Same thing I posted on it's too true to bother modifying.
Netrogor said:Just went and watched that movie. Gotta be honest with you all: it's a very poor movie. The only redeeming features about it were the amusement it had offered with the brutal slaughtering of any characters you would have deemed important title-characters or main-characters.
I won't give any spoilers beyond that, and this next one concerning the predator. Which is a long rant, and spoils everything concerning the predator.
Plot-wise, it blew. Dialog for the actors & actresses? Horrendous. Use of only one predator to respond to a distress call for his downed buddies, who crash not ten minutes after leaving Earth from the first movie, whilst giving said-predator a home world....!!! Those who have actually read about the Predator series know they shouldn't have a home world, anyways. That was god-awful, too. And remember in the first movie, there were like twenty predators all over the place on the main ship that was taking the body of their comrade home? Guess what: there are only two predators (they somehow magically disappeared!) on the ship when they suddenly pop back to it in this movie. And about ten minutes after leaving Earth... OH SHIT, the predalien is fully grown after ten minutes of gestating, the ship is down, crash landing in Colorado, fuck Antarctica! Aliens are supposed to have exoskeletons 100x harder than titanium? Wow, buckshot blew chunks in the aliens skull! This movie had more holes in it than swiss cheese. That's all there is to say about it.