The Legendary Monster suggestion / idea / concept thread


New Adventurer
Dec 29, 2007
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A castle in the sky.
In results to my latest post in a thread that came up, I decided I was going to make my own thread in which I will post monster ideas and names and so forth that the mod may be able to use. I'll update it regularly and post my ideas and the such, and anyone else is welcome to join in and post their monster ideas!

Orc Warrior - A basic Orcat soldier armed with simple plate armor, and is pretty durable. The thing that makes the soldiers different from the rest is their ability to wield a variety of weapons. They are trained in all combat methods and are loyal to their shamans. They'd give their life gladly for their tribe, and fight to the death. (basically the backbone of the tribal forces.)

Short Sword.
Short Sword with Iron Shield.
Battle Ax (two handed.)
Adze with Iron Shield.
Jarid with Iron Shield.
War spear. (two handed.)

Orc Rogue - Although he may seem a bit frail compared to his comrades, this Orc knows a few tricks and shouldn't be taken lightly. They wear rigid leather armor unlike their warrior brethren as the heavier plate would slow them down. Using speed as their ally, and attacking with deadly precision. They often are the Blackhand's Elite special unit.

Short Sword.
Envenomed Stiletto.
Hand crossbow. (piercing armor tips / envenomed tipped bolts.)
Dual Short Swords.
Throwing Darts. - Lol, believe it or not these things were deadly back in Medieval times, and he'd put them to good use.

Orc Highlander - In the upper most foothills of Daragoth, there was said to be Orcat stronger than the tribes that dwelled east in the lowlands. These Orcs are somehow larger, stronger, and more cunning than their Plain dwelling counter parts. Armed with large Claymores, thicker plate armor, and a bad attitude, they're the "Big brothers" of the Blackhand Warrior.

Claymore. (two handed.) - common.
Great Sword. (two handed.) - A bit rarer than the claymore. These swords are the ..uh.. powerhouse, of weaker swords.
Maul. (two handed.)
Bipennis (two handed.)
Throwing Axes.

Orc Berserker - Talk about mad. This guy doesn't seem to have any bottle top for his rage, and what's worse? He's not on your side. It was said in ancient texts, the Blackhand would take their most ferocious warriors, and slay their families, leaving the Orc in a constant state of rage. They Shamans brainwashed the Orc into believing their enemies were at fault for the death of his loved ones. Fueled by hate, they're not going to die easy.

Short Sword.
Short Sword with Iron Shield.
Battle Ax. (two handed.)
Dual One handed Axes.
Cudgel. - It's basically a thick one handed club weapon. If whacked hard by this, you'd be out cold for a long time.
Cudgel with Iron Shield.

War Troll - Big as a dump truck and as mean as one too, these creatures are extremely unintelligent, even for Orc standards. The Orcat decided many centuries ago they'd adopt them into their mainstay of forces, and since then, have been widely accepted as "Battle Berserkers". These Trolls however, have been fitted with thick iron plates of armor to protect them and help keep them fighting a bit longer. As well as thick iron gauntlets for harder smashing. Great.

Beholder - Hard to say what this creature is. Little is known about it besides that it somehow came into existence sometime during the Great War when the lost had begun their influence on the Mortal Plane. Magik gone horribly awry created this beast of unnatural design. A large round fleshy base seems to float above the earth, and in the center of the mass is a single green eye. A large gaping mouth with horrid sharp teeth, the monster is able to somehow project a variety of projectiles from its single eye, from Plasma, to Fire, and even to Lightning. The beast however, is apathetically neutral. However.. it was once said Lord Undamael once slayed these monsters and reincarnated them through necromancy to achieve an even more wicked twisted creature than before..

Undead Beholder - The Dreadlord's evil influence has turned these foul creatures into something even more foul. Rotting and decaying mass of flesh, with a skin tone now so pale than before. The eye itself has faded. In place of the hollow socket, a magikal glowing red aura flows instead. These beasts are no longer living, and now have even more power than in their previous life. They fire strange magikal blasts, a red plasma ball that is fast and deals high damage, to a blue plasma sphere that is much slower, but bursts on impact with a surface and spreads smaller orbs to damage. The creature even has the ability to belch nauseous clouds of green toxic plague. Also, they can reanimate the dead. Lovely, no?

