skeleton with a big sword. Throws peeps a lot (dangerous around hazards).
⢠monsters/skeleton_gstone1 - Greater Stone Mason (uses huge skeleton model). VERY mean. Creates storms of boulders that float around his head then fly at you.
⢠monsters/skeleton_gstone1_noxp - Same thing, but worth no XP, nor gold. (For Foamy's Trap)
Not so much "new" as "polished":
⢠Fixed up Undead Fire Giants and setup new scripts:
monsters/firegiantghoul1 - lesser undead fire giant
monsters/firegiantghoul2 - undead fire giant
monsters/firegiantghoul3 - greater undead fire giant
monsters/firegiantghoul1_turret - lesser undead fire giant, acts as turret (no wander)
monsters/firegiantghoul2_turret - undead fire giant, acts as turret (no wander)
monsters/firegiantghoul3_turret - greater undead fire giant, acts as turret (no wander)
⢠monsters/bludgeon - got an update and is actually pretty mean, and thus now worth some xp/gold. (Still funny as hell though, and no, we don't have a model from Gazomica yet)
⢠monsters/zombie - Like decayed zombie, but... not so decayed. (in game)
⢠monsters/zombie_huge - Remember Fred? (in game)
- weakest of the pending Stone Skeleton series - fast moving, damage resistant bastard with sword and shield. (in game)
⢠monsters/skeleton_ice - not new, but now has a shotgun. ^_^
⢠All the enraged skeletons (save the weakest) have a new model that favors the ability to run over speeding up the animation that caused the odd lag effect. (Specifically: Enraged Poisoner, and Enraged Ice Skeleton)
⢠Miniboss Minions ( monsters/flesheaterminion and monsters/bloodreaverminion ) have been moved to the "smart" model and are thus now much more frightening.
⢠Ghor Ash - moved to "smart" skeleton model, and is now fleet of foot as well.
⢠monsters/slime_black_small - black pudding
⢠monsters/slime_black_large - large black pudding, splits into small puddings
⢠monsters/slime_black_huge - huge black pudding, splits into large puddings (mean)
- note large and huge slimes and their children are "demon" faction while small slimes are "wildanimal" faction - this is to ease placement (low level areas tend to have more "wildanimal" types)
⢠monsters/anim_warrior_hard_random - random elemental animated armors, not new, but works now (mean!)
⢠monsters/slime_ceriux1 - tiny green slime - do not tie to firepershall events, buggy model forces buggy kill meathod - it will not detect
⢠monsters/fallen_armor_triggered - this variant of the fallen armor doesn't get up until he recieves the ms_npcscript event " enter_combat " (v.mean!)
⢠monsters/zombie_decayed - a weak zombie - zomg it sounds like brain bread! (even though its some other mod entirely)
⢠The following "no roam" variants of these monsters exist due to there being no monster spawns in edanasewers and the need to restrict their movement in said map:
- monsters/slime_ceriux1_nr
- monsters/zombie_decayed_nr
- monsters/slime_black_large_nr
⢠monsters/skeleton_geric - Alias for The Dread Knight Sir Geric, ww3d style. Note: New model, and in some ways (many ways), meaner than his cousin Lord BS.
monsters/anim_warrior_hard_fire - meaner, infernal animated armor
monsters/anim_warrior_hard_thunder - mean animated armor with lightning effects
monsters/anim_warrior_hard_frost - mean animated armor with frost effects
monsters/anim_warrior_hard_random - one of the above three selected at random
monsters/fallen_armor - new mega-boss "Armor of The Fallen"
monsters/swamp_ogre - still a bit beta (not quite ready for prime time), but good enough to figure a placement. This critter has a passive regen, moves fast, hits hard, and hops all over the place.
monsters/skeleton_soul_eater - this is, effectively, a generic version of Calruin, in case you need a creature of similar power, but don't want the title to go with.
Monsters/spider_mini_poison - double the hp of the standard baby spider, but also packing heavy poison - still more of an annoyance than a threat, but good for sneaking up on players fighting bigger beasties, biting them on the ankle, and paralyzing them.
- poisonous rattler
- same thing, but bigger
- giant cobra... Similar 'trap' concept as the regular cobra, but harder not to set off. (sleeps coiled)
- Silthar (level 25 miniboss), snake summoning bastard and apprentice to Venevus
- One-shot snakes summoned by snake summoning bastard.
- "Envenomed Bones" shoots poisoned bolts (same as Horror's but < damage). Unlike the frost bolters, he only shoots at the player he is facing, rather than all enemies in a radius.
- "Vampyric Poisoner" has a Bone Blade that lets him regen per-hit
- "Poisoned Spore" explodes into a poison cloud if struck hard enough or low enough on HP
- "Envenomed Blade" for two types of extra damage (non-roamer)
- "Enraged Poisoner" on crack with poison axes - not quite the same quality of crack that the Enraged Ice Bone is on, but still fast
- "Poisonus Guardian" slow moving, low damage, high armor skeleton that periodically surrounds himself with poison fog. (non-roamer)
- picks one of the above 6 at random - not a bad idea, as they tend to complement each other, and it adds to variety per map visit. Guardian and Sworder will go roaming if spawned through this random script.
* Poison bone series intended for levels 20-30 (depending on how many you use at once)
- "Venevus the Corruptor" yet another necro modeled after Keledros (just to piss off davidos.)
⢠ms_wicardoven/maldora - Fragment of Maldora
- Boss can handle small groups of Level 25-30 characters
- Summons images, minions, lesser rock storms (1 rock per player, up to 4), multiple lightning attacks, punch w/stun attack, dodge, erratic movement, protective repulsion shield (hoping to get Orochi to put a weapon in his hand).
- sets off the map trigger maldora_seal when ready to begin combat - use this to seal the room
- sets off the map trigger multilava every 20-40 seconds (intended for map trap)
- Maldora is immune to all magical attacks, although is still *somewhat* affected by holy weapons, and is affected normally by conventional weapons
- Spawns two orcs and has a conversation with them before beginning combat
- Summoned by the fragment, can *theoretically* be placed by themselves. 200hp, stun attacks, non-solid. No immunities. Silent. Goes down fairly easily
⢠monsters/maldora_minion_ice - nasty, fast moving skeletal maldora minion, elemental attacks
⢠monsters/maldora_minion_lightning - same thing, but different
⢠monsters/maldora_minion_fire - ditto
⢠monsters/maldora_minion_venom - xerox
⢠monsters/maldora_minion_random - one of the above four at random
- Each maldora minion above glows a color appropriate to its element and is extremely vulnerable to its opposing element, in addition to being immune to its own.
⢠dq/voldaraxer - Beefier version of the old dq/voldarwarrior, with an envenomed axe
⢠dq/voldararcher - On par with the monsters/orc_sniper, but has v. nasty poison arrows
⢠dq/voldararcher_turret - non-roaming version of same
⢠dq/voldarshaman - Voldar's Shaman's enchanted by Malodra (read: possessed by horrors)
⢠dq/voldar - severe beefing, lots of tricks (acid cloud, acid bolts, stun, eggs), still in the level 20-25 mini-boss range
- comes up as Orc Poisoner on maps where he is not featured (for generic deployment)
⢠monsters/bandit_elite - series of 1337 bandits, each with its own magic weapon and/or special abilities, similar to those of players.
=⢠monsters/bandit_elite_unarmed - bandit martial artist, with multiple kick attacks with stun and knockback
=⢠monsters/bandit_elite_sword - fast attacking bandit with a greater ice blade
=⢠monsters/bandit_elite_mace - dark maul wielding bandit with AOE stun attack
=⢠monsters/bandit_elite_dagger - boneblade weilding bandit with turbo-speed special attack
=⢠monsters/bandit_elite_axe - bandit wielding a large ornate axe with bull-rush attack
=⢠monsters/bandit_elite_archer - bandit archer with frost arrows and special multi-poison arrow attack
⢠monsters/bandit_boss - ye bandit boss series, levels 25-30, da big guys
- all bandit bosses appear as "Bandit Leader" outside of "The_Keep" (this can be undone as requested)
- all can use up to 3 healing potions, 3 elemental resistance potions, and 2 of 3 special potions
- all have special magical attacks and multiple kick attacks
- they also have a move they learned from playing too much Mortal Kombat (except Xaron, who needed quarters for laundry)
- this script randomly generates one of these six:
=⢠monsters/bandit_boss_dagger - Plevmus of the Hidden Knife
-- Armed with a flamelick, features flame burst, turbo attack, and leap attack.
=⢠monsters/bandit_boss_mace - Golgar the Hammer
-- Slow, but if you do get hit, you know it. AOE stun attacks, lots of hp.
=⢠monsters/bandit_boss_axe - Vultekh of the Runes
-- Rune axe, and makes proper use of it. Charge/leap stun attacks, lots of hp.
=⢠monsters/bandit_boss_sword - Kryoh of the Frozen Blade
-- Ice boy has blizzard and freezing sphere, in addition to what you'd expect him to have with the weapon on hand.
=⢠monsters/bandit_boss_archer - Xaron of the Orion Bow
-- Fires magical bolts of various types and sizes, also has a devastating scatter shot with random nasty arrows.
=⢠monsters/bandit_boss_nova - Demonicus of the Burning Blade
-- This flamer casts Flame Burst, Skull of Flame, Volcano, meteor, Firewall, and can parry attacks.
- This is actually an old script, but P|Barnum has officially abandoned his map project, thus this level 30'ish boss is now open to anyone who wants to use it. Large, rusty spartan-style, animated armor with dark sword, urdulian shield, and it's own model. Has no good counter for gang-bang, atm, but can easily be tossed in.
- This variant stays sitting until the event " enter_combat " is run on it via ms_npcscript.
- Throws balls of ice that burst into massively damaging spikes, upon hitting the ground. Designed to soften up level 40+ characters
- Same thing, don't move
⢠New bandit: monsters/bandit_mage
- Weakest of the bandit mages. This one casts Ice Shield on allies and throws fire-darts.
