Jens's / Meru's Trading Post


New Adventurer
Heroes of Dawn
Apr 2, 2015
Reaction score
Hey Guys, the following stuff I am looking for and have to trade:

Looking for:

Urdual Shield
Stormpharaoh's Lance
Chaos Axe
Shadow Lance
Blood Blades 2x

Stuff to trade:

Chromatic Vest
Torkalath Bows (all versions)
Ice Typhoon
Dark Sword 2x
Dragon Axe
Unbreakable Golden Axe
Raven Mace

...some other stuff could be possible just ask if you need something


New Adventurer
Nov 3, 2016
Reaction score
Not that I can play the game at the present moment, but do you do this In Character (IC) or Out of Character (OC)? I mean do you literally set up shop some where in a town inside a building or next to a stall or under a cliff dwelling with some shade or at a tent or do you just meet someone when ever and where ever to trade on the spot?

I understand the limitation of the servers of where you need to be on the same map with everyone else, but I was just curious. Would be nice to have player made /player populated towns for role playing sake. Maybe you guys do nothing but barter or alchemy and people slay monsters for crafting items or visit mines for mineral deposits and bring them to you for crafting purposes. You would not charge them the full fee because they brought what you needed and or more.

Could be an interesting character to play even if a traveling salesman or woman. (Although secretly you are ex assasians and this is your cover and you go out at night to stop evil or create it... 8) )