Harpy - The skies and clifftops of the eastern parts are little inhabited. Why? Horrid creatures seem to enjoy biding their time on the coast, feasting on the travelers that pass as well as merchants heading inward to Daragoth's inhabited sea ports. Harpies are horrible bird-like men creatures. With razor sharp talons and a hunger for flesh, they have no regret dive bombing for your normal adventurer wandering through. These beasts are simple minded wild creatures, simply living, but by living, they require food. Sadly us humans are on their chain. They lack any special feats and use their claws and wings to do damage to those around them.

Ettin - A large uncivilized brute, for lack of better words. This beast takes the height of your average Troll, but his hide is a brownish color, and very thick naturally as well. What makes this beast so unique is the fact it has two heads, rather than one attached to a large muscular body-frame. Although they are large, and sometimes rather simple minded. They tend to be cunning at ambushing travelers and smashing them into a pulp with an uprooted tree or even a large Mace they found from an old War site.

Morning Star.

Lesser Mummy - This guy's been asleep; longer than you could possibly imagine. He died long ago and was put to rest in the temple you just so happen to be looking for loot in. Big mistake. Mummies are the result of a Lich or Necromancer reincarnating the vessels with life through magik to do their bidding. They're rather slow and basically, your typical Zombie, although they are much more intelligent. They are not that physically strong either, and can be dispatched with ease. However, groups of them tend to be rather bothersome as they swarm over enemies and begin to beat them to death.

Greater Mummy - The "brute" of the lower class mummies, this guy's somehow been beefed up with magik that makes him tough as a bull; as big as one too. With powers unknown, it was presumed this undead was once a simple Lesser Mummy, however with powers casted upon him, he was morphed into something larger, more bulkier, and hulking. He's now Mr. Olympia basically, and he makes good use of his fists, smashing you to a pulp if need be. He's not fun to deal with, and with his strength, he can easily over whelm most. He's faster, stronger, and much more durable than his lesser brethren. Tread with caution when dealing with these brutes.

Nitro Mummy - Even with the prefix like Nitro, you'd think "Well he must be fast." Not really. These guys are basically Greater Mummies, but somehow they've been given the ability to cast a flaming skull attack that traces in on you. You better be able to run fast, because the screaming flame hurts pretty bad. They're not that big of a deal though; very nasty in groups though. Best advised to take them out first.

Warrior Mummy - Through necromancy it seems they decided to bring back the fearsome royal soldiers of the ancient times. These guys are strong, and fast too. They were resurrected to do their bidding, and they are deadly loyal to the necromancer who revived them. Despite being rotten and decaying, they move with ease, being fully able to run in a full gait, as well as being durable (they can take a few hits before they finally go down.)

Gladius with Chimalli Shield.
Obsidian Club.
Obsidian Club with Chimalli Shield.
Obsidian Spear.
Obsidian Spear with Chimalli Shield.
Zyshe with Chimalli Shield.
Long bow with Jagged arrows.

Mummy Spectre - "What the #$%@ is that?" is probably the only thing you'll be able to say when you see this guy. He's fast, extremely fast. In fact, he teleports about every 5 seconds to the closest person in your group, and starts flailing his arms like mad beating on them, for a brief time, before teleporting again to another. He's a very strange fellow, and when hit with enough damage, retreats in a cowardly fashion by teleporting off. They somehow control the ability to transport them selves over short distances with this teleporting attack. However, at long ranges, they cannot. They must be close to their target to do so. A good way one of these guys can be found out is by the fact their body itself is transparent almost. And they contain the ability to walk through walls, and fire a weak bolt of spectral energy at their targets. Fun huh?

