I need rollback to whatever was working just before I applied the March2010 patch 10 minutes ago. My bags, sheathes, basically everything was missing when I connected to a server for the first time 
-The date your character last worked (ie. the date you wish it to be rolled back to.)
Before March patch hit.
-Your full SteamID
-The slot your character was in (1, 2, or 3, numbered left to right)
-WTF happened to your character? (Overflow, lost item, etc. - to help us debug)
patch wiped all my items
-The date your character last worked (ie. the date you wish it to be rolled back to.)
Before March patch hit.
-Your full SteamID
-The slot your character was in (1, 2, or 3, numbered left to right)
-WTF happened to your character? (Overflow, lost item, etc. - to help us debug)
patch wiped all my items