- May appear randomly in Keledrosprelude2 or during Helena raids (or with use of monsters/bandit random gen)
monsters/elemental_fire1 - Fire Elemental
monsters/elemental_ice1 - Ice Elemental
monsters/elemental_ice2 - Greater Ice Elemental
(Greater Fire, Earth Series, Air Series, and Elder elemental series are pending)
monsters/ice_reaver - huge honking beefy beast, these subsists mostly on giant polar bears, supplemented by the occasional wandering adventurer.
monsters/skeleton_ice - decayed ice bone (frostbolts) (sometimes has a stick)
monsters/skeleton_ice_warrior - ice bone warrior (sword with perma-freeze + frostbolts)
monsters/skeleton_ice_enraged - enraged ice bone (axes, frostbolts, + on crack)
monsters/skeleton_ice_lord - ice bone lord (omfgwtfh4x 3 stage boss)
- immune to fire and cold (doesn't need a hazard to back him up)
- stage1: greater circle of frost (plays wid ya)
- stage2: sphere of ice (torchers ya )
- stage3: speed^ + clubs of dewm + regen (no more tricks, just opens a raw can of wupass)
- ...looks so feminine, I'll see if I can find an alien to do the voice for it...
monsters/orc_shaman_fire_turret - stationary fire shaman, as promised
monsters/orc_brawler - huge angry orc armed with large fists (lots of stun atks)
monsters/morc_shaman_ice - Marogar Ice Shaman
monsters/morc_shaman_ice_turret - Same thang, don't move
monsters/morc_shaman_ice_nobliz - You can't use the above two in groups, use these if you want multiple ice shamans
monsters/morc_shaman_ice_turret_nobliz - again, sans the blizzard effect for group therapy.
mosnters/snow_boar1 &2&3 - (model now standard)
[all monster/morc_XXX models are standard as well, including morc_chief]
monsters/troll_fire - Efreet (model now standard)
monsters/djinn_fire - a fire djinn
monsters/djinn_ice - an ice djinn ( use kelerosprelude/troll_djinn for Ji-ax variant )
minibosses/flesheater - BD fix
mscave/Shadahar - traded his frost bolts in for CIRCLE OF DEATH, and a rare reward
- also restored his quest to its original intended setup (difference being: it actually works, but you'll have to figure the details out on your own).
- reads as 'Gold Forged Skeleton' when used on other maps (different reward scheme for generic application)
improved orc_sniper and bandit_hard_archer aim & tactics (also regular bandit, sans tactics)
⢠monsters/beetle_horned [25] - Horned Beetle
- This "small" beetle (about 3 feet across) can fly for short distances, leap attack, and bash players about with its horn.
⢠monsters/beetle_horned_giant [30] - Giant Horned Beetle
- Can't fly, nor do the short leap attacks of its smaller cousins, but this 8+ foot beast has multiple AOE and stun attacks, and can dish it out as well as take it better than the wee ones.
⢠monsters/beetle_venom [30] - Venomsack Beetle
- Farts to fly around, explodes into a cloud of nasty gas.
⢠monsters/beetle_venom_giant [35] - Giant Venomsack
- Giant version of same, minus flight, plus poison aura, plus AOE stun slam, plus breath of eye-watering gas.
⢠monsters/beetle_fire [35] - Fire Beetle
- Spits fire, explodes.
⢠monsters/beetle_fire [40] - Giant Fire Beetle
- As above, but meaner, larger, and flightless. AOE stun slam attack. Spits fire at multiple targets.
- Scarabs crawl around slowly, then leap at and latch onto enemies, immobilizing them, while chewing their way inside to the juicy bits.
- Once sated, the Scarab will fall off and run away, to burn off some calories, before making another run.
- Each scarab latched onto a target multiplies the damage of all scarabs attached to said target. (So, individually, not very threatening - but in a group, very deadly).
- Scarabs only have partial AI's, to allow swarms to be easier on servers. This means they will ignore most additional parameters (but should accept npc_suicide, name changes, and dmg/hpmultis).
- They are very small, and thus very difficult to hit.
⢠monsters/scarab_fire [20*] - Golden Scarab
- Burns, in addition to the usual synergistic chew damage.
⢠monsters/scarab_fire [20*] - Jade Scarab
- Poisons, in addition to the usual synergistic chew damage.
- * Level estimates are for individual scarabs. A swarm of 10 or so should suffice for level 40.
Goblins - Surviving experiments of Lor Mal that didn't quite make it into the war.
⢠Blood Goblins: Nasty, agile, fast moving goblins with a burning thirst for blood:
⢠monsters/bgoblin (25) - Blood Goblin Fodder comes in three very acrobatic varieties
⢠monsters/bgoblin_skirmisher (25) - Blood Goblin Skirmisher: V. Fast and agile skirmisher with a burning saber
⢠monsters/bgoblin_guard (30) - Blood Goblin Guard: Beefier, although not as agile, comes in 2 varieties, one with a flaming axe
⢠monsters/bgoblin_shaman (30) - Blood Goblin Evoker: Fire galore: balls, walls, and elementals. Dies to reveal the greater fire elemental trapped within.
⢠monsters/bgoblin_chief (30) - Blood Goblin Chieftain: bigger hobgoblin with a big fiery axe, fire breath, stun attacks, armor, and all the agility of the wee ones.
⢠Vile Goblins: Venomous beasts of similar bent to their Blood Goblin brethren:
⢠monsters/vgoblin (25) - Vile Goblin Fodder: three flavors, slightly weaker than the Blood's fodder, but annoying in their own way
⢠monsters/vgoblin_archer (25) - Vile Goblin Needler: rains down tiny poisoned arrows
⢠monsters/vgoblin_guard (30) - Vile Goblin Guard: Slower moving and tougher in their leather armor, they wield deadly poisoned blades
⢠monsters/vgoblin_shaman (30) - Vile Goblin Poisoner: Summons bad things, has a nasty smoking habit coupled with a poisonous blast, possessed by an elder horror
⢠monsters/vgoblin_chief (35) - Vile Goblin Chieftain: Speaks softly, but carries a big stick - studded with cursed skulls, which launch forth to chew your face off!
⢠Some Blood Goblins can periodically throw Greek fire, while some Vile Goblins can toss poisonous bile at you. Such goblins keep these unstable materials stored in a quiver on their backs.
Other Goblins
⢠monsters/hobgoblin (20) - A goblin, all growed up
⢠monsters/hobgoblin_archer (20) - A goblin, all growed up, with a bow and jagged arrows
⢠monsters/hobgoblin_berserker (25) - A goblin, all growed up, and on crack
- Hobgoblins don't jump around as much as their tinier counterparts - but they can easily leap at targets perched above them, if need be. (More lore info available when wiki is resurrected.)
⢠monsters/sgoblin (25) - Shadow goblins - these annoying little buggers vanish at will
⢠Older goblins use the new model but demonstrate same old behavior (although hit range was a bit nerfed.)
New Kharaztorant Culists
⢠monsters/k_larva_black (30) - Black Kharaztorant Larva
- About double the strength of the red larva, more affliction oriented, cold resistant
- Pukes up blinding poison all over nearby opponents
⢠monsters/k_childre_black (35) - Black Kharaztorant Childre
- About double the strength of red childre, more affliction oriented, cold resistant
- Fires spore clouds and has a repelling poisonous burst attack
⢠monsters/k_childre_boss (35) - Black Kharaztorant Hierophant (aka. Kruxus the Corrupting Shadow)
- Elder black childre, much stronger, capable of raining down storms of poison spores, much improved ethereal shift.
- Requires a fair amount of headroom for optimum functionality.
⢠monsters/k_elder (25)
- Elder Kharaztorant Cultists with nasty, although specialized, powers
- Comes in fire, lightning, poison, and cold variants
- These monsters are designed to keep a single player in check, but not be as much of a threat to a group of players. They tend to focus one player to the exclusion of all others, then use cheap magic effects to inhibit his movement and/or pin him in place.
- Suggest avoiding using more than one lightning variant in the same location, as the tempent spam would be heavy. Also beware that lightning variants may send players flying upward into places you do not want them to be able to reach.
- To define variants, use the "Additional Parameters" (params) property:
- " type_fire ", " type_poison ", " type_cold ", or " type_lightning ", accordingly
⢠monsters/k_hollow_one (35)
- This is the apex of Kharaztorant evolution, should they avoid mutating into one sort of beast or another. The Hollow Ones have access to a massive array of spells and abilities.
- Give these guys some head room, as they can fly.
- You cannot have more than one alive at the same time due to the way the client effects are designed. (Use dmgmulti or hpmulti, if ye must)
- They are intensive tempent users, but designed to hold their own against small groups of players without escort.
- Offensive abilities include... (in order of deployment)
? Spawn Corpse Light
- Corpse light's are ethereal beings that slowly drain mana from targets until they die
- They appear as very slow moving translucent blue flames
- They are absolutely indestructible, although they do expire over time, or when their target dies
- (These beasts are entirely client side and inclusive to the Hollow One's script, so they cannot be produced individually. The Hollow One may maintain up to 8 at any given time - although with the expire time and frequency he deploys them, one is unlikely to see more than 4.)
? Guided Fire Ball - slow moving, client side AOE fire ball
? Guided Ice Ball - slow moving, client side AOE ice ball
? Fire Breath* (duckable) - Breaths fire in a 360 arc
? Ice Spiral - Raises ice spikes from the ground in an outward moving spiral
? Poison Breath* (duckable) - Blinding poison, in a 360 arc
? Magic Cage (projectile) - Immobilizes (although does not paralyze) a single target for 30 seconds.
? * Skips these parts of his cycle while in flight
- Defensive abilities include...
? Static Field - approaching too close to the Hollow One will result in a repulsive shock
(Trick is to get close enough to do melee damage, but not so close as to get zapped.)
? Shadow Shift - The Hollow One will occasionally dodge blows by teleporting short distances ( He will not do this while using either of the next two defensive abilities: )
? Mirror Image - The Hollow One can vanish and create multiple decoy images of himself.
? Flight - The Hollow One can choose to fly through the air and rain death down on opponents from above.
- Forms a pattern of sprites in the vague image of a dragon on death
⢠monsters/mummy_fodder [25] - Crypt Fiend
- Basic, slow moving mummy. May rise up from the dead again, much like the skeletons do, but he's a bit less obvious about it.
- Beware that, like skeletons, mummies that get up again will trigger any fireallperish events when they die the first time. So if you have a gauntlet going, some mummies left behind may get up again to join the battle in the next section.
⢠monsters/mummy_fodder [30] - Mummified Slave
- Slightly faster, slightly stronger. If you get too close, it may bite your head off. Like the Crypt Fiend, these have a habit of not staying down. (It's just these two actually, all the following are 1 shot wonders.)
⢠monsters/mummy_cursed [30] - Cursed Crypt Fiend
- This crypt fiend has a red glowing aura around it that prevents players from getting near, and a stretchy-arm Dhalsim style attack that reaches just beyond it. This forces players, more or less, to take out the beast with projectile weaponry. It is recommend that you avoid using more than one of these per encounter (maybe two, in a very large room). Additionally, these guys will periodically puke up blinding bile.
⢠monsters/mummy_warrior1 [30] - Mummified Slave Driver
- Faster, tougher, and armed with a random weapon, these guys will run up to you and give you the beat down.