Mummy Infernalist - And who said that the undead could only be killed with fire? Seems this Royal Mummy decided to start using it himself. With great precision this "holy-man" can fling heated magikal bolts of flame that streak at targets and cause heavy damage. These guys are however, EXTREMELY slow, and walk constantly, never choosing to run. They simply casually stroll from location to so. They can cast heavy damaging spells, and even have their own repel attack if someone gets to close and starts beating on him. He's pretty frail, just like the Spectres. Except that he has a lot of damage reduction it seems, his own magik barrier. And it doesn't seem he's gonna die very easily. With a book of unholy spells at his disposal, you'll be fighting this guy for a good time.

Vampyric Mummy - Through what it seems a horrible combination of undead Magiks, this Mummy was given Vampyric powers to drain the life of his victims and heal his own wounds. They are very fast, having the ability to run and leap fearsomely. They attack with sharp claws and rend their attackers' flesh, and absorbing their blood in the process to heal their own wounds. They attack with speed and deal heaps of damage, and would be wise to deal with them first. In packs, these things are a nightmare. They attack only by melee, but have a leap attack they can use at medium range to take an attacker offguard. When they take enough damage, they retreat momentarily, but soon return back.

Pharaoh of Plagues - A great mummy of terror, it uses horrible powers over Affliction to cast spells that melt flesh, burn eyes, and disease their victims with flesh rot. They move just like a Mummy Infernalist, except they also can take much damage, and have their own repel attack. They usually wield a Staff of some sort to help their magiks.

Pharaoh of Flames - Fire variant of Pharaoh of Plagues.

Pharaoh of Freeze - Ice variant of Pharaoh of Plagues.

Pharaoh of Lightning - Lightning variant of Pharaoh of Plagues.

Geist of Ra - A terrifying spirit that was brought about through second life through magiks unknown. It haunts temple grounds, and will throw blasts of seeking compressed fire to pelt victims. The monster can only be harmed by holy magiks, and holy weapons of sort. It takes the form of a robed Mummy; in royal clothing. Although they are seemingly transparent. They can cast major debuffs as well, weakening their target and cursing them.

Agaures - A vile creature that was used long ago as a soldier in the foot armies of Lor Malgoriand. It stands roughly 5'5" in height, with long lanky arms, and a sort of hunched stance. They are extremely skinny, with visible ribs. They have long sharp claws, as well as a dark grey skin tone, with two dark red eyes, and a mouth filled with sharp teeth. The monster is able to fire a single Plasma bolt by directing both of its hands forward, dealing moderate damage. Up close, it prefers to rend the flesh of it's victim with razor sharp claws.

Ghostly Agaures - A transparent version of the mythical Agaures, stronger and invulnerable to physical non-holy attacks. Only kill-able by holy means, they can stir up quite a lot of trouble. Thankfully, you won't encounter many of these. They harm essence when they attack with melee, and will damage your soul as well as mana. Being killed by one of these up close means your bind to the world itself will be broken; no coming back for you!

Agatho Demon - A magikal creature that was said to exist in the Infernal plain only. This monster is full white, and is very similar to a beholder. The creature has a single red eye set into its center, and hovers idle above the earth by magikal propulsion methods unknown. They have large protruding horns atop their head, however, as well as a large grinning mouth with teeth. They are a nightmare to most. Able to fire magikal red tracing projectiles from its single eye, as well as belching a powerful bolt of red electricity. Unlike the Beholder, however, they lack their own magik barrier that protects their front flank from magikal attacks. That's a good thing, because that just makes killing these guys easier.

Apprentice of Maldora - It was said long ago that Maldora had took humans and created them into horrible monsters by twisting them with magik and turning them into hollow frames of what they once were. They wear simple robes, black in color with the Rune of Maldora; his symbol set into the chest. They hover above the earth gracefully, unaffected by gravity. They wear hoods that conceal their features, they have powerful controls over magik, and even are able to fade in and out of existence. Don't stare in awe too long, or you'll find yourself pelted by plasma orbs they cast. They will temporarily disappear and turn invisible, but listen closely for their distinct chanting, as that's your only hope of hitting them in this state. Otherwise; get ready to dodge a lot of mean blasts.

