This was originally posted by Tetsmega on the Facepunch Studios forums. He described the event so well i'll just quote him:
Original post on facepunch: Link
This level of teamwork and sharing of skills is exactly what I started playing MS:C to experience. There seems to be a general lack of this in the community, with the usual result being a group of high level players escort lower level players through dungeons to get them equipment they shouldn't have so early. (A high level player or two taking low level players into dangerous areas and then keeping them alive there, with holy circle, rejuvenation etc so the lower skill players can train quicker is very much appreciated however.
Tetsmega said:So it starts out when I join a server in MS:C, everything is going fine as some other dude is helping out some new guys in Thornlands. I do the Spider Cave run and kill the boss, then Benji calls me an asshole for killing the boss as it's meant for a party of new guys. Then we're grinding at the spitting spiders portion to get our proficiencies up. We couldn't really get any good experience because the new guys couldn't handle the haunted forest. But suddenly, it's just the two of us.
We begin our adventure in the haunted forest, getting our divination casting up by rebuking some skeletons, then we decided to tackle the dungeon. As we enter, I devised a plan on how to kill the boss because with the two of us, we stood no chance. Just in the nick of time, a level 19 guy shows up, but he can't heal or rebuke. So I came up with the brilliant plant of having him tank the boss and the skeletons while subenji99 and I heal him. We entered the boss room and the door closes behind us! The new guy begins tanking the skeletons, while subenji99 casts ice shield and I start healing him. The struggle went for ages, but we couldn't hang on. Subenji99 and I had run out of mana, the skeletons were still there because none of use had rebuked then so they wouldn't rise again. The tank had been slayed, subenji99 and I were cornered. I made a desperate struggle to take down the skeletons on the side, but because no one rebuked, it kept rising and we had fallen. Because the boss had killed us, he healed. We tried the same tactic, and managed to slay the 2 skeletons, all was left was the boss, Calrian! I tell the tank to do his job and tank, subenji99 starts rebuking him causing massive damage. The tank had not been doing enough damage, Calrian had starting attacking towards subenji99. I rushed to his side and started healing him, while the tank had attacked Calrian. It was a tough battle, but we had successfully defeated him! The bags of gold sprinkled around him. Subenji99 had picked up his awesome mace, but he gave it to me because my mace proficiency was higher .
Then the new guy leaves and we decide to grind at the best maps ever, the World Walker series. We beat the first two maps easy, he rebuked the skeletons and I lightning stormed them. The third map, however is the hardest. About 10 skeletons spawn in the beginning, and they are HARD. We cast ice shield and he gets his rebuke prepared while I prepare my Lightning storm. We trigger the spawns and hell breaks lose. A lightning cloud strikes all the skeletons with zombies, while subenji99 is rebuking them, making sure they don't get back up. Being the dumb ass I am, I decide to stop using Lightning storm and pull out my mace. I get killed, and lose some experience . subenji99 kills the remaining skeletons and we head for the giant bat. It does a thrusting motion towards my face with it's non-existent penis, while I shit balls of fire at him. Subenji99, sadly, had no strong, ranged, magic. We finished the bat an headed down. Being the lazy-ass I am, I summoned a rat in the tunnel to lure the troll to the opening, where subenji99 and I could use ranged attacks. The trolls are slayed and we continue killing the skeletons in our path. We reach the boss, devising a plan and what tactic to use. I decided to use the Hit-and-run tactic, because our combined strength was no match to face him 2-on-1. We enter his domain, and to our surprise, five trolls came out! I smash my keys, trying to get my Lightning storm to come out. Subenji99 is attacking the boss, which was suicide. I cast my Lightning storm, and make a desperate run for the portal to safety. I see subenji99 sitting there, I take a seat near him and we devise a plan. He decided to see if his rebuke would do massive damage on the boss, as he was a giant skeleton. I would follow behind, with my lightning storm ready. We fall through the portal, subenji99 attacks the boss with his rebuke, and he reported that it did only 6 damage. He heads back for the portal, and I position my self near the portal, mobbing the remaining trolls and boss. The spell was cast, and the lightning storm took down 2 weakened trolls. I jump into the portal, and subenji99 reports that he had managed to kill a troll. All was left was the boss. We tried every tactic and strategy: Hit and run, Tank with a healer, Attacking the shit out of him, using the traps. They all failed, and we were weary from being defeated. Then the server crashed. We started all over again from the beginning and made it back to the boss, in out desperate attempts to kill him."Well, I got to go, tis 5:00 am here." In that journey, we had gotten to know each other better.
Original post on facepunch: Link
This level of teamwork and sharing of skills is exactly what I started playing MS:C to experience. There seems to be a general lack of this in the community, with the usual result being a group of high level players escort lower level players through dungeons to get them equipment they shouldn't have so early. (A high level player or two taking low level players into dangerous areas and then keeping them alive there, with holy circle, rejuvenation etc so the lower skill players can train quicker is very much appreciated however.