⢠monsters/mummy_warrior1b [30] - Mummified Swordsman
- Similar to the Slave Driver, but a bit meaner, faster, and with a two prong sword
⢠monsters/mummy_warrior1c [30] - Mummified Legionnaire
- As above, but this time with a spear he can throw
⢠monsters/mummy_cleric [35] - Mummified High Priest
- These monsters will attempt to stay at the back of the battle lines and heal other mummies. They will not heal other types of undead or allies. While this guy lives, other mummies will be neigh impossible to kill.
- Do not use more than one Mummified High Priest per encounter. While they will not heal themselves, they will heal one another, and it'd take quite a gang bang to take down two of them healing one another.
- Note also that High Priests can heal other mummies as far away as 1024 units - and ignore walls when they do. While it is possible to have a cleric healing mummies from a separate chamber, I wouldn't recommend it, as it is not exactly intuitive.
⢠monsters/mummy_ice [35] - Mummified Ice Lord
- Has a blue glowing aura that will freeze anyone who gets near, and freezing ice breath that'll harm and slow players at a fair distance. If a player is frozen within their aura, the mummy will attempt to bite his head off before he escapes (not that there's much hope of this, even with strong cold resistance.)
⢠monsters/mummy_necro [35] - Mummified Necromonger
- This necromancer has a really weird looking aura that damages anyone nearby for about the same rate of damage as the golden skeleton's Circle of Death.
- Additionally, he can summon a number wraiths equal to the number of players on the server (minimum 2). For a description of these, see entry for monsters/wraith.
⢠monsters/mummy_warrior2 [40] - Mummified Warrior
- Similar to the Slave Drivers but with cleaner bandages, and much stronger.
⢠monsters/mummy_warrior2b [40] - Mummified Flameguard
- As the Warrior, but with a magic flaming sword. Also, unlike all the other mummies, this one is flame resistant and cold vulnerable.
⢠monsters/mummy_warrior2c [40] - Mummified Warlord
- He works similarly to the Legionnaire, but he's a LOT stronger, and his pike is magical. It's a bit easier to dodge, but if he hits you with it, you're frozen in place inside a magical cage for at least 10 seconds. You can still attack while inside this cage - but this guy will easily out reach you with his pike and poke you to death very quickly. This makes him neigh impossible to solo, but a gang bang of like level characters should be able to do him in, as he can only freeze one player every 20 seconds or so, and, like most monsters, tends to retaliate on the nearest opponent.
⢠monsters/mummy_storm_pharaoh [40] - Pharaoh of Storms
- This royal bastard has a lightning shield that prevents attackers from getting near, a big pike to poke players with, and lightning breath and beams with which to bring the pain to those out of reach.
Note that all the breath weapons and auras work through walls (it'd be rough on the server to combine them with a traceline - and neigh impossible in the pharaoh's case.)
Mummy Additional Parameters:
Mummies all share two optional additional parameters you can add via the property of the same name in their msmonster_xxx:
- Mummies with this parameter will spawn in a sort of meditative squatting position. They will not attack until players come near, and within their FOV - or they are attacked. When they slay all the players around, they'll resume squatting, a few seconds later, near where the last player fell.
- Mummies with this parameter will spawn eating off the floor, as if ravaging a fallen corpse. Feel free to add a corpse and blood decals if you wish. They will not be disturbed from their meal unless a player gets VERY close (from the front) or strikes them. Once they've killed a player, if there are no more around, they will resume their munching activities on the resulting corpse.
I don't recommend using spawn_squatting or spawn_eating on any mummy with an aura (ie. mummy_cursed / mummy_ice) as it may cause odd visual effects. These parameters are likely best used with fodder, slave, and warrior types. It could also be used as a "trap" in a lower level dungeon - ie. a mummy you have to sneak past - although if the first player who encounters it manages to live long enough to drag it to where it's blocking a corridor, it could be the end of the line for him and any like-leveled friends.
Mummies using spawn_squatting or spawn_eating will not respond unless the described conditions are met - even if their allies nearby are in combat. This behavior maybe altered on request.
You can force a squatting or munching mummy to rise on que by using the ms_npcscript event "mummy_getup_now".
You can force ALL mummies on the map, squatting or eating, to get up at once by spawning an NPC with the scriptname: monsters/mummies_getup. This NPC is temporary, so you can use it for subsequent groups of mummies (for instance, in multiple rooms). An example usage of this would be to have all the squatting mummies get up when a player nears a sacred object.
⢠setup_mummy_mace, setup_mummy_axe, setup_mummy_sword
- Any one of these additional params can be used on lesser warrior types (monsters/mummy_warrior1 and monsters/mummy_warrior2) to force a particular weapon, rather than choosing one at random.
- Mace wielding mummies have a chance of stunning enemies.
- Axe wielding mummies have a bit more HP.
- Sword wielding mummies are a bit weaker, but hit harder.
- Makes mummies that might get up again after death, not do so.
Skeletal Archers:
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer1 [20]
- Roughly Calruin'd leveled basic skeleton archer.
- Skeleton may fake death (a bit subtler than the default skeleton's method).
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer2 [25]
- Bit meaner, along the power of an Orc Sniper.
- Skeleton may fake death (a bit subtler than the default skeleton's method).
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer3 [30]
- Nastier armored archer, arrows have some knock-back.
- All the following archers also have arrows with knock-back of varying degrees.
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer_fire1 [25] - Magic fire arrows.
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer_fire2 [35] - AOE Magic fire arrows.
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer_ice1 [25] - Magic ice arrows.
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer_ice2 [35] - AOE Magic ice arrows (Freezes solid on direct hit)
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer_lightning1 [25] - Magic lightning arrows.
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer_lightning2 [35] - AOE Magic lightning arrows.
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer_poison1 [25] - Nasty poisoned arrows.
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer_poison2 [38] - AOE Magic poisoned arrows.
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer_stone1 [30] - Statue of a skeleton with a bow.
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer_stone2 [40] - Nastier version of the same thing.
Additional Parameters for Skeleton Archers:
⢠set_turret - Don't move and don't chase targets.
⢠set_no_fake_death - Don't get up again after death.
⢠set_rebirths - Get back up the following token times (eg. "set_rebirths;10")
- Spawn playing dead until a player comes near (invulnerable while sleeping)
- Stone skeletons will attempt to look like statues instead.
⢠make_sitter - Spawn sitting until a player comes near and in FOV (or attacks).
- Spawn playing dead and do not get up until receives event skeleton_wake_up or the NPC monsters/skels_wakeup is spawned.
⢠Skeleton archers are affected by monsters/skels_wakeup, monsters/skels_sleep, monsters/skells_deep_sleep, and monsters/skels_normal scripts in the same way normal skeletons are (see MAR2008a changelog).
⢠REMINDER: You can combine additional parameters by separating them with semi-colons. For example: "make_sitter;set_rebirths;5;set_turret" (sans-quotes) would make a skeleton archer spawn sitting, fake death 5 times, and act as a turret.
Undead Orcs:
Zombie Orcs have a messload of HP, but move and attack very slowly...
⢠monsters/zorc_warrior1 [25]
⢠monsters/zorc_warrior2 [30]
⢠monsters/zorc_warrior3 [33]
⢠monsters/zorc_archer1 [30] - Pulls so strong the arrows have some knock-back.
⢠monsters/zorc_archer2 [35] - Both archers accept the additional parameter "set_turret".
More of the Shahaddar Army
⢠monsters/djinn_lightning_lesser [35] - Lesser Lightning Djinn
- A lightnng Djinn ogre, similar to the Cleicert Boss (no summons)
⢠monsters/djinn_lightning_lesser_alt [38] - Lesser Lightning Djinn
- Alternate behavioral model of same, but better at operating with allies (no summons)
⢠monsters/djinn_lightning_troll [35] - Shahaddar Lightning Djinn
- Troll-based Lightning Djinn - throws AOE lighting balls summons guided lightning spheres
⢠monsters/sorc_shaman_elder [30] - Elder Shahaddar Lightning Shaman
- Nastier variant of the ye old dreaded lightning tosser
(Thuldahr still pending)
Torkalath Elves
⢠monsters/telf_warrior_bow [35] - Torkalath Shadowarcher
- Fires spiraling elemental mists from her magical bow
⢠monsters/telf_warrior_esword [35] - Torkalath Blademistress
- Angry gal with a Torkalath Not-so-Short Sword
⢠monsters/telf_warrior_fmace_dshield [35] - Torkalath Warrior
- Torkalath elven warriorsess with a fire mace and shield
⢠monsters/telf_warrior_idagger [40] - Torkalath Frostmistress
- Female Torkalath elf with a Lich Tongue
⢠monsters/telf_warrior_laxe [40] - Torkalath Slasher
- Female Torkalath elf with a unique lightning axe
⢠monsters/telf_warrior_pdagger [30] - Torkalath Assassin
- Female Torkalath elf with a poisoned throwing knife
- All Torkalath warrior types are 50% resistant to all elements
⢠monsters/telf_wizard_xbow [30] - Torkalath Apprentice
- This male Torkalath Sorcerer in training relies on his heavy cross bow and explosive bolts
(Torkalath Novice and Necromancer still pending...)
⢠monsters/snake_gcobra (20) - Has been updated for full functionality. The beast also now has a blinding poison gas spray, and his XP has been updated accordingly.
⢠monsters/scorpion5_stone(25) - Stone Scorpion (Big)
⢠monsters/scorpion6_stone(30) - Obsidian Scorpion (Huge)
⢠minibosses/titan & monsters/elemental_earth3 (35 - Boss) - The Titan: This huge boss requires 1150+ units of headroom, and the players must be trapped near where he spawns, as all his summons and treasure drops appear within a 512 unit circle of this placement.
⢠monsters/snake_cobra_boss (35 - Boss) - The Gargantuan Cobra: This mythic beast requires 250 units of headroom and is over 300 units wide. Comes in _turret variant, which doesn't move, but spits at anything it sees, and bites a breaths at what is in reach.
⢠mscave/shadahar2 (25 - Boss) - This new version of the remains of Shadahar only functions on mscave, and requires support scripts ( mscave/shad_teleX )
⢠nashalrath/kayrath (35 - Boss) - Big ugly tenticle plant-like mini-boss for Nashalrath
⢠monsters/lost_soul (15) - Think Doom.
⢠traps/splodie_skull (15) - A skull that drops down, bounces about, and 'splodes a few seconds later, poisoning all around.
- Best deployed as a trap due to it's limited life span and lack of homing instinct.
⢠monsters/wraith [20] - Wraith
- This creature is immune to all but holy weapons, and dark magic. He's also *slightly* vulnerable to lightning.
- He can float through walls and chase you just about anywhere.
- When near you, he'll hit you with a beam that drains your mana. If he drains all your mana - you die.
- He'll also teleport around if you get too close to him. This looks like an effort to dodge blows - but it's actually an effort not to get players stuck inside him. We would have liked to make him no-clip, so you could simply walk through him, but then you wouldn't be able to hit him with traceline damage or projectiles.
