

New Adventurer
May 24, 2008
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i am wondering how many people here like anime and also what anime do you like.
as for me i like almost all anime. higurashi would be one of them if you didn't guess XD.
of course i also like naruto and inuyasha some of the more known ones to even people who hate anime.
so what anime does everyone here like ^.^


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Sep 16, 2006
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on Belser's army
Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, hunterXhunter, Knights of the Zodiac, Gantz (manga), Kinnikuman (both manga and anime), Yu-Yu Hakusho.

That must be all the anime and manga i remember right now that I like (not that i've seen much anime)


New Adventurer
Dec 23, 2006
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FER said:
Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, hunterXhunter, Knights of the Zodiac, Gantz (manga), Kinnikuman (both manga and anime), Yu-Yu Hakusho.

That must be all the anime and manga i remember right now that I like (not that i've seen much anime)
You forgot all the hentai in that list! XD


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
The Pirates of Dreadwind
May 24, 2006
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Eugene, OR
Cromartie High, Excel Saga, Berserk... my collection of anime I have stolen from my friend Bean is quite large.


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
The Pirates of Dreadwind
May 24, 2006
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Eugene, OR
interesting thing about my friend bean he has purchased all the anime he owns.

so all the anime I own is a 1:1 clone of his originally purchased media. My friend likes his anime and refuses to get it any other way, I just reap the benefits of knowing how to properly copy the media.

The Valorous

New Adventurer
Dec 29, 2005
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Pacific Northwest
Love Hina, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Last Exile, Gundam Wing, Macross Saga, Speed Racer, Escaflowne... I watched a lot back in the day.


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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I try to find anime I can watch with the current alien, so mostly "adult" anime, sans the hentai. This makes for a narrow, but rewarding set of anime.

Mushishi - has been pretty good lately. Centers around a wandering shaman of sorts, as he wanders across old Japan, dealing with spirits that have intertwined themselves with the local natives, most often in tragic ways.

Nana - Pure soap opera this is. ;)

Spice and Wolf - Follows the journeys of an ancient wolf spirit who takes the form of a young girl, and that of a young medieval European tradesmen, as they travel together from a southern farm village to the northern lands.
Unlicensed torrent:

Claymore - This starts off as a typical “chicks who kick ass” anime, but takes a wonderfully tragic turn around episode 6 or so that leads to a deep and dramatic storyline.

Death Note - A young prodigy finds comes across a notebook in which whomever’s name is written, dies, and sets about to change the world with it.

Macross Frontier and Macross Zero – This is a nostalgia thing, only good if ye be old enough to be familiar with Robotech. Even so, these two are also the most beautiful action mecha-CGI hybrids of all time, and have some romance as well:
Unlicensed torrents -

Some all time favorites:
Haibane Renmei - Examines the afterlife of suicides victims who live in an enclosed, but relatively pleasant, purgatory, as they await their final judgment. The series starts off painfully sweet, but ends up beautifully tragic.

Juuni Kokki - In a world where god’s presence cannot be doubted and people are borne from trees, political turmoil ensues when one of their emperors returns from an unintended exile in our own world.

Monster - A looong anime that takes ‘The Fugitive’ style storyline to a new extreme, forming a drama and murder mystery spanning some twenty years and three countries, linking together several real world serial murders.
Unlicensed Torrent:

Serial Experiments Lain - The finest anime of all time examines technology’s impact on the human psyche in some truly revolutionary ways.

I’ve linked legal torrents. The rest of the series are licensed, so yer on yer own.

PS. Oh, and for manga, of course: MEGATOKYO! :p


New Adventurer
Jan 12, 2007
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Mushishi - One of my favorite series :), too bad only got a see a few of them before getting licensed.
Nana - Good to watch with the GF.
Spice and Wolf - Another one of my current favorites of the year/season.
Claymore - Good, but should have keep going.
Death Note - Liked the first bit, but couldn't get into the new characters later on.
Macross Frontier and Macross Zero – Skipped, because I've watched too much mecha recently to get into it.