Avatar - Long ago, it was said the mystics were captured by Lor Malgoriand and morphed into horrible ugly reptile creatures. Everyone laughed at the myth, and deemed the person who said it a fool. Boy, they must think THEY are the stupid ones now. With red scales, and dark ash robes that hide their faces, they are one of the most powerful spell-casting creatures you'll come to find in your adventure. It is said that they're a rare dying breed, and not many exist. Those that do, bid their time in caves or hidden keeps, using their magik to influence the world of Leann from safety of any danger or so. Even so, if you were foolish enough to challenge them, they'd vaporize you with the variety of plasma spells at their disposal. However, it was said by a great adventurer whom had slayed one of the beasts; they explode violently upon dying, bursting out electrical plasma that is highly damaging. No doubt a spell they choose to curse themselves with in a petty attempt to kill those who killed him. To sum it up? You're gonna have trouble with this one.

Green Serpent - TO COME SOON!

Brown Serpent - TO COME SOON!

Minotaur - TO COME SOON!

Hailfire Beast - TO COME SOON!

Wyvern - TO COME SOON!

Shadow Beast - TO COME SOON!

Invisible Warrior - TO COME SOON!

Lizardman - TO COME SOON!

Hobgoblin - TO COME SOON!

Nightmare - TO COME SOON!


Greater Afrit - TO COME SOON!

Centaur - TO COME SOON!


Maldora Acolyte - TO COME SOON!

Azazel - TO COME SOON!

Baphomet's Eyes - TO COME SOON!

Belphegor - TO COME SOON!


Bormereth - TO COME SOON!

Greater Infernal Demon - TO COME SOON!

Cultist - TO COME SOON!

Dark Imp - TO COME SOON!


Death Incarnate - TO COME SOON!

Guardian Cube - TO COME SOON!


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score
on Belser's army
I cant believe I missed this thread.

Kai sure has some great ideas, specially since MS universe doesnt explore the monsters/wildlife/wathever that inhabits the lands.

I remember there are some official creatures but i only remember the giant humanoid horses and some stealth animated sword.


New Adventurer
Jul 24, 2009
Reaction score
I have never heard anything on what wildlife inhabits the land :( Does Leann have horses? Do they have fire flys and dragon flys? If not....

Horse-I want to avoid making MSC more and more into WoW but we could make this a pet of some sorts? Tbh, MSC maps can only be so big and even then there not that large compared to other maps from other games. Maybe we could use it for decor.

We could also add more wildlife to town maps and such, for example, we could here all sorts of animal sounds in gertenheld_forest


Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
Stoned said:
I have never heard anything on what wildlife inhabits the land :( Does Leann have horses? Do they have fire flys and dragon flys? If not....

Horse-I want to avoid making MSC more and more into WoW but we could make this a pet of some sorts? Tbh, MSC maps can only be so big and even then there not that large compared to other maps from other games. Maybe we could use it for decor.

We could also add more wildlife to town maps and such, for example, we could here all sorts of animal sounds in gertenheld_forest

horse or some pet is a good idea, but when would u ever use it? most maps u can just breeae through bhopping and sprinting..
i guess if u died in bloodrose or the_wall a pet will come in handy due to the long distances.. maybe make it so one hit toards the horse will make him go away and you have to cast it again when there are no enemys..
kinda like the rejuv spell..
Also a choise of pets would be coool, for I am alergic to horses :/
n i think my char is too


New Adventurer
Jul 24, 2009
Reaction score
OpsMiller said:
Stoned said:
I have never heard anything on what wildlife inhabits the land :( Does Leann have horses? Do they have fire flys and dragon flys? If not....

Horse-I want to avoid making MSC more and more into WoW but we could make this a pet of some sorts? Tbh, MSC maps can only be so big and even then there not that large compared to other maps from other games. Maybe we could use it for decor.