- Generally, they will not hunt for players more than 1024 units away from the spot where they are summoned/spawned - but they will chase them any distance, once they lock on. When they have no target, they'll roam a fair distance around their spawn point. They can also attack enemy NPC's (eg. pets) for hitpoint damage.
⢠monsters/cold_one [35]
- A nasty frozen necromancer mini-boss that decays throughout the battle
⢠monsters/guardian_iron [35-40] - Iron Guardian
- Huge and slow lightning golem with a huge sword and nasty attacks
⢠monsters/guardian_iron_charger - (Utility)
- If you spawn this before the Iron Guardian, it will serve as his recharge point
- Without a recharge point, the Iron Guardian never runs out of charge, and is thus a lot more dangerous
⢠monsters/bludgeon_gaz1_corrupt [30] - Corrupted Bludgeon
⢠monsters/bludgeon_gaz1_corrupt_mini [30] - Young Corrupted Bludgeon
- Affliction enchanted variants of the demon bludgeon.
The Marogar Ice Orc Tribe
monsters/morc_warrior - standard Marogar Warrior
monsters/morc_archer - standard Marogar Archer
monsters/morc_ranger - Marogar Ice Archer with Ice Bow
monsters/morc_icewarrior - Marogar Ice Warrior with Ice Sword
monsters/morc_chief - Talnorgah, Chief of Clan Marogar
And food for tribe:
monsters/snowboar1 - small snowboar
monsters/snowboar2 - medium snowboar
monsters/snowboar3 - omfg huge snowboar
I actually made this quite a while ago in preperation for the development of Oculus, and decided to share it.
Yes, I know it's long. 8)
New Beasties:

⢠monsters/skeleton_ice2_hammer - Frost Hammer [40]
- First of the next tier of ice skeletons
- This large ice skeleton wields two hammers and has a nasty speed attack
⢠monsters/lost_soul_ice - Lost Soul [25]
- Ice variant of the Lost Soul.
- (Aggressive flight model, freezing attacks, explodes on death.)
⢠traps/splodie_skull_ice [25]
- Ice variant of the splodie skull (bounces randomly for about 20 secs, then explodes)
⢠monsters/telf_wizard_novice [40]
- Summons a sphere of floating death that he can guide through walls
- Has repulsive shield attacks
⢠the_wall/forsuth - Forsuth the Frosty, for The Wall
- Extended escort mission character
⢠the_wall/elf_wizard_guard - Seeker Velend Varon
⢠the_wall/elf_warrior_guard1 - One of Velend's escorts
⢠the_wall/elf_warrior_guard2 - Velend's other escort
⢠the_wall/telf_necro - Ihotor, Torkie Necromancer of Dewm [40+]
- Current XP value assumes extensive escort
⢠the_wall/telf_leader1 - Azura - Industrial Strength Torkie [40+]
⢠the_wall/telf_leader2 - Ulectrath " " [40+]
⢠the_wall/telf_leader3 - Ivicta " " [40+]
monsters/ghoul_lesser - kewt lil ghoul
monsters/ghoul_greater - not so kewt nor lil (sry for funktastic ghoul models)
monsters/spider_turret - similar to calruin spitting spider, bit meaner, doesn't roam nor have close range attack issues
⢠monsters/scorpion6 - Dread Scorpion
- First of the 'really fooking huge' scorpion series (needs a lot of room to operate at 196x196 base size) (30+ miniboss)
- Strong poison, AOE stun + knockabout
⢠monsters/eagle_giant_thunder - Thunderbird
- Really big bird with various thunder/lightning/tornado attacks (30+ Miniboss, 0 to 60 in 5.7 seconds, 6 MPG highway)
⢠monsters/sorc_juggernaut - Shahaddar Juggernaut
- Really, really big orc, with a really, really big axe (35+ miniboss), these form the backbone of the Shahaddar Armies
⢠monsters/sorc_brawler - Shahaddar Thunderfist
- The Shahaddar answer to the blackhandâs brawler can teleport short distances
⢠monsters/sorc_guard - Shahaddar Guard
- Next step up from recruit
⢠monsters/sorc_warrior - Shahaddar Warrior
- A slightly stronger Shahaddar Warrior with thunderaxe
⢠monsters/gloam1 - The standard, jumpy, flesh eating, tropical/swamp/wetlands gloam (level 30 minion, or 25 mini-boss)
⢠monsters/gloam_ether - Ethereal variant (level 30+ mini-boss)
- See the wiki for more info on Gloams.
⢠monsters/fire_spider_spitting - Fire Spider
- Big shiny red spider, shoots bolts of fire
- Ditto, but doesn't move
⢠monsters/fire_spider_mini - Fire spider hatchling
- Only has 10hp but is guaranteed to be the most annoying beast since the Horror
- Latches onto your body or face at random locations, biting, and hindering your movement - must be "scraped off"
⢠monsters/fire_reaver_mini- Fire Reaver Hatchling (untested)
- A small fire reaver whose little volcano isn't old enough to be active, but it still has a taste for burning flesh.
⢠monsters/slime_green - Lesser green slime
- Bugger's hit and run projectile tactics make him hard to catch, he may yet chew on your poisoned corpse
⢠monsters/scorpion4 â meaner, but slower, giant scorpion
⢠monsters/scorpion5 â Gigantic venomous scorpion, lumbering beastie with some push back and heavy poison (more to come)
⢠monsters/wizard_normal â Generic variant of Keledros, goes straight into combat, you provide drops (use wizard_died trigger to respond to death event, post âreanimationâ)
⢠monsters/wizard_strong â Generic variant of Venevus, goes straight into combat, normal death sequence, you provide drops
⢠monsters/snake_lord â Generic variant of Slithar, goes straight into combat, does not summon skeletons, you provide drops
⢠monsters/elemental_air1 - Air Elemental - tad stronger than the summoned variant, and has great bawls o' lightning
⢠monsters/elemental_air2 - Greater Air Elemental - multiple guided great balls of lightning, prototype "true-chain" lightning, tornados - what more could an evil wizard ask for?
⢠monsters/elemental_fire2 - Greater Fire Elemental - The burning! THE BURNING!
⢠monsters/troll_stone - Troll made of stone (Troll Guardian, as seen in WW3d - rename at will)
⢠monsters/ogre_stone - Stone Ogre - actually been around awhile, just forgot to mention it (if you've had a lot of folks in MSCave, ye may have seen one already)
- Unlike the troll_stone, he's a level 30+ beastie
- Nasty lil bugger flies all over the place, attacks from above, probably suitable for 200-400hp range, lest you use them in groups, wildanimal faction
- additional parameter: start_perched- use this and the eagle will stay perched and idle until someone comes within 384 units and in its field of vision, or it is attacked
- Variants in order from weakest to meanest (est. level 300-800hp, all demon faction):
- monsters/eagle_plague - disease spreading, some knock back
- monsters/eagle_demon - fire effects, some knock back
- monsters/eagle_ice - ice effects, some knock back
- monsters/eagle_stone - damage reduct, lots of knock back
- monsters/eagle_metal - heavy damage reduct, lots of knock back, stun attacks
- Level 40+ miniboss
- This walking volcano packs a wallop and has guided explosive balls o' fire to boot
⢠monsters/wolf_ice (now works, thank MiB)- Winter wolf
- Winter wolf minions (30+) with freezing howl
⢠monsters/wolf_ice_alpha (now works, thank MiB) - Winter Alpha Wolf
- Ice wolf boss (40+)
- Summons uber blizzard (800 radius) at monster location or at the location of other/summon_point1 - if the script is present
- Also casts ice shield
⢠monsters/wolf_ice (untested) - Winter wolf
- Winter wolf minions (30+) with freezing howl and breath attacks
⢠monsters/wolf_ice_alpha (untested) - Winter Alpha Wolf
- Ice wolf boss (40+)
- Summons uber blizzard (800 radius) at monster location or at the location of other/summon_point1 - if the script is present
⢠monsters/zombie_zygol - Zygoli, The All Seeing (level 25+ boss)
- This giant zombie is invulnerable so long as at least four of the eyes he summons are present
- Zygoli summons these at a 64 unit radius from himself on spawn, each is 32x32, the zombie itself is about 200 units high, so this boss needs a lot of room to operate.
- Zygoli is weakened as each of these eyes is destroyed, becoming increasingly vulnerable to attack, but the zombie grows a new eye every three minutes
- The Eyes of Zygoli themselves have stunning lightning attacks and use hit and run tactics coupled with partial invisibility
- Zygoli also has a necro-energy beam that slowly drags you towards him
⢠monsters/orc_cata_winder - Orc Catapult Winder - this big guy winds up catapults
- First entry in "params" becomes the prefix for his events (see New Mapper Toys), this allows multiple catapults to be manned by multiple winders
- Fires <params>_fire every 7 seconds, unless interrupted.
- Fires <params>_wind 1 second later, and again, 3 seconds later, to toggle the catapult winding wheel
- Fires <params>_died on death
- Kicks players away from time to time, but otherwise concentrates on his job
⢠monsters/wolf - pack wolf
⢠monsters/wolf_alpha - pack wolf leader (slightly stronger)
- pack wolves will stay near their pack wolf leader (they detect their leader 2 seconds after spawning)
- so long as the alpha wolf is alive, pack wolves will flee no further than his location
- alpha wolves fight to the death
- hostile to pretty much everything, save each other
- (These are low level wolves for thornlands)
⢠monsters/wolf_shadow - Shadow Wolf
- This, much meaner nastier wolf, is a lone wolf. Stunning howl and fire attacks. (Don't place with regular wolves: he'll eat them.)
⢠monsters/ogre_ice - Marogar Ogre
- Just in case your standard ogres weren't mean enough, this frosty variant features freezing claws and damage reduction.
- Demon factioned to play nice with undead
⢠monsters/ice_mage - Ice Mage
- Frozen masters of the icey art trained by Maldora himself.
⢠monsters/maldora_gminion_random - Maldora's Greater Minions
- These things seem downright invulnerable! Or are they? Come in four random elemental flavors:
- monsters/maldora_gminion_poison, monsters/maldora_gminion_ice, monsters/maldora_gminion_fire, monsters/maldora_gminion_lightning
⢠monsters/skeleton_lightning - Lightning Forged Skeleton
- Golden skeleton with a lightning wand and a bone to pick with you
- Random hard animated elemental archer, each glows and fires a nasty arrow of its element
- Individual variants include: monsters/anim_archer_hard_fire monsters/anim_archer_hard_lightning monsters/anim_archer_hard_ice monsters/anim_archer_hard_poison
- PS. These buggers can fly
⢠monsters/anim_warrior_hard_poison - Enchanted Armor of Venom
- added to the anim_warrior_hard lineup, which all now glow the appropriate elemental color
⢠monsters/elemental_air0 - Summoned Air Elemental
- Floats around, shoots lightning. Intended as backup for Djinn Ji'Azolt
⢠monsters/djinn_lightning - Djinn Ji'Azolt
- Ogre lightning djinn boss: lighting with push, stun, invisibility, temporary flight
- Unlike previous Djinn, this monster is dependent on the map for his backup
⢠monsters/horror_lightning - Electric Horror
- If clones dream of electric sheep, this must be what they have nightmare about?
