Recent content by Kokris666

  1. K

    666 -Undamael's Warriors<UPDATED JANAURY SECOND>

    J-M gtfo you piece of shit this is my thread... and you need to BIG TIME get a life for Real
  2. K

    666 -Undamael's Warriors<UPDATED JANAURY SECOND>

    Im far from gone buddy... Far from gone... and zEdge fag.. stfu and get off my guild page you tard
  3. K

    anyone have a wii?

    soz i've moved on to bigger and better mods MSC is a fagfest anyway
  4. K

    anyone have a wii?

    No quote training you fag :|
  5. K

    anyone have a wii?

    i can answer that for him about where you called him stupid :) and no im not going to download anything i just think J-M is a twisted fcking sick little 17 year old never had a girl friend before nerd who though hacking would get him somewhere
  6. K

    anyone have a wii?

    J-M? a fucking retard who got owned by a newb and Claims he was banned from VAC for using bloom mod which i doubt because he got pissed that he was getting owned and went and got hacks like a tard and got banned
  7. K

    anyone have a wii?

    J-M = Owned :lol:
  8. K


    yea i know i was copy and pasting and i hit enter and it posted again
  9. K


    i dont care what you think man all i was doing was getting shitty lightning and this is just silly cause im at school right now with all my friends
  10. K


    read it and wheap
  11. K


    zomg man... your loller funny you really are i mean really uber funny all i wanted was lightning thing and thats all and you sent me that list so blame yourself man and no i didnt cheat with it because how the fuck could i using some noob spells? am i gonna join and say "LOOK AT MEH I GOT...
  12. K


    I was going to send you the whole script list... But then I remembered you've been a naughty boy before, haven't you? :wink: thats what thoth said.. what am i gonna do with some noub items? i mean really now i can't even fucking map for christ sake
  13. K

    anyone have a wii?

    I Guess im a communist JOSEPH STAINGRAD PWNS YOU
  14. K

    Is user Vomica7 banned?

    What happend to ceriux lol?