The date you wish it to be rolled back to - Today, August 2nd, 5 PM Central Time, or the closest time you have before my problem.
Your full SteamID - STEAM_0:1:9097628
The slot your character was in - Slot 1 and Slot 2
WTF happened to your character? - I transfered 4 symbols to my main character which had the final symbol, then the server crashed on Undamael a few minutes later. Thanks in advance Mikkel.
Your full SteamID - STEAM_0:1:9097628
The slot your character was in - Slot 1 and Slot 2
WTF happened to your character? - I transfered 4 symbols to my main character which had the final symbol, then the server crashed on Undamael a few minutes later. Thanks in advance Mikkel.