⢠monsters/shambler1 - Bog Creature
- Fugly, player sized, bog creature (pretty mean) by Shurik3n
⢠monsters/shambler2 - Shambler
- Larger, meaner, gooier, bog creature by Shurik3n
⢠monsters/fish_demon â Demon Fish
- A large red shark that smells your blood in the water (v. mean, horror flight AI)
- Remember, with fishies, you have to monster clip them into water, or they fly (working on ways around this)
⢠monsters/lightning_worm â Ethereal Vermicular
- This creature from dimensions beyond, brought forth by some twisted magics gone awry, is as strange as its name suggests
- The Vermicular will rise 256 units, and then circle in a 256 unit radius, hovering up and down -196/+128 units during its circling, it's max attack range is 2048 units (keep in mind with placement)
- The Ethereal Vermicular will ignore and pass through any and all obsticles in its flight path, including solids
⢠cleicert/fpriest - Ghostly Priest
- Mouthy NPC for Cleicert Temple. Fires "GiveCrystalOne" mid speech.
⢠lodagond/maldora_fragment - Fragment of Maldora
- This is a generic, attack on sight, no orc intro variant of Maldora, you'll probably run into in groups in Lodagond
⢠lodagond/maldora - Maldora
- Yes, the one, true, Maldora.
- This placeholder is fully deadly, and fully functional, but hope to add more tricks and intro/exit text later
⢠monsters/cold_lady - Cold Lady
- This ghostly apparition proves that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned
- Like the Vermicular, these pass through anything and everything. Unlike the Vermicular, they haunt their targets
- Cold Ladies will hunt any target within 4096 units of its spawn. It will circle 128 units from its spawn until it sees a target.
- These ladies are near impossible to solo without some sort of cold resistance, although for a group of players, they are only an annoyance... Provided there aren't a lot of these ghosts about.
- These are particularly CPU friendly, so feel free to add a swarm
- Shahaddar Orcs -
( After the death of Lor Malgorand, the founders of this Orc tribe took up residence in the abandoned lair of the sorcerer Shahaddar. Here they were able to obtain his powers, making them the most feared orcs in all of Daragoth. These are among the weakest of their warriors: )
⢠monsters/sorc_recruit - Shahaddar Novice
- This is the lowliest of the Shahaddar Tribe, yet he would strike fear in the hearts of all but the most powerful of the Blackhand.
⢠monsters/sorc_warrior_lesser - Shahaddar Warrior
- Carrying a Thunder Axe, this beast can usually be found leading small groups of recruits.
⢠monsters/sorc_shaman_lesser - Shahaddar Shaman Initiate
- A lightning elementalist with a shocking grip, this initiate has learned well from his masters.
- Bludgeons! -
(Someone get Little-G a napkin!)
⢠monsters/bludgeon_gaz1 â Bludgeon with a scythe he calls an axe, and he can throw it at j00
⢠monsters/bludgeon_gaz2 â Bludgeon with a big hammer
⢠monsters/bludgeon_gaz1_demon â Demon Bludgeon has additional armor and fire attacks, this is axe boy
⢠monsters/bludgeon_gaz2_demon â Demon Bludgeon, with hammah
- Currently all bludgeons are demon faction, so they won't fight with orcs, undead, or one another
- Bludgeons are all really mean (30+ minions) â the Demon Bludgeons border on insane mean (40+)
- Probably work out smaller and larger bludgeons down the line, and maybe shamans and the like
- Bludgeons have charge, can jump real well, and have multiple stun attacks
- Bear God Series -
⢠monsters/bear_god_polar - Bear God of the Frozen Tundra
- Godzilla sized bear with perpetual blizzard
⢠monsters/bear_god_brown - Bear God of the Thundering Plains
- Godzilla sized bear with perpetual thunderstorm
⢠monsters/bear_god_black - Bear God of the Black Forest
- Godzilla sized bear that sprouts trees of dewm
⢠monsters/bear_god_random - One of the above four at random
⢠monsters/bear_guard1 - Bear Guardian
- Fast moving angry bear wants your picnic baskets
- Kharaztorant Cult Series-
⢠monsters/k_alcolyte_random - Kharaztorant Acolytes (also aliased under: monsters/k_alcolyte )
- An introductory member of the Kharaztorant cult, bent on doing the will of the mysterious ancient dragon Kharaztorant. Each has a ritual knife that he can throw or use in melee combat. This script spawns one of the following four flavors randomly:
⢠monsters/k_alcolyte_red - Red Robed Kharaztorant Acolyte
- The Fire Adept has a blade that can set you ablaze.
⢠monsters/k_alcolyte_green - Green Robed Kharaztorant Acolyte
- The Afliction Adept has a blade with long lasting poison. He throws it very frequently, and thus is the ranger of the acolyte types.
⢠monsters/k_alcolyte_blue - Blue Robed Kharaztorant Acolyte
- The Ice Adept has a blade that can freeze and slow opponents.
⢠monsters/k_alcolyte_gray - Gray Robed Kharaztorant Acolyte
- The Phsyical Adept has a mundane knife, but moves about more than the other Acolytes, can parry, and has some damage reduction.
⢠monsters/k_alcolyte_ambush - Kharaztorant Acolyte (ambush variant)
- This version of the random Kharaztorant Acolyte will stay crouched still until a player comes within 256 units and in his field of vision. He'll also attack if notices he has been spotted, or is damaged.
⢠monsters/k_alcolyte_blue_turret - Turret variant of blue robed Kharaztorant Acolyte
⢠monsters/k_alcolyte_green_turret - Turret variant of green robed Kharaztorant Acolyte (both turret variants stay crouched, do not move, and throw knives like mad - there are no turret variants for the other two robe types at the moment, didn't see much point.)
- Kharaztorant Spawn -
⢠monsters/k_larva - Kharaztorant Larva
- Those of the cult who fail to make it past the rank of Acolyte when given "The blessing of Kharaztorant" degenerate into these twisted larval demons. This is the first of several stages that, say the believers of Kharaztorant, will eventually lead to the return of their master.
⢠monsters/k_childre - Kharaztorant Childre
- This, much more terrifying beast, is what the Larva will grow into, given enough time. This fast moving armored bundle of claws can throw fireballs and turn invisible. The ethereal shift, while invisible, renders it partly invulnerable to magic. Thankfully, it apparently can't attack while invisible, but instead likes to creep up behind its unsuspecting opponent and rake with its gigantic claws while manifesting with a roar. Rumor also has it that Kharaztorant Childre can also fly short distances. It is believed the next stage beyond this is the dreaded Fire Lizard.
⢠(see Wiki Entry for more info on the Kharaztorant Cult) [Lanethan inspired & approved]
-other- (Little Frodo Requests)
⢠monsters/horror2 - Elder Horror
- Meaner, nastier, armored horror with spore cloud
⢠monsters/bludgeon1 - Standard bludgeon, sans insane holy multiplier and Rox0rz comment
⢠monsters/bludgeon2 - Bludgeon Warrior
- Meaner, nastier, bludgeon, same old craptastic model, brand new craptastic sounds!
⢠monsters/uber_reaver - Ice Reaver Patriarch
- A gigantic ice reaver, enhanced by the magics of Maldora, level 40'ish mini-boss
- AOE stun, lightning attack, massive perpetual blizzard attack, quadruple freeze sphere attack, big ol bag of hp
- Invulnerable escort for the uber_reaver, comes and goes
- Must be tied to the a repeatable monsterspawn named "summon_skels" with 1 life for proper function with uber_reaver
- This troll lobber tosses giant snow boulders that break into fields of deadly ice spikes
- Good for juicing up level 40'ers
- Demon faction for easy placement (gets along with both undead and orcs)
- non-roaming variant of same
⢠monsters/sorc_chief1 - Runegahr, Shahaddar Orc Chieften (WIP)
- Semi-functional, but not quite ready for prime time. Can actually fight, but want a few more abilities.
- ATM he has various lightning attacks, a vampiric sword, and the ability to teleport
⢠monsters/sorc_telepoint1 (monsters/sorc_telepoint2,monsters/sorc_telepoint3,monsters/sorc_telepoint4)
- Places these on the map with Runegahr, or any other Shahaddar orc, and they will periodically teleport to them and/or their spawn point
- Creatures near teleport points will be catapulted away just before the orc arrives
- Multiply orcs can be used as each teleport point as a built in "cool down" time
⢠monsters/skeleton_stone2 - Stone Mason. Tough stone skeleton with dual weilded hammers. Stun attacks, summons rocks.
⢠monsters/skeleton_stone3 - Petrified Blademaster. V. Tough stone skeleton with a big sword. Throws peeps a lot (dangerous around hazards).
⢠monsters/skeleton_gstone1 - Greater Stone Mason (uses huge skeleton model). VERY mean. Creates storms of boulders that float around his head then fly at you.
⢠monsters/skeleton_gstone1_noxp - Same thing, but worth no XP, nor gold. (For Foamy's Trap)
Not so much "new" as "polished":
⢠Fixed up Undead Fire Giants and setup new scripts:
monsters/firegiantghoul1 - lesser undead fire giant
monsters/firegiantghoul2 - undead fire giant
monsters/firegiantghoul3 - greater undead fire giant
monsters/firegiantghoul1_turret - lesser undead fire giant, acts as turret (no wander)
monsters/firegiantghoul2_turret - undead fire giant, acts as turret (no wander)
monsters/firegiantghoul3_turret - greater undead fire giant, acts as turret (no wander)
⢠monsters/bludgeon - got an update and is actually pretty mean, and thus now worth some xp/gold. (Still funny as hell though, and no, we don't have a model from Gazomica yet)
⢠monsters/zombie - Like decayed zombie, but... not so decayed. (in game)
⢠monsters/zombie_huge - Remember Fred? (in game)
- weakest of the pending Stone Skeleton series - fast moving, damage resistant bastard with sword and shield. (in game)
⢠monsters/skeleton_ice - not new, but now has a shotgun. ^_^
⢠All the enraged skeletons (save the weakest) have a new model that favors the ability to run over speeding up the animation that caused the odd lag effect. (Specifically: Enraged Poisoner, and Enraged Ice Skeleton)
⢠Miniboss Minions ( monsters/flesheaterminion and monsters/bloodreaverminion ) have been moved to the "smart" model and are thus now much more frightening.