Part of my current watch list for the season (currently at 40+ shows/week):
Golgo 13: A super-human sniper for hire.
RD (Real Diver) Sennou Chosashitsu: set in the future in a world where the internet is a VR similar diving.
Nabari no Ou: Modern day ninjas fight over control of an ancient power.
Toshokan Sensou: Books are outlawed and are destroyed, but the library corp fight back.
Wagaya no Oinari-sama: Some kids are being targeted by spirits and must rely on their guardian fox spirit for protection.


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
The Pirates of Dreadwind
May 24, 2006
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Eugene, OR
hmm for some reason Thothie after you listed off that list of shows I want to recommend the Anime Tactics to you.

maybe my hunch is right and you would like it... dam thing does sucker punch you in the end with a nice right hook.

speaking of tragic anime what about Saikano? anyone see this one? Talk about epic tragedy, it brings a new meaning to the word.


New Adventurer
Dec 23, 2006
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Blasto121 said:
hmm for some reason Thothie after you listed off that list of shows I want to recommend the Anime Tactics to you.

maybe my hunch is right and you would like it... dam thing does sucker punch you in the end with a nice right hook.

speaking of tragic anime what about Saikano? anyone see this one? Talk about epic tragedy, it brings a new meaning to the word.
I saw a few episodes of Saikano, but didnt find it very good so I just satisfied with watching the Live action instead.

Anyway, could list a few of my favorite animes when Im at it.

Kemonozume - Used a very strange drawing style, but I enjoyed it even so. A great story mixed with a portion of humor in perfect balance. It's about some monsterslayers that kills monsters that looks like humans but turns into monsters when they get, uhm, excited. Then it evolves into a love story and I shouldnt spoil it any more.

Elfen Lied - Great story about a human-like race that has evolved from humans. Well, they're all girls and theres some nude scenes, but its not really fan service/ecchi/hentai (imo) since it actually contributes to the story. Perhaps I should warn you about nudity and extreme violence. Oh, and its not the macho bog-boob-rambo that I make it sound like. This is probably one of the best series I've seen.

.hack SIGN - Built on a game actually, but its a story about a future mmorpg where strange things starts to happen. People getting affected by the game in the real world etc. Slow going mystery but somehow they manage to fit a lot of happenings in each episode.

REC - A love story about a guy with a boring life and a quite boring job developing stuffs. Anyway, he invented some new snack that seems to have sold good and then meets a girl that's trying to be a voice actress.

Utawarerumono - Also based on a game, but its good anyway. This guy wakes up in a forest and dont know who he is. He tries to find out about himself while standing up for his new friends that got a few issues with the current leadership.

Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien - Starts off looking like some ordinary high school romance crap, but turns into a tragic love story that got me stuck. Well, there's not really more to say about it :S

AIR TV - Good story about a guy who can make a doll move without touching it. Not that it has so much of it centered on the doll but I guess thats quite extraordinary. Hes a wandered but gets stuck in a town where he meets a girl thats a tad retarded. She lets him stay at her house with her mom and life goes on and shit. Its a nice and somewhat sad story and partly really confusing but still good.

And then theres the bunch of crap-anime I watch too, but I wont list that.


New Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
Your Basement
Oh good god where to start.. the beginning i guesss

