Game Name


Old Skool Apostle
MSC Developer
Alpha Tester
MSR Developer
Lead MSR Developer
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
Master Sword: Reforged has been our working title. But before we get too far along (thinking about buying a domain name, if nothing else to make developer coolaboration easier), I thought I'd reach out to everyone for some inspiration. If Master Sword: Reforged works, great, but if there's something that fits better, let's do it! (Note: I don't like Master Sword: Unreal)

Ideas (will provide updates and remove the joke names as they come):
  • Master Sword 2 (or 3, or 64, or 33 1/3)
  • Master Sword: Age of Blood/Age of the Dragon (or other Ages; see the lore)
  • Master Sword: Lost Tales/A Lost Tale
  • Master Sword: A New Age/New Age/Reborn Age
  • Fatesworn (Name of the universe. UPDATE: @Age points out that this is the name of a new DLC for Kingdoms of Amalur)
  • Legends/Adventures of Fatesworn/Leann/etc. (some combinations thereof)
  • Adventurers (oddly enough, not already used, but "The Adventurers" is).
  • Jack-of-all-Trades 2: Nerf Wars
  • Adventures of Olof and Friends
...Disclaimer: I never claimed to have good ideas.
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Socialist Guild
Alpha Tester
MSR Developer
Jun 15, 2008
Reaction score
Somewhere over the rainbow.
BIG fan of the name Fatesworn, shame a 9 year old game that was re-released(???) is just coincidentally releasing a DLC with that name this year. That said I think we could still do something kitschy like:
Fatesworn Fables
Legends of the Fatesworn
Legends of Leann (obviously these two overlap even more with the whole Legend of Zelda association but frankly who cares, it's a cool title format)
Fatesworn Adventures
Fatesworn: Leann (lol)
these are just spitball ideas to get creative juices flowing for anybody else, can't say I'm vibing with any of them


MSS Developer
MSC Developer
MSR Developer
Feb 8, 2010
Reaction score
Great suggestions!

Adventures of Leann
Master Sword Reignited
Fatemates of swornbros
Thothie Boogaloo 5


MSS Developer
MSC Developer
MSR Developer
Feb 8, 2010
Reaction score
BIG fan of the name Fatesworn, shame a 9 year old game that was re-released(???) is just coincidentally releasing a DLC with that name this year. That said I think we could still do something kitschy like:
Fatesworn Fables
Legends of the Fatesworn
Legends of Leann (obviously these two overlap even more with the whole Legend of Zelda association but frankly who cares, it's a cool title format)
Fatesworn Adventures
Fatesworn: Leann (lol)
these are just spitball ideas to get creative juices flowing for anybody else, can't say I'm vibing with any of them
Question is if that big game studio has any qualms with some smaller team using the same name. But I also like it, it's very cool and you made some nice word combos there.

Legends of Leann aka the new LoL


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
Reaction score
You should decide on the lore first, then pick a name. You still haven't picked a lore setting, unless you want this game to branch out to many ages (i wouldn't mind that), but i think the optimal option is to pick an age after the MS:C events with the idea of having time travel to past ages, to relive some of the most epic moments in each age. Perhaps even have "what if" scenarios in the game occuring with these time travels, similar to what we see with nightmare maps in MS:C.

-Master Sword: Dragon Age (if based on age of the dragon)
-Master Sword: Lost Tales/A Lost Tale/ Old Tales Reborn (implying we relive events, similar idea to what the first Assassins creed games pulled, mostly focused on past events with no new lore to add)
-Master Sword: Final Act/Chapter (implying this is the final game lorewise, basically focused on the last age written in the lore, not sure which Age it is though)
-Master Sword: Continued Continued (...)
-Master Sword: Reforged (This name works, but i think the setting would work best if it implied using the same age as MS:C, because it implies that with the name)
-Master Sword: A New Age/New Age/Reborn Age (works best as a new age, that isn't included in the lore but lets you revisit anything previous, this implies you would have some sort of freedom with the lore in this new age and not be tied with everything that was considered in the previous lore books, of course, you shouldn't change past events in this new age, to avoid lore issues and potential people being pissed off)

From all of these names i mentioned, MS: Reborn Age sounds the best to me and should be the "lore setting" you should go with. Picking any of the old ages, means you have to follow the lore closely every single time. If you have a new age, one that is free of said restrictions (but could revisit moments from previous ages), it would somewhat ease on the lore aspect, since you would have some freedom on the events of the game. There should be some lore ideas implemented with this entire setting, otherwise we will end up with people making up random stuff again and implementing said content into the game, without having the lore in mind (doesn't mean you shouldn't accept non lore fiction, but it should be controlled to avoid massive derail like Ms:c suffered).

Having descriptions of every and single noticeable Age in this game that you want to include, would help with content creation. Having a concept map for each Age and the proper lore applied to each map, so people have an easier time understanding what to do. Or better yet, you could start of with the earliest Age you have in mind to revisit, then go from there onwards.

Do keep in mind that the idea i wrote here with Reborn Age, is potentially the longest concept available. Which is both good and bad for obvious reasons.


Old Skool Apostle
MSC Developer
Alpha Tester
MSR Developer
Lead MSR Developer
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
You should decide on the lore first, then pick a name. You still haven't picked a lore setting, unless you want this game to branch out to many ages (i wouldn't mind that), but i think the optimal option is to pick an age after the MS:C events with the idea of having time travel to past ages, to relive some of the most epic moments in each age. Perhaps even have "what if" scenarios in the game occuring with these time travels, similar to what we see with nightmare maps in MS:C.