⢠Ghor Ash - moved to "smart" skeleton model, and is now fleet of foot as well.
⢠monsters/slime_black_small - black pudding
⢠monsters/slime_black_large - large black pudding, splits into small puddings
⢠monsters/slime_black_huge - huge black pudding, splits into large puddings (mean)
- note large and huge slimes and their children are "demon" faction while small slimes are "wildanimal" faction - this is to ease placement (low level areas tend to have more "wildanimal" types)
⢠monsters/anim_warrior_hard_random - random elemental animated armors, not new, but works now (mean!)
⢠monsters/slime_ceriux1 - tiny green slime - do not tie to firepershall events, buggy model forces buggy kill meathod - it will not detect
⢠monsters/fallen_armor_triggered - this variant of the fallen armor doesn't get up until he recieves the ms_npcscript event " enter_combat " (v.mean!)
⢠monsters/zombie_decayed - a weak zombie - zomg it sounds like brain bread! (even though its some other mod entirely)
⢠The following "no roam" variants of these monsters exist due to there being no monster spawns in edanasewers and the need to restrict their movement in said map:
- monsters/slime_ceriux1_nr
- monsters/zombie_decayed_nr
- monsters/slime_black_large_nr
⢠monsters/skeleton_geric - Alias for The Dread Knight Sir Geric, ww3d style. Note: New model, and in some ways (many ways), meaner than his cousin Lord BS.
monsters/anim_warrior_hard_fire - meaner, infernal animated armor
monsters/anim_warrior_hard_thunder - mean animated armor with lightning effects
monsters/anim_warrior_hard_frost - mean animated armor with frost effects
monsters/anim_warrior_hard_random - one of the above three selected at random
monsters/fallen_armor - new mega-boss "Armor of The Fallen"
monsters/swamp_ogre - still a bit beta (not quite ready for prime time), but good enough to figure a placement. This critter has a passive regen, moves fast, hits hard, and hops all over the place.
monsters/skeleton_soul_eater - this is, effectively, a generic version of Calruin, in case you need a creature of similar power, but don't want the title to go with.
Monsters/spider_mini_poison - double the hp of the standard baby spider, but also packing heavy poison - still more of an annoyance than a threat, but good for sneaking up on players fighting bigger beasties, biting them on the ankle, and paralyzing them.
- poisonous rattler
- same thing, but bigger
- giant cobra... Similar 'trap' concept as the regular cobra, but harder not to set off. (sleeps coiled)
- Silthar (level 25 miniboss), snake summoning bastard and apprentice to Venevus
- One-shot snakes summoned by snake summoning bastard.
- "Envenomed Bones" shoots poisoned bolts (same as Horror's but < damage). Unlike the frost bolters, he only shoots at the player he is facing, rather than all enemies in a radius.
- "Vampyric Poisoner" has a Bone Blade that lets him regen per-hit
- "Poisoned Spore" explodes into a poison cloud if struck hard enough or low enough on HP
- "Envenomed Blade" for two types of extra damage (non-roamer)
- "Enraged Poisoner" on crack with poison axes - not quite the same quality of crack that the Enraged Ice Bone is on, but still fast
- "Poisonus Guardian" slow moving, low damage, high armor skeleton that periodically surrounds himself with poison fog. (non-roamer)
- picks one of the above 6 at random - not a bad idea, as they tend to complement each other, and it adds to variety per map visit. Guardian and Sworder will go roaming if spawned through this random script.
* Poison bone series intended for levels 20-30 (depending on how many you use at once)
- "Venevus the Corruptor" yet another necro modeled after Keledros (just to piss off davidos.)
⢠ms_wicardoven/maldora - Fragment of Maldora
- Boss can handle small groups of Level 25-30 characters
- Summons images, minions, lesser rock storms (1 rock per player, up to 4), multiple lightning attacks, punch w/stun attack, dodge, erratic movement, protective repulsion shield (hoping to get Orochi to put a weapon in his hand).
- sets off the map trigger maldora_seal when ready to begin combat - use this to seal the room
- sets off the map trigger multilava every 20-40 seconds (intended for map trap)
- Maldora is immune to all magical attacks, although is still *somewhat* affected by holy weapons, and is affected normally by conventional weapons
- Spawns two orcs and has a conversation with them before beginning combat
- Summoned by the fragment, can *theoretically* be placed by themselves. 200hp, stun attacks, non-solid. No immunities. Silent. Goes down fairly easily
⢠monsters/maldora_minion_ice - nasty, fast moving skeletal maldora minion, elemental attacks
⢠monsters/maldora_minion_lightning - same thing, but different
⢠monsters/maldora_minion_fire - ditto
⢠monsters/maldora_minion_venom - xerox
⢠monsters/maldora_minion_random - one of the above four at random
- Each maldora minion above glows a color appropriate to its element and is extremely vulnerable to its opposing element, in addition to being immune to its own.
⢠dq/voldaraxer - Beefier version of the old dq/voldarwarrior, with an envenomed axe
⢠dq/voldararcher - On par with the monsters/orc_sniper, but has v. nasty poison arrows
⢠dq/voldararcher_turret - non-roaming version of same
⢠dq/voldarshaman - Voldar's Shaman's enchanted by Malodra (read: possessed by horrors)
⢠dq/voldar - severe beefing, lots of tricks (acid cloud, acid bolts, stun, eggs), still in the level 20-25 mini-boss range
- comes up as Orc Poisoner on maps where he is not featured (for generic deployment)
⢠monsters/bandit_elite - series of 1337 bandits, each with its own magic weapon and/or special abilities, similar to those of players.
=⢠monsters/bandit_elite_unarmed - bandit martial artist, with multiple kick attacks with stun and knockback
=⢠monsters/bandit_elite_sword - fast attacking bandit with a greater ice blade
=⢠monsters/bandit_elite_mace - dark maul wielding bandit with AOE stun attack
=⢠monsters/bandit_elite_dagger - boneblade weilding bandit with turbo-speed special attack
=⢠monsters/bandit_elite_axe - bandit wielding a large ornate axe with bull-rush attack
=⢠monsters/bandit_elite_archer - bandit archer with frost arrows and special multi-poison arrow attack
⢠monsters/bandit_boss - ye bandit boss series, levels 25-30, da big guys
- all bandit bosses appear as "Bandit Leader" outside of "The_Keep" (this can be undone as requested)
- all can use up to 3 healing potions, 3 elemental resistance potions, and 2 of 3 special potions
- all have special magical attacks and multiple kick attacks
- they also have a move they learned from playing too much Mortal Kombat (except Xaron, who needed quarters for laundry)
- this script randomly generates one of these six:
=⢠monsters/bandit_boss_dagger - Plevmus of the Hidden Knife
-- Armed with a flamelick, features flame burst, turbo attack, and leap attack.
=⢠monsters/bandit_boss_mace - Golgar the Hammer
-- Slow, but if you do get hit, you know it. AOE stun attacks, lots of hp.
=⢠monsters/bandit_boss_axe - Vultekh of the Runes
-- Rune axe, and makes proper use of it. Charge/leap stun attacks, lots of hp.
=⢠monsters/bandit_boss_sword - Kryoh of the Frozen Blade
-- Ice boy has blizzard and freezing sphere, in addition to what you'd expect him to have with the weapon on hand.
=⢠monsters/bandit_boss_archer - Xaron of the Orion Bow
-- Fires magical bolts of various types and sizes, also has a devastating scatter shot with random nasty arrows.
=⢠monsters/bandit_boss_nova - Demonicus of the Burning Blade
-- This flamer casts Flame Burst, Skull of Flame, Volcano, meteor, Firewall, and can parry attacks.
- This is actually an old script, but P|Barnum has officially abandoned his map project, thus this level 30'ish boss is now open to anyone who wants to use it. Large, rusty spartan-style, animated armor with dark sword, urdulian shield, and it's own model. Has no good counter for gang-bang, atm, but can easily be tossed in.
- This variant stays sitting until the event " enter_combat " is run on it via ms_npcscript.
- Throws balls of ice that burst into massively damaging spikes, upon hitting the ground. Designed to soften up level 40+ characters
- Same thing, don't move
⢠New bandit: monsters/bandit_mage
- Weakest of the bandit mages. This one casts Ice Shield on allies and throws fire-darts.
- May appear randomly in Keledrosprelude2 or during Helena raids (or with use of monsters/bandit random gen)
monsters/elemental_fire1 - Fire Elemental
monsters/elemental_ice1 - Ice Elemental
monsters/elemental_ice2 - Greater Ice Elemental
(Greater Fire, Earth Series, Air Series, and Elder elemental series are pending)
monsters/ice_reaver - huge honking beefy beast, these subsists mostly on giant polar bears, supplemented by the occasional wandering adventurer.
monsters/skeleton_ice - decayed ice bone (frostbolts) (sometimes has a stick)
monsters/skeleton_ice_warrior - ice bone warrior (sword with perma-freeze + frostbolts)
monsters/skeleton_ice_enraged - enraged ice bone (axes, frostbolts, + on crack)
monsters/skeleton_ice_lord - ice bone lord (omfgwtfh4x 3 stage boss)
- immune to fire and cold (doesn't need a hazard to back him up)
- stage1: greater circle of frost (plays wid ya)
- stage2: sphere of ice (torchers ya )
- stage3: speed^ + clubs of dewm + regen (no more tricks, just opens a raw can of wupass)
- ...looks so feminine, I'll see if I can find an alien to do the voice for it...
monsters/orc_shaman_fire_turret - stationary fire shaman, as promised
monsters/orc_brawler - huge angry orc armed with large fists (lots of stun atks)
monsters/morc_shaman_ice - Marogar Ice Shaman
monsters/morc_shaman_ice_turret - Same thang, don't move
monsters/morc_shaman_ice_nobliz - You can't use the above two in groups, use these if you want multiple ice shamans
monsters/morc_shaman_ice_turret_nobliz - again, sans the blizzard effect for group therapy.
mosnters/snow_boar1 &2&3 - (model now standard)
[all monster/morc_XXX models are standard as well, including morc_chief]
monsters/troll_fire - Efreet (model now standard)
monsters/djinn_fire - a fire djinn
monsters/djinn_ice - an ice djinn ( use kelerosprelude/troll_djinn for Ji-ax variant )
minibosses/flesheater - BD fix
mscave/Shadahar - traded his frost bolts in for CIRCLE OF DEATH, and a rare reward
- also restored his quest to its original intended setup (difference being: it actually works, but you'll have to figure the details out on your own).
