Newcomer/newbie questions


New Adventurer
Jan 31, 2021
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Hello everyone!

Firstly I'd like to say I'm impressed that this game still has a community alive and going on. Good job on everyone of you, because this game is still amazing!

Now the simple question I've been searching on Google and on this forum... And I'm pretty sure the solution isn't that complicated... Still...

How can I sell my bows? In the sell menu I'm trying to select the bow on the left part, but then I cannot make whatsoever to sell it.

Actually trying to sell it to Iron Fist Ike in Edana... Shall I try another NPC?

And also... Is it possible to store gauntlets into on of the sacks/backpacks? If yes, then how?
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Active Adventurer
Sons of Babel
Alpha Tester
Jan 24, 2013
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How can I sell my bows? In the sell menu I'm trying to select the bow on the left part, but then I cannot make whatsoever to sell it.
you need to "unequip" items if you want to sell them, so to sell the bow you'd have to put it on your hands and then sell it from there

And also... Is it possible to store gauntlets into on of the sacks/backpacks? If yes, then how?

fairly certain you should be able to store them in anything that's big enough, a Heavy Backpack should work fine for pretty much every starter item


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
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In order to sell gear to npcs, the items have to be inside containers (bags/quivers/spellbook/etc). Also some npcs accept a specific type of items that you can sell to them. So you have to talk to multiple npcs to be able to sell most of the junk and do keep in mind, that most npcs do not accept items from a specific point onwards (basically, elemental gear and rare stuff is usually not possible to sell to merchants).

Your best bet to sell gear is helena, but do keep in mind that place can become hostile randomly. So it is best to do your thing fast and not sit around for too long.

As for gauntlets fitting into sacks and backpacks, they should work with all sorts of bags, small bags offer the smallest amount of items it can carry and some limitations, large bag is the same deal except more room, heavy backpack is the bag you want to go after at the start, it fits almost everything in it and carries up to 40 items if i am not mistaking. There is also the bag of holding, which is a special container found in old_helena, if you manage to survive the map and keep a specific npc alive.

The optimal container setup should involve:
-spellbook (on top for quick access to spell scrolls when opening inventory)
-1 heavy backpack or a large bag for consumables (can also go on top for quick access to healing potions or other stuff like this, all down to your preferences)
-quiver of the archer (this quiver lets you carry bolts and arrows + crossbows and bows in the same quiver)
-Another large bag/heavy backpack/bag of holding to carry all the armor and weapons

If i'm not mistaking, the game has default key binds for:
-quick select weapons on #1
-quick select memorized spells (tomes, not scrolls) on #2
-quick select ammo on #3

There is also hotkey binds from F1 to F12 or so, with the possibility to create additional hotkeys up to 24 if i'm not mistaking. So, if you carry a weapon and want to have a quick access key for that weapon, simply hold down any of the F# keys to bind the item to that key, this system is meant to be used with weapons mostly, it works with consumables but only works once (when you consume the item, you have to bind a new one), spells can be placed in hotkeys too but it is best if you do not do that and instead resort to using the spellbook as top container for quick access or use #2 for memorized spells from tomes.


New Adventurer
Jan 31, 2021
Reaction score
Thank you both for your amazing responses :D now I'm ready and off for the adventure YAY