steam id - 13 STEAM_0:0:1760490
Character - Slot 1
Time It last worked - Apil 27 , 2008 3:00ish am pst (GMT - 08:00)
What happened- I got a "reliable channel overflowed" error, i think it was because I got money hungry and started to pick up items to sell off and went to a town ( i know, im a noob). I tried the Char_recover but it wont work.
Character - Slot 1
Time It last worked - Apil 27 , 2008 3:00ish am pst (GMT - 08:00)
What happened- I got a "reliable channel overflowed" error, i think it was because I got money hungry and started to pick up items to sell off and went to a town ( i know, im a noob). I tried the Char_recover but it wont work.