Favorite in-game songs?

The Man In Black

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Jul 9, 2006
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It's ridiculous how much downtime there is at my job when code's compiling, and there's only so much work I can do updating my "I'm lazy" scripts. So, I'm going to write a bit about my favorite songs from the game. I would love to hear from all of you your favorites as well.

I always love game soundtracks, partly because they often do a great job of harnessing the environment, partly because of nostalgia. Often when I'm on break from MS:C I'll be browsing my music, see the MS:C tracks and think, "Nope. Can't do that or I'll actually want to work on that monstrosity again..." Inevitably, after months or years, I'll listen anyway (and that's why I'm back :wink:)

Waist Deep in Whispers (Thornlands exterior)

Thornlands has always been one of my favorite maps, and this one of my favorite songs. I'm not sure if I love the map for the song or love the song for the map. Thornlands is, in my opinion, exactly what a map in this game should be. I (too often) push to have someone make a map like this for mid/high levels, and regretably it's not something that can be so easily emulated.

It has many segmented areas of different skill levels to allow players who aren't particularly closely skilled to be on the same server without detracting from the other's experience. Notably, the "main" area of the map is mostly peaceful, save some orc annoyances, allowing newbies to comfortably practice the game or others to step away. It also allows for more general communication between players when you're not constantly trying to rush through battles and can play more leisurely.

That was a bit of a tangent, but it informs my reasoning behind loving the song. Waist Deep in Whispers perfectly captures the essence of the area. It has an exploratory feeling to it, a certain intrigue. Yet at the same time it's serene. We're going into the wilds, but at our own pace. The journey, not the destination. Whenever I hear it I also hear the rain sound effects and picture hunting a boar with a bow from the cave/cliff overlook.

Rebuilding Memories (Helena)

This one has a bit of sorrow mixed with hopefulness, which matches with Helena very well. The town receives more than its fair share of pain, but they naively carry on living in just an absolutely garbage location. Traveling there is a peaceful respite that won't last. Enjoy it while you can.

The map itself isn't terribly exciting, outside of raids, but this is the kind of music to just sit in a corner (or behind a monument) and chat with friends while whomever in your party does what it is they needed. I do remember a fair amount of reloading the map trying to find a vendor with cool stuff when I was new. And climbing the archer's tower or anywhere else we're not supposed to get.


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Haven't played in a while, overall there are plenty of decent soundtracks used in the game. There are people out there that think otherwise and resort to listening to their own playlists, which of course could be a better thing to do as it gets repetitive very fast.

Anyways, the first soundtrack that came to my mind is from sorc_villa. It is not even my favourite but it's the first thing that crossed my mind (probably because it's that one piece of released content that picked my interest the most), second one is something from the world walker series but i can't properly remember it, third one from idemarks tower (would definitely consider this one of my top 5, it has to be used more as i believe only idemarks tower uses it).

Other examples (quick listen from the music folder):
-gabe track;
-half life related sountracks;
-goodnight soundtrack;
-isle (top 5);
-chapel (top 5);
-orc_for, fortress/boss sound;
-demontemple/calruin sound;
-atholo music/also used in that one map with the zombie boss and floating eyeballs (top 5);
-thornlands outside (top 5);
-thornlands caves;
-phlames boss;
-thebirth (i believe this is used fighting hollow ones or the likes);

I do know there are some decent tracks missing from the directory probably because stolen content or w/e.


Epic Adventurer
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I'd have to agree with the Waist Deep in Whispers. A second favorite would be Isle.


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Sep 6, 2009
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This is the best thread in a long time. Lanethans soundtrack is my favorite thing about MSC. I even like a lot of the unreleased tracks from the 'ye ancient midis' folder and have remade a few of those tracks, to be used in the next patch.

Waist Deep in Whispers

I agree completely with everything you have said about thornlands as a map. One of my favorite things about this song is the oscillating violin line that echoes in the background as it rises and falls in volume. It sounds like endless rolling hills shrouded in a mist of choral harmony. This is arguably the best track in the game and definitely one of my all time favorites.

Rebuilding Memories

Another classic track that I love almost as much as Thornlands' music. The cello sounds like empty roads at night, dotted by glowing streetlamps in the piano.


This underrated track never made it out of the 'ye ancient midi' folder until I remastered it a while ago and it will be making an appearance in game next patch.

The original midi file has a more subdued atmosphere, using a harp where the remaster uses a marimba. The chorus patch used in the original midi is of course fairly primitive but the melodic line it plays is still indicative of a flowing river. The harp line also feels very river-like, whereas the marimba used in the remaster sounds more like dripping stalactites to me.

