Character lazarus
Steam ID Steam_0:0:1029999
slot 2
Last time i played was about 7 or 8 arizona time, i guess thats 7 or 8 pacific, 10-11 eastern time. The problem is that my character devolved. I don't have an overall SC of 14, which i think are from a level or two lost in ice, and a few in affliction. Thusly, I don't have the hp and mp which was 427/270 and i lost 3k gold. If you can fix it that would be much appreciated. btw the answer is 42.
Steam ID Steam_0:0:1029999
slot 2
Last time i played was about 7 or 8 arizona time, i guess thats 7 or 8 pacific, 10-11 eastern time. The problem is that my character devolved. I don't have an overall SC of 14, which i think are from a level or two lost in ice, and a few in affliction. Thusly, I don't have the hp and mp which was 427/270 and i lost 3k gold. If you can fix it that would be much appreciated. btw the answer is 42.