The Blue Wizards
We are allied with The Fellowship
Across the lands of middle earth, a resounding crack was heard...
Everything about what was now happening was troubling Allatar- The governor dead, his successor killed and replaced with a sinister alternative- Khazad... One who he did not trust. One whos demands grew daily and daily, til he could not let them pass by without consequence... and now it had come to this. Even now he could see the shadows in the copse of trees spread out into a ring around his tower... til their faces became clear as the cultists. Snatching his trusted Rowan staff from the mantlepiece, he prepared to defend himself- but already he could see it was too late. It was the night of the Fallen, the night where Evil reaches its full power and potential, and even now as the crackling energy ringed around, he knew he was lost...
But the child! His apprentice had so much before him.... Charles could not die like this. Calling upon his last dregs of strength, Allatar shielded the child in pure light- the light of soulfire. Allatar slumped to the ground. His task was done, the child and all that he and Pallando had represented- would live on. Now there was nothing to do but wait for the end...
Gandalf came roaring into the clearing upon Shadowfax only to find that he was too late... His friend and fellow wizard, Allatar- was dead. The tower where he had resided had been incinerated... But wait! in the midst of the blackened timber and mortar a blue globe of light pulsed... Reigning in and dismounting, Gandalf quickly strode to the strange object... It was an energy shield. As he carefully probed the sphere, it faded and revealed a vulnerable looking child he knew to be Allatars apprentice, Charles. Suddenly, the child snapped its head around to look at him, and unconsciously Gandalf stepped back. His eyes... They were like flame. And in that moment, Gandalf realized what Allatar had done- he had poured all his power and natural ability into Charles... Like one would pour water into a cup. Gandalf smiled grimly, wiping away a stray tear, and knelt down.
"There, there child. Worry not- you are safe now." He said gruffly to Charles.
Over the years, Gandalf trained Charles to effectively use the power and ability he had within him. Later on, Charles and The Fellowship sought out evil within other realms, with the one goal of destroying it forever.
Soon, Charles collected a group of people with talent in magic to join him, as apprentices or partners...
BY: DarKnyght (Gandalf the Grey)
How to join.
to join The BluWizards you must first meet the Requirements
First Requirement:Must be kind to other players and guild mates (kicking trolls is acceptable)
Second Requirement:Never accept an item From Players outside the guild! (besides trade)
Third Requirement
on't give away high level items to low level players.
Forth Requirement:Must have the wizard/mage title (Difficult requirement i know!)
Fifth Requirement: Be Active! and be steam friends with everyone in the guild!
Why should i join?
The guild has alot to offer as it is a group of Magic dedicated to getting spells and items for the benefit of everyone. We are also allied with The Fellowship, so not having enough people to support each other should never be a problem.
We also have a quest giving system, you can earn a special guild title or item if you earn it(I assign titles).
And much more, leave some suggestions if needed.
if you want to join, put your title, sc level, steam id and hp/mp in a post
We are allied with The Fellowship
Across the lands of middle earth, a resounding crack was heard...
Everything about what was now happening was troubling Allatar- The governor dead, his successor killed and replaced with a sinister alternative- Khazad... One who he did not trust. One whos demands grew daily and daily, til he could not let them pass by without consequence... and now it had come to this. Even now he could see the shadows in the copse of trees spread out into a ring around his tower... til their faces became clear as the cultists. Snatching his trusted Rowan staff from the mantlepiece, he prepared to defend himself- but already he could see it was too late. It was the night of the Fallen, the night where Evil reaches its full power and potential, and even now as the crackling energy ringed around, he knew he was lost...
But the child! His apprentice had so much before him.... Charles could not die like this. Calling upon his last dregs of strength, Allatar shielded the child in pure light- the light of soulfire. Allatar slumped to the ground. His task was done, the child and all that he and Pallando had represented- would live on. Now there was nothing to do but wait for the end...
Gandalf came roaring into the clearing upon Shadowfax only to find that he was too late... His friend and fellow wizard, Allatar- was dead. The tower where he had resided had been incinerated... But wait! in the midst of the blackened timber and mortar a blue globe of light pulsed... Reigning in and dismounting, Gandalf quickly strode to the strange object... It was an energy shield. As he carefully probed the sphere, it faded and revealed a vulnerable looking child he knew to be Allatars apprentice, Charles. Suddenly, the child snapped its head around to look at him, and unconsciously Gandalf stepped back. His eyes... They were like flame. And in that moment, Gandalf realized what Allatar had done- he had poured all his power and natural ability into Charles... Like one would pour water into a cup. Gandalf smiled grimly, wiping away a stray tear, and knelt down.
"There, there child. Worry not- you are safe now." He said gruffly to Charles.
Over the years, Gandalf trained Charles to effectively use the power and ability he had within him. Later on, Charles and The Fellowship sought out evil within other realms, with the one goal of destroying it forever.
Soon, Charles collected a group of people with talent in magic to join him, as apprentices or partners...
BY: DarKnyght (Gandalf the Grey)
How to join.
to join The BluWizards you must first meet the Requirements
First Requirement:Must be kind to other players and guild mates (kicking trolls is acceptable)
Second Requirement:Never accept an item From Players outside the guild! (besides trade)
Third Requirement
Forth Requirement:Must have the wizard/mage title (Difficult requirement i know!)
Fifth Requirement: Be Active! and be steam friends with everyone in the guild!
Why should i join?
The guild has alot to offer as it is a group of Magic dedicated to getting spells and items for the benefit of everyone. We are also allied with The Fellowship, so not having enough people to support each other should never be a problem.
We also have a quest giving system, you can earn a special guild title or item if you earn it(I assign titles).
And much more, leave some suggestions if needed.
if you want to join, put your title, sc level, steam id and hp/mp in a post