Date last worked: ???
Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:2122886
Slot : 1
Reason : Reliable channel overflow
Was playing on Lodagond and grabbed to many potions from the "secret" chest on the third map and overflowed when it changed to the last map.
Since I'm not sure when it happened I guess a rollback to the 28th of December would work maybe? I think I remember it being on a Tuesday and it was a while ago.
Steam ID : STEAM_0:0:2122886
Slot : 1
Reason : Reliable channel overflow
Was playing on Lodagond and grabbed to many potions from the "secret" chest on the third map and overflowed when it changed to the last map.
Since I'm not sure when it happened I guess a rollback to the 28th of December would work maybe? I think I remember it being on a Tuesday and it was a while ago.