Is it because your causing it? Maybe you should be banned and the "Drifting out of subject" issue won't be a problem? It would explain your 850+ posts.
one more after this then it will be 850
Hey I am not the only one that is out of subject post...
MiB is a perfect example! so are you villager! you are out of subject! I start talking about the cats and then you guys have to go against me... hm... I was on the subject at first until you came in... here is an example below...
On this thread (recently, at least) nor the other one did I insult you or go off topic. Good work attempting to draw me into a fight that I had been staying out of.
for what?
should I say you ought to be ban for attempt to destroy GoW? Pffttt... make some sense! This is off topic! so I can't really get banned for "off topic" in the off topic thread.
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