Thothie said:Fine fine... Two more dark toma's for your troubles then...
Barring anymore issues, maybe try for a release tomorrow.
1 more day, hope everything goes well untill then
Thothie said:Fine fine... Two more dark toma's for your troubles then...
Barring anymore issues, maybe try for a release tomorrow.
This is an ANCIENT bug, and therefore I can only say:Rideon said:[bug from four years ago]
J-M v2.5.5 said:This is an ANCIENT bug, and therefore I can only say:Rideon said:[bug from four years ago]
WOW, you SUCK at alpha testing.
Rideon said:J-M v2.5.5 said:This is an ANCIENT bug, and therefore I can only say:Rideon said:[bug from four years ago]
WOW, you SUCK at alpha testing.
lol .-. if that would be ancient it would be all the time
it occured just after i copied the new dlls ...
Thothie said:Barring anymore issues, maybe try for a release tomorrow.
Rideon said:Hey,
I took my time to create the new title list with polearms (was just 5 min)
Here is the list:
Single-Title Level Requirements
Novice Lv.4
Focus Lv.10
Swordsmanship Related Titles
Swordsmanship Novice: Swordsman
Swordsmanship Focus: Sword Master
Swordsmanship + Martial Arts: Assassin
Swordsmanship + Small Arms: Blademaster
Swordsmanship + Axe Handling: Knight
Swordsmanship + Blunt Arms: Cavalier
Swordsmanship + Archery: Ranger
Swordsmanship + Spell Casting: Blade Caster
Swordsmanship + Polearms: Linedefender
Martial Arts Related Titles
Martial Arts Novice: Martial Artist
Martial Arts Focus: Kickboxer
Martial Arts + Swordsmanship: Assassin
Martial Arts + Small Arms: Mercenary
Martial Arts + Axe Handling: Punisher
Martial Arts + Blunt Arms: Mercenary
Martial Arts + Archery: Archer
Martial Arts + Spell Casting: Aikido Master
Martial Arts + Polearms: Monk
Small Arms Related Titles
Small Arms Novice: Rogue
Small Arms Focus: Thief
Small Arms + Swordsmanship: Blademaster
Small Arms + Martial Arts: Mercenary
Small Arms + Axe Handling: Thrasher
Small Arms + Blunt Arms: Mauler
Small Arms + Archery: Shadow Archer
Small Arms + Spell Casting: Shadow Weaver
Small Arms + Polearms: Shadow Hand
Axe Handling Related Titles
Axe Handling Novice: Barbarian
Axe Handling Focus: Titan
Axe Handling + Swordsmanship: Knight
Axe Handling + Martial Arts: Punisher
Axe Handling + Small Arms: Thrasher
Axe Handling + Blunt Arms: Berserker
Axe Handling + Archery: Hatcheteer
Axe Handling + Spell Casting: Axe Mage
Axe Handling + Polearms: Reaper
Blunt Arms Related Titles
Blunt Arms Novice: Basher
Blunt Arms Focus: Basher
Blunt Arms + Swordsmanship: Cavalier
Blunt Arms + Martial Arts: Mercenary
Blunt Arms + Small Arms: Mauler
Blunt Arms + Axe Handling: Berserker
Blunt Arms + Archery: Hardy Archer
Blunt Arms + Spell Casting: Zauberei Basher
Blunt Arms + Polearms: Titan
Archery Related Titles
Archery Novice: Marksman
Archery Focus: Marksman
Archery + Swordsmanship: Ranger
Archery + Martial Arts: Archer
Archery + Small Arms: Shadow Archer
Archery + Axe Handling: Hatcheteer
Archery + Blunt Arms: Hardy Archer
Archery + Spell Casting: Archer Arcana
Archery + Polearms: Line Archer
Spell Casting Related Titles
Spell Casting Novice: Caster
Spell Casting Focus: Mage
Spell Casting + Swordsmanship: Blade Caster
Spell Casting + Martial Arts: Aikido Master
Spell Casting + Small Arms: Shadow Weaver
Spell Casting + Axe Handling: Axe Mage
Spell Casting + Blunt Arms: Zauberei Basher