Sailor Moon - I was like.. 8
Db - After watching DBZ
DBZ - It was on TV
DBGT - I was still into it..
Hellsing - Beginning was good...
Trigun - Meh..
Lain - Kicked Ass
Escaflowne (the movie, and half the series) - Movie was good, Series blew
Claymore - Fucking awesome, especially the Manga
Elven bride - Uh.. don't look tihs one up
.hack Sign - Who hasn't?
Nana - Was alright
Death Note - Sweet
Haibane Renmei - Ex girlfriend found it, wasn't to bad
Love Hina - keke... Longdale you remember this right.. Motoko is still mine btw..
Last Exile - Yeah, i am that guy
Cowboy Bebop - Standard
Gundam Wing - Standard
Gundam Seed - Not to bad
Gundam Seed Destiny - sucked ass
About 4 other Gundams that'll remain nameless - 08th team was awesome, the rest sucked
Berserk - Sweet, specialy the manga
Chobits - So hot
Naruto (3 seasons worth was to much) - sucked
X - So fucking homosexual.. i swear they were all gay
Samurai X - Good
Kenshin (74 episodes worth. without sound..) - Not as good as Samurai X, but good
Kaleido Star - Not to bad
Outlaw Star - Standard
Full Metal Panic - No character development, just some fanservice
Full Metal Alchemist - Good and sad story
Bleach - About 140 Episodes in, starting to get slowly worse. specially the filler episodes
Uhm... shit there's so fucking many..... yeah.
Neon Genesis Evangelion - downloaded this at first when i was like 14 because i thought it was hentai :p now its one of my favorites
Wolf's Rain - i didn't like it
Animatrix (if you count it) - sucked either way
Please Teacher - Damn good
Great Teacher Onizuka - Onizuka FTW
Devil Lady - Meh..
Bastard - Meh...
Kyo - Pretty good
Venture Brothers - this doesn't count but it was fucking awesome, watching this before bed will give you dreams that'll be so fucking weird man you'll love it.. and its good
Fruits Basket - Not to bad
Maria-sama ga materu - Uhm, i was going through a weird stage
Advent Children (if its counted) - still not that great
Last Order - Pretty good
Negima (the first one not the second) - Who likes fanservice?
Ghost Hunt - Good and freaking scary
Ghost Hound - Not to great
Pokemon (way back when) - Still sucked back then, though misty was sure hot
Witch Hunter Robin - Good as hell
Ghost in the Shell (movie and series) - Movie was good, series sucked
Noein - Another one of the greats for me
Red Garden - Kinda interesting but not fantastic
Voltron - Yeah, its old
Saikano - Eh, i grew out of it by the end but good and sad
Initial D (all 4 seasons) - Great series
Blood the last Vampire - Fantastic
Blood+ - Not as fantastic
Speed Grapher - Super facking sweet
Princess Mononoke - Good
Spirited Away - Not so good
My Neighbor Tortoro - good
Boogiepop Phantom - Fucking weird, and good
Beck - Best anime sofar
Rental Magicka - Not to bad
Demonbane - Pretty good
Ergo Proxy - Sweet

And the list goes on but i'm tired of trying to remember what all i've seen so.. we'll stop there

The Valorous

New Adventurer
Dec 29, 2005
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Pacific Northwest
Tradion said:
Love Hina - keke... Longdale you remember this right.. Motoko is still mine btw..

Arseface! It's okay, though. I dumped her for a college cheerleader. Turadion-san wa baka desu. (I still remember my basic Japanese, yes! ;))

In all seriousness, though... most of what you wrote down I've seen or followed to some extent. I'm into webcomics now, but I feel like I wanna get back into it again... I don't mind shounen. :D


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Jun 29, 2007
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Tull said:
Kemonozume - Used a very strange drawing style, but I enjoyed it even so. A great story mixed with a portion of humor in perfect balance. It's about some monsterslayers that kills monsters that looks like humans but turns into monsters when they get, uhm, excited. Then it evolves into a love story and I shouldnt spoil it any more.

"Hey baby, you wanna do it?"


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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hmm for some reason Thothie after you listed off that list of shows I want to recommend the Anime Tactics to you.
I saw the first episode or two of Tactics a ways back, it was a little “boyiffic” for my personal taste (the relationship between the demon and the boy borders on Yaoi), but tis true, is likely something I could watch with the misses.

Granted, we went through “Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge”, which is about as close to Yaoi as I want to get – unless you’re CMD, you more or less have to watch this with a chick to retain your sense of sexual identity – but I’m still glad I saw that, as it was funny as hell.

Plot to that one being, basically, four guys, so drop-dead gorgeous that they make women break out in spontaneous nose bleeds as they walk down the street, are stuck with the task of turning this sullen goth girl into a “true and proper lady” or be forced to “pay rent” (evidentially a nightmarish prospect for the pretty boys.)
Clips: ... 2clips.AVI

speaking of tragic anime what about Saikano? anyone see this one? Talk about epic tragedy, it brings a new meaning to the word.
I saw the first episode or two of the OVA and meant to go see the rest, but never did. It seemed wonderfully tragic and all, but the whole magical-girl “my high-school sweetheart is a battle bot” thing is kinda hard to swallow. Still, tis true, I normally can’t resist stories about sad little girls. Hell, I sat through all 13 episodes of Gunslinger Girl, and that was pretty implausible, even though it was inspired by a true story (the Italian government using young girls as assassins to thwart separatists).