Spell ideas from everyone's favorite angry wizard...


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Aug 15, 2004
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A glacial palace in the elder forest of the north.
Some of these might rely on the possibility of being coded with a break chance. What I mean by break chance is a percentage chance of the spell's effects ending each time the monster in question is damaged. The purpose would be to make the spells powerful in some respects, but also balanced. I will not be proposing any numbers other than 'low', 'medium', 'high', and '100%' due to an amount of testing that would be required to be sure that the spells are not made useless by the break chances, as well as the break chances being too minuscule to make relying on the spell any sort of risk.

Not all ideas here may be possible to code, or possible to code viably.

None of these are meant to overpower the player, but to allow further variety in gameplay. Some of these may have encounters built around their use, or encounters just plain made hellishly hard to compensate for them being in game. Take these all with a spoonful of salt.

Crowd Control
The purpose of crowd control is to turn a very bad situation into a handle-able one. Some of these ideas may border on strange, but all can be useful in the right places.

Roots: Roots are spells that would keep a target from moving, but would allow it full ability to attack at full speed and strength. Single target roots would have a medium chance to break, where as multiple target roots would probably work out best with a high chance to break. Roots would NOT function versus (most) bosses. The main functionality of roots would be to keep a mob or group of mobs from wrecking havoc on a party dealing with other things, or NPCs who require protection, with a secondary function of assisting in the leveling of ranged characters to a small degree. They would also likely have short durations. Roots would have full functionality in pvp.

Snares: Snares are spells used to slow a target, and would function similarly to roots, but to a lesser degree. While the cons may seem glaring to the use of snares over roots, the pros are large enough to merit the use of them in certain situations. The pros are longer duration and lowered break chances. The break chances for single target snares would be low, and multiple target snares would be medium. Snares would NOT function versus (most) bosses. Snares would not effect the attacking capability of any mobs. Snares would have full functionality in pvp.

Calms: Calms are spells that cause a mob to stop attacking, but allow the mob to slowly heal while it is in an idle state. The reason for the healing is to keep people from using them for offensive purposes. Calms would be meant to temporarily lower the number of attacking targets the person(s) using them have to deal with. Calms would have a 100% break chance, and would likely not last very long. Calms would NOT function versus ANY bosses. Calms would not function in pvp.

Blinds: Blinds are spells that effect the ability of the target to hit things, and versus players the ability to see. While blinds are already in game, in spell form they would also contain an attack rating debuff (you would have to make a more difficult roll to successfully hit your target while effected by a blind). Blinds would likely not last very long, but have no break chance.

Buffs are beneficial effects. They may do various things and last for various amounts of time. I'm not nearly as enthusiastic about their inclusion as I am other things. These are just some ideas that popped into my head while thinking about the Crowd Control section.

+Heal Delta: This would provide a bonus to the number of Health Points gained from each tic of your natural regeneration rate. This type of buff would likely have a moderate or long duration to make up for it's seemingly little effect.

+Mana Delta: This would provide a bonus to the number of Mana Points gained from each tic of your natural regeneration rate. This type of buff would likely have a moderate or long duration to make up for it's seemingly little effect.

(Mana to HP): This spell would cause half of the damage received by the player to be taken from their Mana Points instead. To keep this from being too powerful in the wrong hands, this remaining half that is taken to MP would be doubled, effectively causing you to receive half damage to HP but full damage to MP. This spell would have a long duration, but would either have a low break chance, or would break upon reaching 0 MP. This spell would also remove the ability to gain Mana Points quickly from sitting, but would still allow a player's Mana Delta to tic normally. To fully benefit the player, a way to prematurely end the spell would likely have to be devised before implementation. (HP to Mana) would not be able to run at the same time as this spell. This would not be cast-able on other players.

(HP to Mana): This spell would cause half of the Mana Points expended by a player to be taken from their Health Points instead. To keep this from being too powerful in the wrong hands, this remaining half that is taken to HP would be doubled, effectively causing you to drain half MP, but receive full HP drain equal to the total Mana Cost of any spells being cast. This drain to HP would not be effected by Damage Reduction in any way, shape, or form whatsoever. This spell would have a short duration, would break upon reaching (low number) HP, and would possibly have a low break chance. This spell would also remove the ability to gain Health Points quickly from sitting, but would still allow a player's Heal Delta to tic normally. To fully benefit the player, a way to prematurely end the spell would likely have to be devised before implementation. (Mana to HP) would not be able to run at the same time as this spell. This would not be cast-able on other players.