- reads as 'Gold Forged Skeleton' when used on other maps (different reward scheme for generic application)
improved orc_sniper and bandit_hard_archer aim & tactics (also regular bandit, sans tactics)
⢠monsters/beetle_horned [25] - Horned Beetle
- This "small" beetle (about 3 feet across) can fly for short distances, leap attack, and bash players about with its horn.
⢠monsters/beetle_horned_giant [30] - Giant Horned Beetle
- Can't fly, nor do the short leap attacks of its smaller cousins, but this 8+ foot beast has multiple AOE and stun attacks, and can dish it out as well as take it better than the wee ones.
⢠monsters/beetle_venom [30] - Venomsack Beetle
- Farts to fly around, explodes into a cloud of nasty gas.
⢠monsters/beetle_venom_giant [35] - Giant Venomsack
- Giant version of same, minus flight, plus poison aura, plus AOE stun slam, plus breath of eye-watering gas.
⢠monsters/beetle_fire [35] - Fire Beetle
- Spits fire, explodes.
⢠monsters/beetle_fire [40] - Giant Fire Beetle
- As above, but meaner, larger, and flightless. AOE stun slam attack. Spits fire at multiple targets.
- Scarabs crawl around slowly, then leap at and latch onto enemies, immobilizing them, while chewing their way inside to the juicy bits.
- Once sated, the Scarab will fall off and run away, to burn off some calories, before making another run.
- Each scarab latched onto a target multiplies the damage of all scarabs attached to said target. (So, individually, not very threatening - but in a group, very deadly).
- Scarabs only have partial AI's, to allow swarms to be easier on servers. This means they will ignore most additional parameters (but should accept npc_suicide, name changes, and dmg/hpmultis).
- They are very small, and thus very difficult to hit.
⢠monsters/scarab_fire [20*] - Golden Scarab
- Burns, in addition to the usual synergistic chew damage.
⢠monsters/scarab_fire [20*] - Jade Scarab
- Poisons, in addition to the usual synergistic chew damage.
- * Level estimates are for individual scarabs. A swarm of 10 or so should suffice for level 40.
Goblins - Surviving experiments of Lor Mal that didn't quite make it into the war.
⢠Blood Goblins: Nasty, agile, fast moving goblins with a burning thirst for blood:
⢠monsters/bgoblin (25) - Blood Goblin Fodder comes in three very acrobatic varieties
⢠monsters/bgoblin_skirmisher (25) - Blood Goblin Skirmisher: V. Fast and agile skirmisher with a burning saber
⢠monsters/bgoblin_guard (30) - Blood Goblin Guard: Beefier, although not as agile, comes in 2 varieties, one with a flaming axe
⢠monsters/bgoblin_shaman (30) - Blood Goblin Evoker: Fire galore: balls, walls, and elementals. Dies to reveal the greater fire elemental trapped within.
⢠monsters/bgoblin_chief (30) - Blood Goblin Chieftain: bigger hobgoblin with a big fiery axe, fire breath, stun attacks, armor, and all the agility of the wee ones.
⢠Vile Goblins: Venomous beasts of similar bent to their Blood Goblin brethren:
⢠monsters/vgoblin (25) - Vile Goblin Fodder: three flavors, slightly weaker than the Blood's fodder, but annoying in their own way
⢠monsters/vgoblin_archer (25) - Vile Goblin Needler: rains down tiny poisoned arrows
⢠monsters/vgoblin_guard (30) - Vile Goblin Guard: Slower moving and tougher in their leather armor, they wield deadly poisoned blades
⢠monsters/vgoblin_shaman (30) - Vile Goblin Poisoner: Summons bad things, has a nasty smoking habit coupled with a poisonous blast, possessed by an elder horror
⢠monsters/vgoblin_chief (35) - Vile Goblin Chieftain: Speaks softly, but carries a big stick - studded with cursed skulls, which launch forth to chew your face off!
⢠Some Blood Goblins can periodically throw Greek fire, while some Vile Goblins can toss poisonous bile at you. Such goblins keep these unstable materials stored in a quiver on their backs.
Other Goblins
⢠monsters/hobgoblin (20) - A goblin, all growed up
⢠monsters/hobgoblin_archer (20) - A goblin, all growed up, with a bow and jagged arrows
⢠monsters/hobgoblin_berserker (25) - A goblin, all growed up, and on crack
- Hobgoblins don't jump around as much as their tinier counterparts - but they can easily leap at targets perched above them, if need be. (More lore info available when wiki is resurrected.)
⢠monsters/sgoblin (25) - Shadow goblins - these annoying little buggers vanish at will
⢠Older goblins use the new model but demonstrate same old behavior (although hit range was a bit nerfed.)
New Kharaztorant Culists
⢠monsters/k_larva_black (30) - Black Kharaztorant Larva
- About double the strength of the red larva, more affliction oriented, cold resistant
- Pukes up blinding poison all over nearby opponents
⢠monsters/k_childre_black (35) - Black Kharaztorant Childre
- About double the strength of red childre, more affliction oriented, cold resistant
- Fires spore clouds and has a repelling poisonous burst attack
⢠monsters/k_childre_boss (35) - Black Kharaztorant Hierophant (aka. Kruxus the Corrupting Shadow)
- Elder black childre, much stronger, capable of raining down storms of poison spores, much improved ethereal shift.
- Requires a fair amount of headroom for optimum functionality.
⢠monsters/k_elder (25)
- Elder Kharaztorant Cultists with nasty, although specialized, powers
- Comes in fire, lightning, poison, and cold variants
- These monsters are designed to keep a single player in check, but not be as much of a threat to a group of players. They tend to focus one player to the exclusion of all others, then use cheap magic effects to inhibit his movement and/or pin him in place.
- Suggest avoiding using more than one lightning variant in the same location, as the tempent spam would be heavy. Also beware that lightning variants may send players flying upward into places you do not want them to be able to reach.
- To define variants, use the "Additional Parameters" (params) property:
- " type_fire ", " type_poison ", " type_cold ", or " type_lightning ", accordingly
⢠monsters/k_hollow_one (35)
- This is the apex of Kharaztorant evolution, should they avoid mutating into one sort of beast or another. The Hollow Ones have access to a massive array of spells and abilities.
- Give these guys some head room, as they can fly.
- You cannot have more than one alive at the same time due to the way the client effects are designed. (Use dmgmulti or hpmulti, if ye must)
- They are intensive tempent users, but designed to hold their own against small groups of players without escort.
- Offensive abilities include... (in order of deployment)
? Spawn Corpse Light
- Corpse light's are ethereal beings that slowly drain mana from targets until they die
- They appear as very slow moving translucent blue flames
- They are absolutely indestructible, although they do expire over time, or when their target dies
- (These beasts are entirely client side and inclusive to the Hollow One's script, so they cannot be produced individually. The Hollow One may maintain up to 8 at any given time - although with the expire time and frequency he deploys them, one is unlikely to see more than 4.)
? Guided Fire Ball - slow moving, client side AOE fire ball
? Guided Ice Ball - slow moving, client side AOE ice ball
? Fire Breath* (duckable) - Breaths fire in a 360 arc
? Ice Spiral - Raises ice spikes from the ground in an outward moving spiral
? Poison Breath* (duckable) - Blinding poison, in a 360 arc
? Magic Cage (projectile) - Immobilizes (although does not paralyze) a single target for 30 seconds.
? * Skips these parts of his cycle while in flight
- Defensive abilities include...
? Static Field - approaching too close to the Hollow One will result in a repulsive shock
(Trick is to get close enough to do melee damage, but not so close as to get zapped.)
? Shadow Shift - The Hollow One will occasionally dodge blows by teleporting short distances ( He will not do this while using either of the next two defensive abilities: )
? Mirror Image - The Hollow One can vanish and create multiple decoy images of himself.
? Flight - The Hollow One can choose to fly through the air and rain death down on opponents from above.
- Forms a pattern of sprites in the vague image of a dragon on death
⢠monsters/mummy_fodder [25] - Crypt Fiend
- Basic, slow moving mummy. May rise up from the dead again, much like the skeletons do, but he's a bit less obvious about it.
- Beware that, like skeletons, mummies that get up again will trigger any fireallperish events when they die the first time. So if you have a gauntlet going, some mummies left behind may get up again to join the battle in the next section.
⢠monsters/mummy_fodder [30] - Mummified Slave
- Slightly faster, slightly stronger. If you get too close, it may bite your head off. Like the Crypt Fiend, these have a habit of not staying down. (It's just these two actually, all the following are 1 shot wonders.)
⢠monsters/mummy_cursed [30] - Cursed Crypt Fiend
- This crypt fiend has a red glowing aura around it that prevents players from getting near, and a stretchy-arm Dhalsim style attack that reaches just beyond it. This forces players, more or less, to take out the beast with projectile weaponry. It is recommend that you avoid using more than one of these per encounter (maybe two, in a very large room). Additionally, these guys will periodically puke up blinding bile.
⢠monsters/mummy_warrior1 [30] - Mummified Slave Driver
- Faster, tougher, and armed with a random weapon, these guys will run up to you and give you the beat down.
⢠monsters/mummy_warrior1b [30] - Mummified Swordsman
- Similar to the Slave Driver, but a bit meaner, faster, and with a two prong sword
⢠monsters/mummy_warrior1c [30] - Mummified Legionnaire
- As above, but this time with a spear he can throw
⢠monsters/mummy_cleric [35] - Mummified High Priest
- These monsters will attempt to stay at the back of the battle lines and heal other mummies. They will not heal other types of undead or allies. While this guy lives, other mummies will be neigh impossible to kill.
- Do not use more than one Mummified High Priest per encounter. While they will not heal themselves, they will heal one another, and it'd take quite a gang bang to take down two of them healing one another.
- Note also that High Priests can heal other mummies as far away as 1024 units - and ignore walls when they do. While it is possible to have a cleric healing mummies from a separate chamber, I wouldn't recommend it, as it is not exactly intuitive.
⢠monsters/mummy_ice [35] - Mummified Ice Lord
- Has a blue glowing aura that will freeze anyone who gets near, and freezing ice breath that'll harm and slow players at a fair distance. If a player is frozen within their aura, the mummy will attempt to bite his head off before he escapes (not that there's much hope of this, even with strong cold resistance.)
⢠monsters/mummy_necro [35] - Mummified Necromonger
- This necromancer has a really weird looking aura that damages anyone nearby for about the same rate of damage as the golden skeleton's Circle of Death.
- Additionally, he can summon a number wraiths equal to the number of players on the server (minimum 2). For a description of these, see entry for monsters/wraith.
⢠monsters/mummy_warrior2 [40] - Mummified Warrior
- Similar to the Slave Drivers but with cleaner bandages, and much stronger.
⢠monsters/mummy_warrior2b [40] - Mummified Flameguard
- As the Warrior, but with a magic flaming sword. Also, unlike all the other mummies, this one is flame resistant and cold vulnerable.
