

New Adventurer
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
So, like maybe two years ago, I had this crazy idea that I would make my own source mod from scratch. El oh el right?
Pretty much.
After the hours and hours I spent on concepts, I realized that it was pretty much impossible for me to learn to map, model, skin, animate, texture, code, and every other thing it takes to make a mod aside from ideas. Along side text files full of anything that popped into my head, I have pages upon pages of drawings for monsters, weapons, maps, UI concepts, and just random sh!t.

So, I thought I'd post some of it, mostly just for the hell of it, but maybe it'll help teh MS:S /shrug

P.S. I made this before I got into WoW. Now that I'm reading over it agian, a suprizing amount sounds like its from WoW. Let's avoid the "omg that came from -insert game here-" :roll:

Basically it's a rpg/action/adventure/whatever the hell
I'm not really sure exactly how I would classify it

The general idea is that you have a single player mode where you level up, do quests, get items, blah blah blah. The multi player aspect you have huge-scale events, where you can earn certain items only avialabe from multiplayer. I think I envisioned multiplayer to be purely coop. Certain events would only let you have one life before it reset. Of course, there would be special things like, Potions of Vengance that allow you to respawn, but you could only have one at the time. And, guess what, im rambling, hehe.

Title: Fissure

Here's the story behind the name. The world you fought it is basically a world of giant cracks. Ya i know it sounds kinda dumb, but I wanted there you be walls on all sides so that if a player went flying, which they would often enough, they'd smash into a wall. Also, run speed would be increased a sh!t ton, and you would be able to jump over biuldings, or off walls, so people would be flying all over the place, and it would just be pure chaos, which I think would be amazing fun.

Gain power and items through single player, then join others online to participate in huge coop battles.

Classes: Warrior, Elementalist, Bloodmage, Summoner.

Each Character would have these stats
- Life - The more life you have, the longer you live. Pretty simple.
- Level - Hmm...
- Experience - Hmmm......

- Defense - The more defense you have, the higher the percent of physical damg will be prevented.
- Magic Defense - Same as defense, except it works toward magical attacks against you. This means less damg delt by damg spells, and reduces the change of getting hit by a curse or something that is not a direct damg spell.
- Life Regeneration - How fast your life comes back on its own.
- Special Points - Special points are used for special attacks, which are usually decided upon class, but there are some every class can get. Untill the highest level, you only have four, but there would have been a quest to get a fifth one. This would grant you the ability to use the super-uber five-point special abilities, not to mention just having an xtra point.
- SP regen - How fast your Special Points come back.
- Run Speed - Base run/walk speed

Along with other stats based on your class:
- Attack Speed - This is your base attack speed (time between swings) modifier.
- Endurance - This is like mana for the warrior.
- Attack - The more attack you have, the more damg your physical attacks will do.
- Magical Attack - Same as attack, except for direct spells. Increase in damg for direct damg spells, and an increase in the chance that your spell will land if it is not a damg spell.
- Mana Regeneration - Duh.
- Endurance Regeration - Duh agian.
- Casting Speed - Base casting speed (time between spells) modifier. Obviously some spells will cast faster than others.

There would be an training npc for each class, which you could train in different attacks which would require certain levels. There would also be a general training npc every class can use. From him you can learn skills like "swift," which just increases your walk/run speed (passively), and other general stuffs.
Also, there will be "combo attacks" and "special attacks"
Combo and special attacks will be avialable through the class traininers.
- Combo attacks -
Once you train in a combo attack, you must do the combo for the attack to become avialable.
Heres an example
EX1 (Melee):
Say you have three melee attacks, "Jump attack," "Slice," and "Whirlwind"
All fairly simple sounding. You hit your opponent with each attack, in that order, and you get some message, maybe just a text thing, that says

*** "Raking Kick" is available for 10 seconds ***

Thus you have 10 seconds to use Raking Kick, probably by right clicking or something. If you hit, you do massive damg and send your enemy flying, and they cant cast spells for 3 seconds.

