Recent content by Drathamus

  1. Drathamus

    When new patch

  2. Drathamus

    Missing the fun.

    The mod lives on in Master Sword: Rebirth. The flame hasn't died out!
  3. Drathamus

    Want to get back in to this game, but characters needs to be restored.

    Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the old team leads of this mod are since long gone. FuzzNet's host was put into the hands of someone, we don't know who, and has ceased hosting the character saves. Currently there is only 1 server being hosted for MS:C and it's using an old FN archive from...
  4. Drathamus

    [Archive: 2013] Withdrawn from competition.

    Re: [Section 1] Dridje's Entry/Entries More people in the server = higher chance of winning. >.>
  5. Drathamus

    New HL Steampipe update broke mouse or something

    Holy shit that was the most stupid thing I've ever read.
  6. Drathamus

    [Archive: 2013] Withdrawn from competition.

    Re: [Section 1] Dridje's Entry/Entries Glad this thread is for Natural Selection! Anyhoo, what type of enemies would be here, Dridje? Banditos, or some type of ninja orcs?
  7. Drathamus

    multiple charge bar colors?

    The third charge is more of a "pink" color, whereas the forth charge is green, and the fifth being yellow. (Just tested with the dark sword). Not sure what other color you'd like, but paying attention to the charge bar while you're using a weapon is pretty simple.
  8. Drathamus

    Ingame piece of music

    Ahhh... presumably from WoW. No wonder I didn't recognize it. :/ Meh... I kinda like it, either way.
  9. Drathamus

    Ingame piece of music

    I'd have to agree with FER here. It sounds much akin to a movie soundtrack, as opposed to anything from Warcraft.
  10. Drathamus


    Where'd the poll go? I wanted to vote "no" again.
  11. Drathamus

    Character Roll Back - Drathamus

    Thank you, Thothie. You are a gentleman, and a scholar.
  12. Drathamus

    Character Roll Back - Drathamus

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:1955506 Character Slot: 1 Roll-back-to-Date: Earliest before February 5th, 1:30 AM EST (GMT -5) What happened? Well, vote map'd to Shender East, and upon arrival, my character was only a head. Quit, and rejoined a game, and all of my items, containers, weapons, armor, and...
  13. Drathamus

    [Archive: 2013] Withdrawn from competition.

    Re: Dridje's Entries -MAPS NOW We have a fucking soccer map...
  14. Drathamus

    Trying out commentaries

    Made a strategy video for Payday: The Heist. Check it out, see if it's any good :3 ... ature=plcp
  15. Drathamus

    INFO Ye Thread of XP Balancing

    Still think levels 1-20ish should be drawn out more, and take away some XP to level from 21-40. Brick walls are a pain in the ass.