Master Sword Classic's stat system had a complex middle man that gave the illusion the system was more complicated than it was. The prestidigitation involved having each weapon stat add a different amount to each of six stats (Strength, Fitness, etc), and those in turn were boiled down into the core stats: maximum HP, Mana, Stamina, and Weight.
The new system relies on race, faction, and title to determine those core stats, so the middle man of those six is no longer required.
Weight is to be removed as an inventory limiter, and the bar instead used for dynamic cool downs.
Similarly, Power, Balance, and Proficiency are to be rolled up into the core weapon skills. Balance is no longer a factor with the miss chance removed, Proficiency isn't an issue with the narrower power levels, nor is "twinking" in general much of an issue. Some magical powers require a certain Mana pool or Faction reputation, but beyond that, any character can wield any weapon.
Intent would be to use the same space on the "character sheet" for other purposes, such as Title, Faction Balance, Armor, and Training Points (which allow you to increase a weapon skill of your choosing or invest in Titles the character qualifies for).
Alternatively, we can keep them there to continue to provide the illusion that the system is more sophisticated than it is and retain traditional RPG stats, though they will have little to no direct affect on game play, as was the case in Master Sword Classic.
Other options can be discussed, though keep in mind the primary effort is to start on a simple and solid foundation as is possible.