Only for Wii tough
The story revolves around Travis Touchdown, a stereotypical otaku who lives in poverty in the fictional town of Santa Destroy, California. After winning a beam katana in an internet auction he agrees to assassinate a hitman, Helter Skelter, which earns him rank 11 by the UAA, the governing body of assassins. For the rest of the game the player lives Travis' life, earning money and climbing the ranks of the UAA, eventually discovering secrets of his past.
Some gameplay:
The story revolves around Travis Touchdown, a stereotypical otaku who lives in poverty in the fictional town of Santa Destroy, California. After winning a beam katana in an internet auction he agrees to assassinate a hitman, Helter Skelter, which earns him rank 11 by the UAA, the governing body of assassins. For the rest of the game the player lives Travis' life, earning money and climbing the ranks of the UAA, eventually discovering secrets of his past.
Some gameplay: