Master Sword: United (Urdual? Umpteenth Attempt?)


MSC Developer
MSU Developer
Aug 23, 2005
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Shaders I make from scratch - but it is using Unity's new Shadergraph - or the legacy renderer I use ShaderForge. I should probably have said that up front. I tried to learn shader languages but they are written by demons in the infernal tongue.

As for textures. I make them from scratch - either by drawing them if the game is low-res or manipulating extisting textures/photos for high res. If you want a full like PBR material of a texture - they take longer, as I used Substance Painter to make the other maps.

I can also unwrap models and texture models.

All I really need is a list of textures you'd like. I can't officially commit to them as I don't have the time but I can potter about and do one here and there.


Lead MSU Developer
MSS Developer
MSC Developer
MSU Developer
Jan 5, 2009
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It would be great to have you aboard! One here and there is infinitely better than none nowhere and never!
I completely agree on shader languages. They're the closest thing to magic we have in the world this side of electricity.

Right now, we need any Nature textures you can muster, with a focus on grass, rocks, and variants thereof. I'll work up a better list once I dig into level design myself, or if a level designer comes to me with a list in the meantime.


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Jul 24, 2006
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I always had the idea of doing master sword in UE4. Especially now with the upcoming quixel megascans library coming up in 2020 completely free for anyone using unreal engine.

If you ever decide to shift gears to unreal engine I can offer assistance in programming the game server and the client logic. I have also collected many free assets every month from the givaways so I can offer all those up for the project as well.

Anyway good luck with the unity project I really hope it comes together, master sword is an amazing game I would really like to help make it accessable and appealing to new players. I have been nominated for community member of the month before that's how you know I am dedicated to this game.