Now that I have listened to the midi again while writing this post, I may make a second remaster of this tune that uses a different reverb unit than the Karlsbad Cavern reverb used on the remaster, as well as replacing the marimba with the original harp.

Anyone who wants to give it a listen can check it out here:

Original midi: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xssc69hn7ggcrtq/MSLittleRiver.mid?dl=0
Remaster: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w4ujlsaeuqehq39/MSLittleRiver.mp3?dl=0

Reflections in the Sea of Fate

Even though this track was also never released, there is something about this music that captures the feel of "Mastersword" like no other. There are at least two mp3's of this track, although both sound fairly similar. The main difference is that the version titled 'Reflection' (instead of 'Reflections') uses a fairly booming and ominous piano for the lead instrument, and is a drier mix overall. The other version has a more glittery sounding, but more subdued lead and the background harmony is quite a bit more prominent. I like them both but I think I like the first version a bit better.

For those who haven't heard it, you can check them out here:

Reflection: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b4gpndo6om17eel/Reflection.mp3?dl=0
Reflections: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lwo0hslphys2foe/Reflections.mp3?dl=0

I may post more song reviews later as I am a big fan of the MS soundtrack.
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The Man In Black

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Jul 9, 2006
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I definitely see what you mean on MSLittleRiver about stalactites. It feels very cavernous, particularly a large, open cave. Also puts me in mind of a burial chamber for some reason. Either way, something grand and abandoned (agrandoned). My only complaint, albeit small, is that the hi-hat coming feels like it wants to build to something that it never gets to. Maybe just because I'm thinking as someone literally playing this track and they're not going to just have a guy sit at the trap and only hit the cymbal :wink: Very good

I think Sea is a very accurate descriptor, even if it's meant figuratively. Definitely feels like a placid body of water, probably something cold with floes, and desolate. Less so for Reflections. Maybe the same sea, but once the actual reflecting (whichever connotation it means) kicks in. Like the aurora borealis lighting the sky and water alike, showing visions that aren't there.

All of them are very good. Thanks for sharing.


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Thanks for listening with a keen ear, if I find the time I may go back and address the hit hat some time. Although I did my best not to touch any of lanethans notes and just swapped out his midi instruments with better VSTs, hoping to preserve as much of the nostalgia factor as I could.

MSTheWay (The Clocktower Grows)

This is one of the most underrated tracks of them all. It never got used but I have fortunately found a use for it in one of the maps that will be in the next patch. the song begins with a solitary piano line that, for some reason, makes me think of wandering alone at night amidst the vast plains of Daragoth. As the track begins to build with the introduction of more instruments it sounds like your eyes adjust to the darkness and can see all of the flora and fauna around you, and it starts to feel like you aren't so alone. The dueling pianos propel the latter parts of the song forward as it builds into it's most dense iteration yet, before fading out. Definitely another one of my favorites.

This one is worth checking out if you haven't heard it before: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q4gfv4nmzvz3bri/MSTheWay.mp3?dl=0

AsTimeCrumbled (You Slipped Away)

This is the music that plays outside of Gatecity. I suspect that Lanethan intended for the simple 2 bar motif that the choir sings throughout this song to be a "Theme of the dwarves" of sorts, because the motif gets repeated in another song called MSGatecity2 (more on that later). After looping once, the track begins to build, first with some guitar chords playing an "oom-pah" rhythm that sounds like it could be a dwarf mining off in the distance. The piano and metallic drums that enter only serve to increase this effect.


This track sounds just like a small but busy dwarven city. The song begins with a bass instrument that sounds short and stubby, with a metallic echoe over the top of it that sounds like a pickaxe at work. The drums then begin to enhance the effect while warm string lines wander about and interact with each other. I'm not sure if it's the textures used in the map that influences my perception of this music, but the entire song has a very "orange" sound to it.


This song is admittedly not Lanethans best work but it's still pretty cool because of how it weaves several different melodies used in other mastersword songs. You can hear this within the first few seconds, as the song begins by playing the aforementioned "Dwarf" motif that the choir sings in AsTimeCrumbled, except it's played by a deep cello or string bass. The song then builds in a similar fashion to MSGatecity, with instruments gradually layering on top of each other but unlike that song, MSGatecity2 is much more bustling and energetic.
Mid way through the song the instrumentation drops out and the "Dwarf" theme is played with minor chords in the strings before bursting into "The Endless River" theme that is featured in some the versions of the MSTemple music, which is, of course, used in the temple of Urdual, further hammering (pun intended) home the idea that you are in Dwarf town now. The music then recapitulates into an even denser version of the "Dwarf" motif before the instruments gradually drop out, leaving only the strings to play the "Dwarf" theme one final time.