(-% Mana Cost): This spell would reduce the amount of Mana Points expended by a player upon the casting of any spell. This spell would not effect either of the (Mana to HP) and (HP to Mana) spells. This spell would have a moderate duration, and likely a prohibitively high Mana Cost to require someone to likely have to take a break from combat upon casting this spell in order to regain Mana Points spent on refreshing this buff.

(+damage): These spells would give a bonus to the damage template of any weapon the effected player wields during the duration of the spell. The greater the bonus, the shorter the duration of the spell and the higher the Mana Cost. This would allow a small line of these spells to be introduced to allow characters of all levels to benefit from them. They would not be cast-able on other players.

I'll likely add to this later. Some of these ideas may or may not have been mentioned before, I can't be arsed to check... ;)


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Roots [Things that immobilize monsters, but still allow attacks]
Possible, and in fact, in the alpha script archives, we actually have an applyeffect for this (Hold Person). Actual roots would require a new model though - while Hold Person just uses a coil-shaped force cage. The vast majority of monsters are melee oriented though, so this would be a bit tricky to balance. The fx also might be a bit spammy for an AOE version.

Snares [Things that slow monsters]
We call it Blizzard. ;) (We may one day also call it Earthquake.)

Calms [Things that un-agro monsters]
This is the sort of thing that tends to break the AI. There is a flag, however, to make players (and designated monsters) "invisible". It doesn't work on everything, however, so there maybe some "exceptional" behavior issues, similar to those with the Freezing Sphere effect, but likely more pervasive, and more deadly.

Blinds [Things that reduce monster's hit chances]
This is what lightning does in the alpha.

+Heal Delta [Increase passive heal rate]
The Felewyn Blade does this when in holy mode, as does having the Heal Spell deployed, so it's viable.

+Mana Delta [Increase passive mana regen rate]
Also viable. The raven companion was going to do this.

Under the rapid-spell model I hoped to put together, you'd decide whether to concentrate on increasing your mana pool (for bigger spells) or increasing your mana regen rate (for longer sustained fire.)

Mana <-> HP
Well, in one direction, that's what Rejuvenate does - except at a phenomenally better exchange rate than you describe. (Divination/2 for self, Divination*2 for others, in addition to the passive rate of 5+10% Divination for each half-second.)

[Which, btw, is a f*ck of a lot better than the old version that stacked, and did 1hp per second per stack, each stack lasting for 5 seconds, while lagging the hell out of the server, that I supposedly "nerfed".]

The other way, burning your body for Mana could be an option... Perhaps a Title feature or item that allows you to start burning blood when your Mana runs dry. Desperate measure to be sure, even at a 2:1 ratio, even given how much higher HP tends to be than Mana. There'd have to be some clear audio-visual que to warn you that you were doing it, so you wouldn't easily accidentally cast yourself to death.

(%mana cost)
I wouldn't do that, as it would make the magic system that much harder to balance - would need to take the various levels of this into account, in addition to everything else. Seems more effort/risk than it'd be worth.

(+damage) - Add damage to weapon

Some of the title ideas would increase the outgoing damage if it was of a specific type. Elemental specialists... Pyromancers, for instance, would have any fire damage they do increased, be it via a spell, or a Nova Blade.

I'd like to see spells that enchanted your weapons, but there's the need to make FX for it, and the issues of trying to enchant weapons already enchanted (cause issues). Still, it'd be nice to be able to cast a spell, and then draw your shortsword with a sheath of flame around it, or what not.


Feb 17, 2005
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At my computer :)
how about mage armor? similar to how ice shield is cast , but it offers resistance to all status effects depending on sc lvl? maybe put it in divine sc?


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Some spells on the concept list were to provide resistance to specific elemental effects - amongst multiple players, in some cases. Some Titles were to provide innate resistance.

One of the spells on the Earth line was to be "Stone Skin". Stone skin works like Ice Shield, except instead of providing resistance for a set period of time, provides a set amount of HP resistance, until it crumbles away, based on your Earth casting skill.


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
A glacial palace in the elder forest of the north.
Thothie said:
Actual roots would require a new model though - while Hold Person just uses a coil-shaped force cage. The vast majority of monsters are melee oriented though, so this would be a bit tricky to balance.
I would prefer the force-cage looking effect, I'm just using my MMO terminology for these things when I can. And as for balance, that would come from a sufficiently high enough break chance. Due to calms breaking AI, I'd be happy with 100% break chance roots if it meant additional CC that didn't also apply a DoT.

Thothie said:
We call it Blizzard. ;) (We may one day also call it Earthquake.)
True, but in this case it would be without the DoT, and would get around some possible resistances. This is probably one of those ideas of limited use and not worth giving much thought to implementing, but it was on my mind.