⢠monsters/mummy_warrior2c [40] - Mummified Warlord
- He works similarly to the Legionnaire, but he's a LOT stronger, and his pike is magical. It's a bit easier to dodge, but if he hits you with it, you're frozen in place inside a magical cage for at least 10 seconds. You can still attack while inside this cage - but this guy will easily out reach you with his pike and poke you to death very quickly. This makes him neigh impossible to solo, but a gang bang of like level characters should be able to do him in, as he can only freeze one player every 20 seconds or so, and, like most monsters, tends to retaliate on the nearest opponent.
⢠monsters/mummy_storm_pharaoh [40] - Pharaoh of Storms
- This royal bastard has a lightning shield that prevents attackers from getting near, a big pike to poke players with, and lightning breath and beams with which to bring the pain to those out of reach.
Note that all the breath weapons and auras work through walls (it'd be rough on the server to combine them with a traceline - and neigh impossible in the pharaoh's case.)
Mummy Additional Parameters:
Mummies all share two optional additional parameters you can add via the property of the same name in their msmonster_xxx:
- Mummies with this parameter will spawn in a sort of meditative squatting position. They will not attack until players come near, and within their FOV - or they are attacked. When they slay all the players around, they'll resume squatting, a few seconds later, near where the last player fell.
- Mummies with this parameter will spawn eating off the floor, as if ravaging a fallen corpse. Feel free to add a corpse and blood decals if you wish. They will not be disturbed from their meal unless a player gets VERY close (from the front) or strikes them. Once they've killed a player, if there are no more around, they will resume their munching activities on the resulting corpse.
I don't recommend using spawn_squatting or spawn_eating on any mummy with an aura (ie. mummy_cursed / mummy_ice) as it may cause odd visual effects. These parameters are likely best used with fodder, slave, and warrior types. It could also be used as a "trap" in a lower level dungeon - ie. a mummy you have to sneak past - although if the first player who encounters it manages to live long enough to drag it to where it's blocking a corridor, it could be the end of the line for him and any like-leveled friends.
Mummies using spawn_squatting or spawn_eating will not respond unless the described conditions are met - even if their allies nearby are in combat. This behavior maybe altered on request.
You can force a squatting or munching mummy to rise on que by using the ms_npcscript event "mummy_getup_now".
You can force ALL mummies on the map, squatting or eating, to get up at once by spawning an NPC with the scriptname: monsters/mummies_getup. This NPC is temporary, so you can use it for subsequent groups of mummies (for instance, in multiple rooms). An example usage of this would be to have all the squatting mummies get up when a player nears a sacred object.
⢠setup_mummy_mace, setup_mummy_axe, setup_mummy_sword
- Any one of these additional params can be used on lesser warrior types (monsters/mummy_warrior1 and monsters/mummy_warrior2) to force a particular weapon, rather than choosing one at random.
- Mace wielding mummies have a chance of stunning enemies.
- Axe wielding mummies have a bit more HP.
- Sword wielding mummies are a bit weaker, but hit harder.
- Makes mummies that might get up again after death, not do so.
Skeletal Archers:
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer1 [20]
- Roughly Calruin'd leveled basic skeleton archer.
- Skeleton may fake death (a bit subtler than the default skeleton's method).
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer2 [25]
- Bit meaner, along the power of an Orc Sniper.
- Skeleton may fake death (a bit subtler than the default skeleton's method).
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer3 [30]
- Nastier armored archer, arrows have some knock-back.
- All the following archers also have arrows with knock-back of varying degrees.
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer_fire1 [25] - Magic fire arrows.
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer_fire2 [35] - AOE Magic fire arrows.
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer_ice1 [25] - Magic ice arrows.
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer_ice2 [35] - AOE Magic ice arrows (Freezes solid on direct hit)
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer_lightning1 [25] - Magic lightning arrows.
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer_lightning2 [35] - AOE Magic lightning arrows.
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer_poison1 [25] - Nasty poisoned arrows.
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer_poison2 [38] - AOE Magic poisoned arrows.
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer_stone1 [30] - Statue of a skeleton with a bow.
⢠monsters/skeleton_archer_stone2 [40] - Nastier version of the same thing.
Additional Parameters for Skeleton Archers:
⢠set_turret - Don't move and don't chase targets.
⢠set_no_fake_death - Don't get up again after death.
⢠set_rebirths - Get back up the following token times (eg. "set_rebirths;10")
- Spawn playing dead until a player comes near (invulnerable while sleeping)
- Stone skeletons will attempt to look like statues instead.
⢠make_sitter - Spawn sitting until a player comes near and in FOV (or attacks).
- Spawn playing dead and do not get up until receives event skeleton_wake_up or the NPC monsters/skels_wakeup is spawned.
⢠Skeleton archers are affected by monsters/skels_wakeup, monsters/skels_sleep, monsters/skells_deep_sleep, and monsters/skels_normal scripts in the same way normal skeletons are (see MAR2008a changelog).
⢠REMINDER: You can combine additional parameters by separating them with semi-colons. For example: "make_sitter;set_rebirths;5;set_turret" (sans-quotes) would make a skeleton archer spawn sitting, fake death 5 times, and act as a turret.
Undead Orcs:
Zombie Orcs have a messload of HP, but move and attack very slowly...
⢠monsters/zorc_warrior1 [25]
⢠monsters/zorc_warrior2 [30]
⢠monsters/zorc_warrior3 [33]
⢠monsters/zorc_archer1 [30] - Pulls so strong the arrows have some knock-back.
⢠monsters/zorc_archer2 [35] - Both archers accept the additional parameter "set_turret".
More of the Shahaddar Army
⢠monsters/djinn_lightning_lesser [35] - Lesser Lightning Djinn
- A lightnng Djinn ogre, similar to the Cleicert Boss (no summons)
⢠monsters/djinn_lightning_lesser_alt [38] - Lesser Lightning Djinn
- Alternate behavioral model of same, but better at operating with allies (no summons)
⢠monsters/djinn_lightning_troll [35] - Shahaddar Lightning Djinn
- Troll-based Lightning Djinn - throws AOE lighting balls summons guided lightning spheres
⢠monsters/sorc_shaman_elder [30] - Elder Shahaddar Lightning Shaman
- Nastier variant of the ye old dreaded lightning tosser
(Thuldahr still pending)
Torkalath Elves
⢠monsters/telf_warrior_bow [35] - Torkalath Shadowarcher
- Fires spiraling elemental mists from her magical bow
⢠monsters/telf_warrior_esword [35] - Torkalath Blademistress
- Angry gal with a Torkalath Not-so-Short Sword
⢠monsters/telf_warrior_fmace_dshield [35] - Torkalath Warrior
- Torkalath elven warriorsess with a fire mace and shield
⢠monsters/telf_warrior_idagger [40] - Torkalath Frostmistress
- Female Torkalath elf with a Lich Tongue
⢠monsters/telf_warrior_laxe [40] - Torkalath Slasher
- Female Torkalath elf with a unique lightning axe
⢠monsters/telf_warrior_pdagger [30] - Torkalath Assassin
- Female Torkalath elf with a poisoned throwing knife
- All Torkalath warrior types are 50% resistant to all elements
⢠monsters/telf_wizard_xbow [30] - Torkalath Apprentice
- This male Torkalath Sorcerer in training relies on his heavy cross bow and explosive bolts
(Torkalath Novice and Necromancer still pending...)
⢠monsters/snake_gcobra (20) - Has been updated for full functionality. The beast also now has a blinding poison gas spray, and his XP has been updated accordingly.
⢠monsters/scorpion5_stone(25) - Stone Scorpion (Big)
⢠monsters/scorpion6_stone(30) - Obsidian Scorpion (Huge)
⢠minibosses/titan & monsters/elemental_earth3 (35 - Boss) - The Titan: This huge boss requires 1150+ units of headroom, and the players must be trapped near where he spawns, as all his summons and treasure drops appear within a 512 unit circle of this placement.
⢠monsters/snake_cobra_boss (35 - Boss) - The Gargantuan Cobra: This mythic beast requires 250 units of headroom and is over 300 units wide. Comes in _turret variant, which doesn't move, but spits at anything it sees, and bites a breaths at what is in reach.
⢠mscave/shadahar2 (25 - Boss) - This new version of the remains of Shadahar only functions on mscave, and requires support scripts ( mscave/shad_teleX )
⢠nashalrath/kayrath (35 - Boss) - Big ugly tenticle plant-like mini-boss for Nashalrath
⢠monsters/lost_soul (15) - Think Doom.
⢠traps/splodie_skull (15) - A skull that drops down, bounces about, and 'splodes a few seconds later, poisoning all around.
- Best deployed as a trap due to it's limited life span and lack of homing instinct.
⢠monsters/wraith [20] - Wraith
- This creature is immune to all but holy weapons, and dark magic. He's also *slightly* vulnerable to lightning.
- He can float through walls and chase you just about anywhere.
- When near you, he'll hit you with a beam that drains your mana. If he drains all your mana - you die.
- He'll also teleport around if you get too close to him. This looks like an effort to dodge blows - but it's actually an effort not to get players stuck inside him. We would have liked to make him no-clip, so you could simply walk through him, but then you wouldn't be able to hit him with traceline damage or projectiles.
- Generally, they will not hunt for players more than 1024 units away from the spot where they are summoned/spawned - but they will chase them any distance, once they lock on. When they have no target, they'll roam a fair distance around their spawn point. They can also attack enemy NPC's (eg. pets) for hitpoint damage.
⢠monsters/cold_one [35]
- A nasty frozen necromancer mini-boss that decays throughout the battle
⢠monsters/guardian_iron [35-40] - Iron Guardian
- Huge and slow lightning golem with a huge sword and nasty attacks
⢠monsters/guardian_iron_charger - (Utility)
- If you spawn this before the Iron Guardian, it will serve as his recharge point
- Without a recharge point, the Iron Guardian never runs out of charge, and is thus a lot more dangerous
⢠monsters/bludgeon_gaz1_corrupt [30] - Corrupted Bludgeon
⢠monsters/bludgeon_gaz1_corrupt_mini [30] - Young Corrupted Bludgeon
- Affliction enchanted variants of the demon bludgeon.
The Marogar Ice Orc Tribe
monsters/morc_warrior - standard Marogar Warrior
monsters/morc_archer - standard Marogar Archer
monsters/morc_ranger - Marogar Ice Archer with Ice Bow
monsters/morc_icewarrior - Marogar Ice Warrior with Ice Sword
monsters/morc_chief - Talnorgah, Chief of Clan Marogar
And food for tribe:
monsters/snowboar1 - small snowboar
monsters/snowboar2 - medium snowboar
monsters/snowboar3 - omfg huge snowboar