Hi, after the downtime and server move this week my character seems to have poofed entirely and I miss him greatly.
Date: Thursday the 24th I think
steam ID: STEAM_0:0:204299
Character Name: Pinhedd
Slot: 1
Last thing I recall doing was killing spiders in Heras, no crashes or anything out of the ordinary if I recall. I simply logged out when it was past my self imposed bedtime, logged in a few days later and he's no where to be found.
Date: Thursday the 24th I think
steam ID: STEAM_0:0:204299
Character Name: Pinhedd
Slot: 1
Last thing I recall doing was killing spiders in Heras, no crashes or anything out of the ordinary if I recall. I simply logged out when it was past my self imposed bedtime, logged in a few days later and he's no where to be found.