Thothie said:
This is the sort of thing that tends to break the AI. There is a flag, however, to make players (and designated monsters) "invisible". It doesn't work on everything, however, so there maybe some "exceptional" behavior issues, similar to those with the Freezing Sphere effect, but likely more pervasive, and more deadly.
Ahh, heh... Well, as long as when things break, they break in a way that makes things harder for the player. Perhaps it could be thought of as the risk behind using the Invisibility spell.

Thothie said:
This is what lightning does in the alpha.
Yeah, but players can still see when they get blasted by Lightning Storm in peeveepee ;.; [/evil]

Thothie said:
The Felewyn Blade does this when in holy mode, as does having the Heal Spell deployed, so it's viable.
Good to hear, so long as it's not quite as fast of a tic-rate as the healing spell I'm thinking of.

Thothie said:
Also viable. The raven companion was going to do this.

Thothie said:
Under the rapid-spell model I hoped to put together, you'd decide whether to concentrate on increasing your mana pool (for bigger spells) or increasing your mana regen rate (for longer sustained fire.)
Very want.

Thothie said:
Well, in one direction, that's what Rejuvenate does...
I was thinking something more tanking oriented. As in, you'd cast the spell, then have a bit more effective HP to play with while trying to tank something. This would have to carry enough of a drawback to keep players from using it 24/7, but still allow it to be useful in certain situations.

Thothie said:
The other way, burning your body for Mana could be an option... Perhaps a Title feature or item that allows you to start burning blood when your Mana runs dry. Desperate measure to be sure, even at a 2:1 ratio, even given how much higher HP tends to be than Mana. There'd have to be some clear audio-visual que to warn you that you were doing it, so you wouldn't easily accidentally cast yourself to death.

Thothie said:
Seems more effort/risk than it'd be worth.
Aye, a very good point there. I only figured I'd jot that down because it popped into my head.

Thothie said:
If DB lasted for roughly 10sec (at most) and cost about 250mp (if not more) and maybe didn't have the DoT attatched, then probably.

Thothie said:
Some of the title ideas would increase the outgoing damage if it was of a specific type.
That'd be nifty :D

Thothie said:
I'd like to see spells that enchanted your weapons, but there's the need to make FX for it, and the issues of trying to enchant weapons already enchanted (cause issues). Still, it'd be nice to be able to cast a spell, and then draw your shortsword with a sheath of flame around it, or what not.
Hmm, that's an idea. Spells to enchant non-magical weapons, which would give folks a greater variety of possible equipment sets...


Thothie said:
One of the spells on the Earth line was to be "Stone Skin".
Are we thinking 2e Stone Skin or the 3e/3.5e version? >.>;


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Apr 8, 2005
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Borya said:
Are we thinking 2e Stone Skin or the 3e/3.5e version? >.>;
Basically... But unlike Mind Flayers and Dire Whatsitz, I don't think Hasbro can or ever has claimed copyright to the idea. ;)

I only remember the 1st and 3rd editions of the concept however. Didn't play enough 2e I guess.

Thinking maybe 75%+ damage reduction for 1000pts per Earth Skill level, until it colapses, or some such.

Hopefully can cause the player model to reskin to a stone texture, not bleed, and make clinking sounds when struck, and such. Most of that is script side, so should be possible.


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Jun 29, 2007
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Wouldnt it be easy enough to put a flag on all elemental weapons to stop them from trying to be enchanted anyway?


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Dec 31, 2004
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Thothie said:
Thinking maybe 75%+ damage reduction for 1000pts per Earth Skill level, until it colapses, or some such.

Hopefully can cause the player model to reskin to a stone texture, not bleed, and make clinking sounds when struck, and such. Most of that is script side, so should be possible.

Well, perhaps it could dimish from the point you cast it, i.e. it starts off at 100% with a 100% movement speed reduction, then you lose 10% damage reduction and gain 10% movement speed per second for the next 10 seconds (or until the shield has taken 1000 damage).


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Apr 8, 2005
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CrazyMonkeyDude said:
Wouldnt it be easy enough to put a flag on all elemental weapons to stop them from trying to be enchanted anyway?
Yes, it's a good sign how apathetic I've become, when I think running through all the elemental weapons and adding a new flag would be too much work. ;)

Tentadrilus said:
Thothie said:
Thinking maybe 75%+ damage reduction for 1000pts per Earth Skill level, until it colapses, or some such.

Hopefully can cause the player model to reskin to a stone texture, not bleed, and make clinking sounds when struck, and such. Most of that is script side, so should be possible.