Spell Casting + Archery: Archer Arcana
Spell Casting + Polearms: Magic Staff
Polearms Related Titles
Polearms Novice: Lineman
Polearms Focus: Pikeman
Polearms + Swordsmanship: Line Defender
Polearms + Martial Arts: Monk
Polearms + Small Arms: Shadow Hand
Polearms + Axe Handling: Reaper
Polearms + Blunt Arms: Titan
Polearms + Archery: Line Archer
Polearms + Spell Casting: Magic Staff
If you didn't done it already :3
//Set up player titles
setvarg SK_SWORD swordsmanship
setvarg SK_MARTIAL martialarts
setvarg SK_SMARMS smallarms
setvarg SK_AXE axehandling
setvarg SK_BLUNT bluntarms
setvarg SK_ARCHERY archery
setvarg SK_CAST spellcasting
setvarg SK_PARRY parry
setvarg SK_POLEARMS polearms
setvar SK_LVL1_MIN 4 //First title set starts at this level
setvar SK_LVL2_MIN 10 //Second title set starts at this level
//Default title - no skills required
registertitle Adventurer
// //Single high skills
// //--------------------------------------------------------
// //At level 4+
registertitle Swordsman SK_SWORD
registertitle "Martial Artist" SK_MARTIAL
registertitle Rogue SK_SMARMS
registertitle Barbarian SK_AXE
registertitle Basher SK_BLUNT
registertitle Marksman SK_ARCHERY
registertitle Caster SK_CAST
registertitle Lineman SK_POLEARMS
//registertitle Blocker SK_PARRY
//At level 10+
registertitle "Sword Master" SK_SWORD
registertitle Kickboxer SK_MARTIAL
registertitle Thief SK_SMARMS
registertitle Titan SK_AXE
registertitle Basher SK_BLUNT
registertitle Marksman SK_ARCHERY
registertitle Mage SK_CAST
registertitle Pikeman SK_POLEARMS
// registertitle Defender SK_PARRY
//Swordsmanship + other
registertitle Assassin SK_SWORD;SK_MARTIAL
registertitle Blademaster SK_SWORD;SK_SMARMS
registertitle Knight SK_SWORD;SK_AXE
registertitle Cavalier SK_SWORD;SK_BLUNT
registertitle Ranger SK_SWORD;SK_ARCHERY
registertitle "Blade Caster" SK_SWORD;SK_CAST
registertitle "Line Defender" SK_SWORD;SK_POLEARMS
// registertitle Fencer SK_SWORD;SK_PARRY
//Martial arts + other
registertitle Mercenary SK_MARTIAL;SK_SMARMS
registertitle Punisher SK_MARTIAL;SK_AXE
registertitle Mercenary SK_MARTIAL;SK_BLUNT
registertitle Archer SK_MARTIAL;SK_ARCHERY
registertitle "Aikido Master" SK_MARTIAL;SK_CAST
registertitle "Monk" SK_MARTIAL;SK_POLEARMS
// registertitle "Bare Handed Shield" SK_MARTIAL;SK_PARRY
//Smallarms + other
registertitle Thrasher SK_SMARMS;SK_AXE
registertitle Thug SK_SMARMS;SK_BLUNT
registertitle "Shadow Archer" SK_SMARMS;SK_ARCHERY
registertitle "Shadow Weaver" SK_SMARMS;SK_CAST
registertitle "Shadow Hand" SK_SMARMS;SK_POLEARMS
//registertitle Thug SK_SMARMS;SK_PARRY
//Axehandling + other
registertitle Berserker SK_AXE;SK_BLUNT
registertitle Hatcheteer SK_AXE;SK_ARCHERY
registertitle "Battlemage" SK_AXE;SK_CAST
registertitle "Reaper" SK_AXE;SK_POLEARMS
//registertitle Titan SK_AXE;SK_PARRY
//Bluntarms + other
registertitle "Hardy Archer" SK_BLUNT;SK_ARCHERY
registertitle "Zauberei Basher" SK_BLUNT;SK_CAST
registertitle "Titan" SK_BLUNT;SK_POLEARMS
//registertitle "Shield Warrior" SK_BLUNT;SK_PARRY
//Archery + other
registertitle "Archer Arcana" SK_ARCHERY;SK_CAST
registertitle "Line Archer" SK_ARCHERY;SK_POLEARMS
//registertitle "Shield Archer" SK_ARCHERY;SK_PARRY
//Spell Casting + other
registertitle "Magic Staff" SK_CAST;SK_POLEARMS
//registertitle "Wizard" SK_CAST;SK_PARRY
zeus9860 said:Damn! I like the sound of "Reaper" title![]()