Squirrel - Husky sold the m4 to his brother, you could give him a call and ask to borrow it. Or, if you really need it, I could have my parents grab it from my room and have it waiting for you >_>
just to let everyone know, the M4 was a part of my attire this evening, for at least a little bit
for a haloween party, it wasn't very haloween-y...lots of soul calibur, pool, shooting random stuff, shooting random people, leaving early, nearly driving into oncoming traffic (wtf is with the roads around my girlfriends house? they say you can turn, and when you do turn into what looks like the right spot its all like, nope! thats oncoming traffic! 4 wheel drive time!) and getting home early, then watching the history channel...and eatin candy...then posting on these forums...imma go to bed...
Squirrel, try going to the RIGHT side of the road. Also, for those people who don't know, if an adress is near 192nd street, you shouldn't go to 192nd and RANDOMSTREET and drive through neighborhoods. Squirrel was leading until Husky took over and found out we were 3-4 miles away...
Also, Squirrel had a nub costume, Husky's was 1337, and mine was 1337est.
Teh world is pain.
But I had to cut off most of my hair to do it >_<. At least I've been getting a lot of positive comments >_>
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