Well, perhaps it could dimish from the point you cast it, i.e. it starts off at 100% with a 100% movement speed reduction, then you lose 10% damage reduction and gain 10% movement speed per second for the next 10 seconds (or until the shield has taken 1000 damage).

100% movement reduction is kinda cruel - hadn't thought of adding any at all, and I was thinking 1000pts damage per-Earth skill level, as 1000pts actually goes by pretty quick - ya just don't notice between the armor and the parries... Although, I have to figure if armor damage and parry reduction is calculated before or after the point where the Earth Shield script would re-calc the incoming damage... It'd require some balance testing, in anycase - numbers aren't final, hence "or some such".


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Dec 31, 2004
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Thothie said:
100% movement reduction is kinda cruel - hadn't thought of adding any at all, and I was thinking 1000pts damage per-Earth skill level, as 1000pts actually goes by pretty quick - ya just don't notice between the armor and the parries... Although, I have to figure if armor damage and parry reduction is calculated before or after the point where the Earth Shield script would re-calc the incoming damage... It'd require some balance testing, in anycase - numbers aren't final, hence "or some such".

Eh, touché. I just thought that perhaps a little movement reduction should be introduced, because at high Earth levels you'd get people running around in Stone Form soaking up tonnes and tonnes of damage and taking it in their stride. Plus, it would chafe one hell of a lot.


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Apr 8, 2005
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Well, no doubt, if we added a movement reduction, some jerk would go "OMFG! Stone skeles are just as fast as bone ones, so why do I slow down!?" *sigh* I hate folks who think that way...

If we did add a movement reduction, we'd have to increase the damage absorption to compensate... Maybe Greater Stone Skin spell, or some such, that alternately works that way.


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Dec 31, 2004
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Mmm, I guess.

Ooh, that reminds me. Could we have some sort of spell that return damage, a la Diablo 2 and about every other RPG ever? That would be pretty useful for an Earth mage. You could class it as a shield spell so it'll overwrite Ice Shield (but it's worth it).

Basically, at Earth level 1, Earthen Sanctuary will reflect 10% damage and give 5% damage reduction (both increasing by 5% per level). And you'll get a neat orange glow to boot. What's not to love?


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Apr 8, 2005
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Well, the idear was to introduce fire and lightning shields that would do that, as part of the spell revamp sequence. Makes a bit more sense for those spheres... Not a % return, but a shock/burn and possible DOT for monsters that hit you. % returns are a lot harder to balance, the way creatures and armor work in this game.


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
A glacial palace in the elder forest of the north.
Tentadrilus said:
Basically, at Earth level 1, Earthen Sanctuary will reflect 10% damage and give 5% damage reduction (both increasing by 5% per level). And you'll get a neat orange glow to boot. What's not to love?
Unless it was made hard as balls to gain levels in Earth, I dunno about +5% per level to either category.


New Adventurer
Jul 22, 2008
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Tentadrilus said:
Mmm, I guess.

Ooh, that reminds me. Could we have some sort of spell that return damage, a la Diablo 2 and about every other RPG ever? That would be pretty useful for an Earth mage. You could class it as a shield spell so it'll overwrite Ice Shield (but it's worth it).

Basically, at Earth level 1, Earthen Sanctuary will reflect 10% damage and give 5% damage reduction (both increasing by 5% per level). And you'll get a neat orange glow to boot. What's not to love?

An interesting spell concept but if it starts at 5% Dmg reduction and raises 5% every lvl of Earth you would have 100% dmg reduction at Earth 20. That in mind you would be able to effectively solo every melee mob in the game by just standing there immune to dmg while 105% dmg is returned on every attack against you. I could see it being 2% dmg reduction for every lvl in Earth magic, much like the resistance levels for Cold Helm and the Lightnig ring, but 5% is just too much. Even 2% would be problematic when higher level maps start being released and it becomes feasable to get magic levels near 50.


New Adventurer
Jul 22, 2008
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Age said:
RaphaelSolo said:
magic levels near 50.


I fail see undestand the source of your amusement, I already have many of my casting subskills at 31 and I know people that have them higher than me. 50 is not really that hard to fathom.


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Aug 15, 2004
Reaction score
A glacial palace in the elder forest of the north.
RaphaelSolo said:
Age said:
RaphaelSolo said:
magic levels near 50.


I fail see undestand the source of your amusement, I already have many of my casting subskills at 31 and I know people that have them higher than me. 50 is not really that hard to fathom.

Aye, if XP keeps going up and up like people want, it won't be long before 40 (I suppose 40 is doable now, although I won't try until I get my server issues worked out (BLASTO KEEPS STEALIN' MAH PACKETS)), and naturally, 50.