We could also add more wildlife to town maps and such, for example, we could here all sorts of animal sounds in gertenheld_forest

horse or some pet is a good idea, but when would u ever use it? most maps u can just breeae through bhopping and sprinting..
i guess if u died in bloodrose or the_wall a pet will come in handy due to the long distances.. maybe make it so one hit toards the horse will make him go away and you have to cast it again when there are no enemys..
kinda like the rejuv spell..
Also a choise of pets would be coool, for I am alergic to horses :/
n i think my char is too

You should reread it....thoroughly..


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
Large ridable elk then, Ops?
Really though, it'd be a novelty riding in formations through towns
Or racing around Daragoth or some map for racing and jousting. The getting knocked off your ride after a hit idea would compliment jousting too..
I think Warhammer40k for Half-life had a ridable motorcycle as part of a class, that could be dismounted.

J-M v2.5.5

Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

Lanethan said:
Hmm, interesting thought, though the Fatesworn universe doesn't actually have a 'hell' as you're thinking. There is the Abyss, though, and some of its inhabitants could most certainly be called 'demons' by some.
In fact, there are various planes of existence in the Fatesworn universe:
The Mortal Plane (in which the world of Leann and the continent of Daragoth exists)
The Astral Plane (in which dwell the Loreldians....each Loreldian has created his own plane of existence as well..they are known as the 'Threshhold of *insert Loreldian's name here*')
The Elemental Planes (known commonly as 'The Plane of Fire,' or 'Water,' or 'Air,' or 'Earth,' though they each have names as well... Carnaan for Fire, Odriz for Water, Hnshasa for Air, and Mughedd for Earth respectively).
The Abyss (location of the Soulwell, sort've a 'neutral' ground for departed souls, but also including the Reach, a rather pleasant place, and the Harness, a rather nasty place)

"Demons," thus, could technically be considered the inhabitants of the Harness area of the Abyss.

Again... interesting thoughts..hadn't thought about including "Demons".

Lanethan said:
Hmm, there are a few other "monstrous" types of things not mentioned explicitly there but have a place in various pieces of the Lore. Here's a summary of a few off the top of my head:

Nightmare- Massive abomination created by Lor Malgoriand. Standing nearly thirty feet tall, this beast has the body of a muscular man but the head of a stallion, and is covered from head to toe in sleek black hair. Lor Malgoriand created these creatures by using dark magics to splice the great northern giantfolk with horses, giving them even more unnatural speed, strength, and endurance. He used few of these creatures in actual battle, however, as they were impossible to control: driven mad by the splicing process, they killed without regard anything within their path until they died of exhaustion. Mostly seen near the beginning of the Age of Blood, Lor Malgoriand took to hauling unconscious giantfolk directly into the sands outside Adellian cities, performing the dark ritual, and then quickly vanishing back to his great castle, letting the Nightmare rampage defenseless towns and desert communities. Legend says that a few of these Nightmares survived the splicing process with enough willpower to curb their rampage, and that these headed into the great desert where they carved homes for themselves in sand-swallowed forgotten kingdoms.

Elusive Blades- A type of construct, these sword-machines are created by spellcasters as tools of assassination. They are greatly feared for their magical properties. The spellcaster who creates an Elusive Blade imbues it with knowledge of its target, usually a piece of hair or skin taken from the target at an earlier time. Once the Elusive Blade is unleashed, it seeks its target through magical means, flying of its own volition, until it finds the target, which it attempts to impale in a single, deadly stroke. Elusive Blades have been known to fly at speeds so quick that they burn directly through stonework walls in order to reach their target. Their most deadly property is the magic which enshrouds them, however: It is nearly impossible for an untrained mind to notice an Elusive Blade. Though your eyes might see it coming directly for you, your mind will not recognize it as a threat or even as an existing, material object. You will simply not notice it, until it's deep within your chest.

