Hey I don't know the code very well so I don't know how plausible this is for a suggestion... and its probably been suggested before but here goes...
Idea 1:
I have played this for quite awhile and I feel that when I want to specialize in something I shouldn't have to constantly worry about other weapons that do not coincide with my class structure to have enough HP to do anything difficult with AoE damage. My idea for a solution kind of goes back to an old Everquest system in regards to specialization. In EQ you could only specialize as a caster one discipline past 50, and whichever one you got past 50 first was your chosen discipline and could not be capped, while the others capped at 50. The idea that would go for MSC would be that you can only get 2 or 3 skills past 12 or some designated level ( parry not included, and maybe take out parry changing class names
). Spell casting at that point would be fine because honestly once you have 50% shield and rejuv, you are pretty self-sufficient. With this new cap you could add a base amount of HP to be added to all skill trees without having people just level everything to get the most HP instead of specializing. Perhaps make the cap 20? the cap is something that could be discussed but I feel a cap would allow people to fulfill some sort of role within the community. Obviously this community is small so the cap would need to allow people to sufficient on their own without certain archtypes, but that is very do-able at a low level of skill. I know my friend who just started playing really wanted to be a pure a caster and could not do so because of the lack of HP and being raped, and it seems now that everyone at a certain point becomes a king of all trades. Food for thought, it would be a pretty big change and I am sure some would not welcome losing everything being maxed out, but as far as appeal, I think I could bring a great deal of players to the game if they knew they could specialize and fulfill a role that not everyone else could do. I mean we do have player classes in the game but they are merely a title based on skill ratios, rather than a true representation of how you play and what role you fulfill. Maybe like a potion of forgetfulness you have a rare potion or something that allows you to reset your skills back to the cap should you choose to that spawns you items that give a certain amount of skill in a field? or maybe just resets all skills to the base level cap for professions e.g. 12 etc.
Idea 2:
If idea one was implemented ( or even not
but better if it is ), healing actually giving experience to divination or some tree? More divination spells than just rebuke from what I have seen so far. Taking one idea further you could split the spell casting tree to damage type spell caster and pure support/healing casters. Leave some elemental support things like ice wall to the Damage type casters, but maybe make some new spells available to this new healing/support class, buffs like HP buffs, maybe a heal over time, a dispel, a knockback buff? resist spells?
I don't want to take away from what MS is because I think it is great as it is, but I do think it could be a lot more. Sure graphics are dated but game-play is why I play this game and I know many others that this is the case. Again, I do not know the code and what these changes would entail so please don't hit me
But the development team here seems spot on and I think something like this is definitely do-able. Let me know what you think because I have gradually started bringing people in to this game from WoW and other MMOs and most really like the game and think with a little tweaking it could be utterly amazing (not saying that its not now, but you know
Also... I do voice acting, Thothie need some voice overs for stuff? I work for experience
Idea 1:
I have played this for quite awhile and I feel that when I want to specialize in something I shouldn't have to constantly worry about other weapons that do not coincide with my class structure to have enough HP to do anything difficult with AoE damage. My idea for a solution kind of goes back to an old Everquest system in regards to specialization. In EQ you could only specialize as a caster one discipline past 50, and whichever one you got past 50 first was your chosen discipline and could not be capped, while the others capped at 50. The idea that would go for MSC would be that you can only get 2 or 3 skills past 12 or some designated level ( parry not included, and maybe take out parry changing class names
Idea 2:
If idea one was implemented ( or even not
I don't want to take away from what MS is because I think it is great as it is, but I do think it could be a lot more. Sure graphics are dated but game-play is why I play this game and I know many others that this is the case. Again, I do not know the code and what these changes would entail so please don't hit me
Also... I do voice acting, Thothie need some voice overs for stuff? I work for experience