The same could go for magic, you have 2 or 3 or 4 spells, maybe the same spell for 2 or 3 hits, that you have to hit your opponent with for a combo spell to be avialable. I think one I thought up was called "Wretching Pain" which was a curse. Curses worked a little differently than
just shooting fire balls. A curse is like a grenade, in that throwing it doest really hurt anyone, but when it makes contact with something, thats when it explodes. Anyone in the radius of the curse would be affected by it. There wouldn't actually be an explosion, just a set radius. I beleive anyone inside the radius of "Wretching Pain" would be blinded for a short period of time, and take a moderate amount of damage over time. Of course, if you magic resistance was high enough, you could resist it.

I didn't really work out how you would get these. Maybe money, maybe points earned each level, maybe quest items, maybe a combination of these.

Heres a list of random monsters =P
Burning Dead
Magma Demon
Lava Maw

Here was the trading system I wrote up:
Trading:A trading system will be avialabe bewteen players in order to exchange items. If two players of different classes trade, only items that all players can use will appear in thier trade inventory. If two players of the same class trade, then all items(except for a select few) will appear in thier personal trade inventory.
Player1 selects Player2 and presses the trade button. Player2 gets a notification and can accept/reject the trade. If he accepts a window pops up. The window is divided into two windows next to each other. The left window displays Player2's offered items. The right window displays Player1's offered items.
Both players can select items they want to trade, and when both are happy with the offer they can both hit an accept button. When both have clicked the accept button the trade is done and the items are exchanged.

Works exactly like WoW :roll:

Personal Battle Music:
I thought it would be cool to have a personal battle music player, where you can put music files in a folder, and a music player will appear in game with the music you chose. Of course, people can just run iTunes or something in the backround, but, meh, w/e.

General Class Overview:


A warrior uses swords and axes. The warrior is a combat machine, a master of battle maneuvers.


Elementalists use fire, ice, and lighting spells


A summoner uses bows and summons creatures.


Bloodmage uses energy and force spells. A Bloodmage does not use mana, but instead uses thier health as mana. Thus, they would have a rediculous amount of health.

Here was the list of Spells/Skills/Abilities/Trainings I had before I quit.

- Melee:
Flurry - combo
Overrun - combo

- Spell:
Smite - non elemental spell
Spellbomb - AoE force push

- Self Buff:
Still Mind - mana increase/mana regen increase?
Viper Tounge - faster cast speed
Concentration - more spell damg
Spellcrafting - more spell casting speed
Fortitude - More defense
Iron Will - increased damg and cast speed
Rush - run speed increased dramatically for a time
Finesse - Combos cost less endurance
(bloodmage) Marrow Growth - increased life regen
Quicken/Haste? - faster attack speed
Chill - low lvl cold spell
Desecration - Highlevel Energy Spell
Flare - low lvl flame spell
The Forbidden... - Some high level spell
Forcecage - Bloodmage spell. If hit by it, enemy is stuck to ground for 5 seconds
Repel - Bloodmage lowlevel force push spell
Inferno - AoE fire spell
Black Sun - High level energy spell
Eclipse - Mass blind curse

List of weapon ideas

- SmokeScream: Sword with grey/black metal and 3 spots equadistant from eachother on the blade that emit smoke particles.
- Sorrow: Sword with a black blade and red runes. Runes glow.
- Nightmare: Black sword that gives the wielder the ability to cast "Nightmare Resurection" Which summons 3 black demons to fight for them.
- Etheral: Translucent
- Phaseblade
- Wrath
- Watershadow
- Blackheart
- HellBent
- DreamShear

The end.

Sorry for the ridiculously long post :D


New Adventurer
Aug 28, 2004
Reaction score
No Bludgeons?

sounded like a good mod.


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Sounds almost as nutty as my idea of a dungeon crawling RTS/FPS hybrid mod along the lines of Natural Selection. Capture altars instead of resource towers, gain various spells, abilities, units, tranformations, etc etc.