Archetype- These creatures are either physical manifestations of an element or a purpose. These creatures embody the very essence of the element they are formed of. All of them share nearly humanoid body shapes, but instead of having a corporeal body, they are formed from the interweaving of elemental strands of their various types. However, unlike elementals, Archetypes have no free will of their own, and act based either on magical suggestion or by elemental instinct. Often summoned by powerful elementalists, Archetypes are completely faithful and loyal servants of magicians powerful enough to bind together enough of a pure element to create them. Another interesting property of Archetypes is that they are not solely elemental in nature, as some can be Archetypes of Purpose (sometimes called "Relentless"), which are bound entirely by the purpose to which they were made. Examples of Relentless that have been successfully bound by wizards include: Tracker Archetypes, who appear as tangled fibers of a cloth-like material and who serve only to track that which they were bound to track; Guardian Archetypes, who appear as coils of metal wrapping into a humanoid form and who serve only to guard a space or individual. Legend has it that the Wisps (now a full fledged race of breeding and semi-material creatures) began as Archetypes of Trickery, though that may just be hearsay from the peasantfolk. Oh, and notable Archetypes created by Lor Malgoriand include: The Murder Archetype, The Torture Archetype, and The Plague Archetype.

Lanethan said:
By the by, it's official, we need elementals for monsters ingame. They fit under the 'constructs' line of monsters (i.e. the animated armors), but of course would be 'elemental' in nature.
Fire Elemental, Ice Elemental, Lightning Elemental, Earth Elemental are of course the 'standards.' MS could go the extra mile by having Smoke Elemental, Wind Elemental, Poison Elemental, and Crystalline Elementals as well though... but I digress. I'll probably end up echoing this idea in that post 1.01 dev thread.

Lanethan said:
Drows exist in the Dungeons and Dragons world, not the world of Mastersword.

There are Fallen Elves in the world, but they do not resemble the drow (blanch white skin + hair).

Lanethan said:
There are four dragons in the MS world.
Aeldorandorat (known more simply, in the common tongue, as 'Archan') is a benevolent and wise white dragon that lives with the elves in their capital city of Kray Eldorad.
Kharaztorant (known more simply, in the common tongue, as 'Khaztor') is an evil red dragon whom the dwarves count as one of their greatest foes throughout history. His current whereabouts are unknown.
Jaminporlants (known more simply, in the common tongue, as 'Janz') is an evil green dragon who hasn't been seen since the Age of Blood.
And lastly, Rhudeanlorat, known more simply in common as Rhack, is the most dreaded black dragon who ever lived, and who aided Lor Malgoriand during the Age of Blood. He was last seen flying north into the great ice bleak, and is rumored to have taken up residence in the Frozen Tear, a massive ice castle left over from times most ancient.

Any of these could show up, as they are all still alive, plus it is entirely possible that new dragon offspring (which take over a millenia to hatch) could crawl forth from deep underground nests, long buried and forgotten. But those 4 are known to be alive, as of the current age.

Lanethan said:
This (Thothie's MS:C world map) was developed with my input in many areas. I consider it pretty much complete, as far as Daragoth is concerned, but of course there are areas that could be greatly increased in complexity / added dungeons and the like.

The continent of Daragoth is one of three large landmasses that have been documented on the world of Leann. The other two are Dreadwind (to the southwest) and Valan (to the southeast). These are not the only landmasses on Leann: among a few other tales of other lands, there are rumors of a massive continent that dwarfs the three known isles far to the east, where strange and exotic peoples live, who battle with snake-like creatures featuring many heads. None but the most powerful of wizards has ever created portals there and come back to tell the tale.

Daragoth itself has quite a few distinct regions: The southeast, mountainous area (Edana lies here), the Eastern plainlands (Deralia lies there), the frozen north (The Bleak, Frozen Tear), the great central forests (Kray Eldorad lies here), the desolation of the northwest (Malgoriand's castle, Hunderswamp), and the blazing deserts of the southwest (Aluhandra).

Valen's climate could be described as similar to the southeast mountains of Daragoth, but temperature ranges are less extreme as it is closer to the equator.

Dreadwind used to be a lush jungle isle, but since Lor Malgoriand's coming it has been transformed into a deadly volcanic wasteland, with sparse pockets of liveable space. In the original design documentation, Lor Malgoriand's castle rested here, but it has since been moved to the northwest desolation, a perfectly reasonable decision for MS:C, and one that might be worthwhile to conform to in designing MS:S.