For those who want to listen, here is the original midi: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qc5lpbrmtzw17vi/MSGateCity2.mid?dl=0
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The Man In Black

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Jul 9, 2006
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MSTheWay sounds vaguely like I'm on my way to die but I gradually come to grips with it and accept my fate. The beginning feels like it pulls at you, like you're on a minecart going inexorably down a shaft, chasing the dark away in increments by the small lantern you carry with you. Completely unknown. Then as it picks up you've reached a chasm, stretching above and below as you ride across a small, stone bridge. Other tracks far from you, similarly built just for function. Almost some of the pre-climax scenes in HL2 where you're traveling in the pod and see the enormity of what's around you.

Never cared for MSGateCity (AKA, Hammer Of The Stars) and As Time Crumbled (You Slipped Away). Most of the instrument samples themselves just don't sound right; alien. Especially the strings on Hammer and the vocals on ATC. Ancient Knowledge, Buried Below has much better vocal tracks, and would be a much better song if the main instrumentation wasn't so harpsichord-y.

I like MSGateCity2. Nobuo Uematsu does the same sort of thing in Final Fantasy games where he has a few main themes in the game which he keeps rehashing in different ways, the environment putting its own spin on familiar progressions (sometimes more subtle than others). It definitely would be better if it weren't MIDI quality, as one might expect.


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Sep 6, 2009
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Ancient Knowledge, Buried Below
Which track is this? I don't think I've ever seen that track title before. Is it featured in game currently?

I like MSGateCity2. Nobuo Uematsu does the same sort of thing in Final Fantasy games where he has a few main themes in the game which he keeps rehashing in different ways, the environment putting its own spin on familiar progressions (sometimes more subtle than others). It definitely would be better if it weren't MIDI quality, as one might expect.
The Final Fantasy soundtracks have always been big inspiration for me. It would be really cool to see more music tracks like this in msc.


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What I want to hear in game, and out, are generally completely different. I mean, I like the Borderlands dub step soundtrack, when I'm playing Borderlands, but would never wanna hear that crap at any other time. MSC is almost an inversion to this rule, at least while in combat, in that I'd almost rather hear it outside of the game. It's the perfect soundtrack for just lounging around the old school virtual wilderness and towns and such though.

I do like the intricacies and how well various tracks overlap, and the various remixes and recreations folks have done as a result. I suppose it isn't unusual for songs of similar tempo, but I like how you can layer Calrian's music with Chall's but the result is natural enough that no one notices the spooky atrocity you've created when you link up a video with it. (Shame I don't have that whole thing in much better quality - was about the best one could reasonably youtube back then.) Yet it still goes to the previous paragraph - perfect for wandering through that map, not so much for fighting hordes of skeletons in it.

The Man In Black

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Jul 9, 2006
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That does sound really good. I always thought Call of the Corpse (mschalls) was fairly lacking. It sounds mostly like environment noises and less like an actual track. Overlaying Rivers of Silver is a definite improvement. The beginning reminds me of some of the current movie trailer styles (Jurassics and Marvel) of playing a familiar tune one or two notes at a time.


Heroes of Dawn
Blades of Urdual
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The Reflections soundtrack reminded me of some 90's crime show ambience.


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(Waits for copyright strike against stop.mp3)

If you wanna spend a few hours editing your vid descriptions, I think those are all credited in msc/credits_betapack.txt. A lot of the formally copyrighted tracks still have their old names.

Though I noticed Youtube was kind with my old bug report vid, and properly labeled that Dead Can Dance track we used to have. Almost think we coulda kept that - I have a contact for Gerrard still from my old club running days, though it's probably no good, and it might be one of those "out of my hands" things, as they got pretty big. I know a lotta old goth musicians (spent nearly a decade running those clubs), should see what I can do. I did get permissions for several VSorrow/Chaste/Untoward Children tracks, just haven't found any of them real potentially useful (though I was saving one track for an end-credits scene, should we ever get that far). I know I can get tracks from Stone 588 (still talk to Terri), and probably Switchblade Symphony, The Shroud, Shiskabride, Faith and the Muse, just not sure if there's much useful in those discographies.

Heh, still have a contact for Rozz Williams in here... Alas, deadski :( (Not that we'd have much use for songs about lustful priests and nazis).