-Master Sword: Dragon Age (if based on age of the dragon)
-Master Sword: Lost Tales/A Lost Tale/ Old Tales Reborn (implying we relive events, similar idea to what the first Assassins creed games pulled, mostly focused on past events with no new lore to add)
-Master Sword: Final Act/Chapter (implying this is the final game lorewise, basically focused on the last age written in the lore, not sure which Age it is though)
-Master Sword: Continued Continued (...)
-Master Sword: Reforged (This name works, but i think the setting would work best if it implied using the same age as MS:C, because it implies that with the name)
-Master Sword: A New Age/New Age/Reborn Age (works best as a new age, that isn't included in the lore but lets you revisit anything previous, this implies you would have some sort of freedom with the lore in this new age and not be tied with everything that was considered in the previous lore books, of course, you shouldn't change past events in this new age, to avoid lore issues and potential people being pissed off)
I don't want to lock us into an Age just yet, but Age of Blood, Age of Revival, and Age of the Dragon are most likely. Although, MS:C already uses the Age of Revival (doesn't mean we can't). And the Age of Blood was my most likely target, however, Edana doesn't exist yet (which is fine) and this Age would have large battles with gigantic armies, in theory (probably better for an RTS).

-Master Sword: Lost Tales/A Lost Tale sounds promising, but to me personally, it sounds better as a DLC/tie-in to MS:C later down the road (thinking WoW Caverns of Time).
-Master Sword: Age of the Dragon sounds better than sounding like a tie-in to a familiar Bioware game.
-Master Sword: Reforged. Fair point.
-Master Sword: A New Age/New Age/Reborn Age. I like these as well.

Added to the list.

EDIT: Another issue with the Age of the Dragon is following-up from MS:C's unfinished story, and I'm not a fan of getting ahead of the story.
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Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
Reaction score
I'm not on par with the lore that much, i assume the blood age to be prior to ms:c events and the dragon one after?

I get it, about the issue of doing future lore when the current one isn't finished. This is yet another reason as to why you should create your own thing with the game. Your game shouldn't be limited to what someone else has written in terms of lore, which is why i think a new age, that branchs off from the events of the previous age (assuming dragon age is last one) that also lets you revisit previous ages events.

With this in mind, you wouldn't be locking yourself to a specific age, it would instead, give content creators the freedom of choice, you could either limit the game content progression by age or let people create content "lore friendly" for any age included in the game (this might cause confusion if players are suddently jumping across multiple timelines because content is being created across multiple ages at the sametime).

Heck, you could even go as far as creating lobbies across each known town in the game, that still exists to this day, and in each of the towns, there should be a historical location, a museum, so to say, with many points of interest applied to each museum, that lets you pick historical moments within the game, then you would "relive them" upon interacting with them (boom, time travel achieved via interaction with objects/maps/etc). Picking something from the age of blood, would force the game to teleport you to the open world area related to that age, you would play in that map with quest tags related to whatever you interacted with back in the museum.

Reborn Age, if you add the description of "peaceful times" to this age, you could focus on creating towns and low level areas with wildlife that lets you hunt and gear up initially. Most importantly you could see all these areas from previous ages in this new age and see what's up with them, in your own point of view. Essentially giving that idea of how things have aged across X amount of time. It would be interisting, this is a similar approach to what we see IRL.


Old Skool Apostle
Mar 9, 2009
Reaction score
I just like Reforged because it matches the naming convention of "Continued" but less "Continued"-y


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Jul 3, 2005
Reaction score
My information.
MS: Reforged seems good to me. The original game was Master Sword. It's continued development and love was Continued. The new Era should be Reforged.
That, or...
Master Sword: New Era

BTW - hi :p


New Adventurer
Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
Just so you know, many developers don't choose a name for their title until the very last phases of development, just some encouragement not to get hung up on something that is very common


Old Skool Apostle
MSC Developer
Alpha Tester
MSR Developer
Lead MSR Developer
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
Just so you know, many developers don't choose a name for their title until the very last phases of development, just some encouragement not to get hung up on something that is very common
In this case, it was regarding the purchase of a domain name to go with a VPS, but at the end of the day, I can live with $10 for a "development" domain. Even if it changes later.


New Adventurer
MSS Developer
MSC Developer
Sep 17, 2005
Reaction score
Hi, I like working on unreal more than source. soooo, how do i also become a MSR dev since source is deader than a fish in the Sahara


Old Skool Apostle
MSC Developer
Alpha Tester
MSR Developer
Lead MSR Developer
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
Hi, I like working on unreal more than source. soooo, how do i also become a MSR dev since source is deader than a fish in the Sahara
Sent you a PM 👍


New Adventurer
MSS Developer
MSC Developer
Sep 17, 2005
Reaction score
I like Master-Sword: Reforged the most. It has no implications like dragon age would have but the dragon timeline could still exist within it. It has no implications of a new age or timeline, but also does not throw it out the window allowing freedom in the developmental stages. I think Reforged is perfect as it keeps us closer to the OG mastersword and vision, lore, history, time restrictions unbarred in its namesake. Also, reforged is a good pun.