Lanethan said:
Bludgeons were never included in any of my design, so as far as I'm concerned they're outside the realm of what I would consider canon. However, I also don't really have a problem with it... except that there really were only supposed to be three Enlightened races, one for each of the Loreldians.
Ways that it's deviating from my design:

Dreadwind was originally scoped to be the "Endgame" content. In the original design, access to Dreadwind was only given by an Apostle, who would, through a dynamic quest, enlist the help of a group of players to tackle a serious threat arrising on the continent and teleport them. Originally a linear series of 5 maps ending with a climactic battle against Lor Malgoriand himself, the reward for which is a legendary weapon for every character involved, an undroppable/unlootable item, tailored to the character's favorite weapon type. The character deemed most deserving by the group and the Apostle would be given the Atlas (Master sword).

So, no, Dreadwind won't be conforming to my design. ;)

Valen's designs are almost completely Era of Legends related (EoL was set to take place there), but are also nearly 500 years later than the current MS timeline so I don't think they would be as appropriate to consider. The only thing that was definitely supposed to go on Valen is the port city of Adel, and the Adellar desert to the southeast.

Lanethan said:
The orginal Loreldians stood on average 10 feet tall. However, being creatures that are bound so closely to fate that they nearly become manifestations of it, their physical forms change over time to reflect their "inner being." Felewyn looks much like a very tall elf, but Urdual looks much more like a dwarf. The Lost, it can be assumed, are very twisted and misshapen creatures born from the nightmares and lust for revenge that have consumed them for eons.

Lanethan said:
First of all, there are no hobbits / halflings outside the usual genetic alterations that occur within human species in the MS world. Dwarves are an entirely seperate genetic race, as are elves, but there are also humans with dwarfism (i.e. Little People) but they are not a seperate race.

Oh, and to the person who said "Dark/Night Elves," be aware that the MS lore includes Fallen Elves, who are in basically all purposes vampires, whose skin becomes ashen white. These somewhat fill the "Evil elf" role of fantasy cliche, excepting that they share little in common with Elves excepting that they were once elven. They are also some of the most feared creatures existing in Daragoth, as they have innate abilities (being able to pass long distances by stepping into shadows, for example) and properties (nearly invulnerable) that make them basically any given person's worst nightmare.

Lanethan said:
Isles of Dread does not equal Dreadwind, no.

Thothie, FYI the original concept I had in mind included a 4 map gauntlet series in which players landed on the shores of Dreadwind, the island off the southwest of Daragoth, that includes Lor Malgoriand's castle at the end. Was to be literally "endgame".

Also no bludgeons there now.

Lanethan said:
Bah, I only used Dread on Dreadwind. All the other Dread stuff you can blame on someone else.

But no, Dreadwind is supposed to be the endgame stuff. Isles of Dread was somebody else's idea.


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score
on Belser's army
Thanks J-M, this is really interesting and useful if I ever feel like modelling without going blindly.

Should be a sticky of sorts or something.

Tough it shows you are still an MS newbie by forgetting about almighty Ipposatu, the cosmic worm that travels between dimensions and realities, thus avoiding canon and lore, but leaving worm-plot holes. (just in case this last part is a joke)

J-M v2.5.5

Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
You're welcome. I gathered all those awesome Lanethan quotes because it's useful lore for MS:S. I've also got a bunch of info on (upcoming) maps, but Lanethan himself made a thread on that in the Maps section.

Edit: Crap, it appears you're right; I actually forgot Iposatu. My bad.


New Adventurer
Jul 24, 2009
Reaction score
Can the elemental planes be accessed by mortals? Perhaps more information on these Planes?


New Adventurer
MSS Developer
MSC Developer
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks JM for bringing that up!


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Sep 16, 2006
Reaction score
on Belser's army
Tough i knda dont understand what archetypes are.

Are they like elementals expanded to other stuff besides the basic elements?