First, before i get on with the main focus of this topic, would probably be a good idea to make an "announcement" donations topic that will pop up under any section of the forums, there are talks of donations here and there by using the search method, spread out across multiple topics. Really need to make that one main attractive topic with all the information necessary as to what people should do if they want to donate, also said topic should be open for comments and used to list potential models that could help the mod, so people may do their own searches and post them there or question as to if it's an actual good buy for the mod. Basically an active guide topic with everything in it so to say. I'm clueless about making a guide for this, otherwise i would do it.
This came to my mind as i am clueless as to what i should do to donate something, be it money or models, both ways should be described so people have an easier time doing this stuff. People are often driven away by the complexity of things or the lack of knowledge to know what to do.
Now the main focus of this topic, i've been digging through turbosquid yesterday and today for quite sometime, decided to make a search on model packs under $50, see what kind of things pop up and if they associate with the medieval-fantasy theme. Currently my google chrome has a crapton of tabs open, so i'm gonna go through all of these tabs and post the ones that seem more usefull (alot of these tabs are weapons packs, most of which are basic models low quality models that are in the game or are even uglier than the ones ingame). Then again i have no clue if said model packs are of any use or can even be used in msc or mss. Along with the fact that some of these might have already been donated (which could very well be another problem for donators who are clueless like me).
Anyways, here's the list:
-Dinosaur Pack, this is probably my favourite search of them all, it's not a weapons pack and the theme is actually interisting, not sure if its entirelly fitting with msc but since we already have alot of things that don't seem fitting, so why not? Dinosaurs need some love too. Crocs are already ingame too. Maybe use them in jungle'ish maps or large plain areas such as thunderplains, or could even pull that one move of having dinosaurs frozen in icy maps and the ice is melting away so they magically come back to life.
-Spider pack, we already have a bunch of spiders in the game, i know. But this one pack literally looked like something that could have some potential use with msc, along with the fact that the quality of the models are literally msc look-a-like.
-Zombie horde pack, not 100% sure about this pack, the way the models look like, they don't seem to fit in that well, since its mostly horror fitting. Unless it goes along with the lines of khaz failed experiments and/or abominations.
-Fantasy meele weapons pack, these look pretty good, the price tag is a bit heavy but probably worth it. Also one of my suggestions from here was to add more weapon variants to each skill, the use of dual wielding in blunt and axes for example, the introduction of dual wield spears. Things like this... this pack could potentially add some more diversity to available weaponry.
-Fantasy robes pack, pretty sure this was already donated as i saw people talking about it long ago. Still worth a mention i guess?
-Alien insects pack, reminds me of hunderswamp_north, probably some potential use to these.
-Fish pack, the only reason i'm posting this is because of the fact that we only have 3 underwater enemies in this game from what i recall (leeches, sharks, demonfish) and i guess that orca whale that essentially is not a valid target. There was talks for an underwater map in the recent past, inb4 that map is rigged with sharks and demonfish and glowing leeches. To avoid that, perhaps this one pack will help avoiding that.
-Mushroom pack, maybe new consumables with side effects? Maybe new items used in alchemy to create advanced potions (mix 3 different types to create a potion, essentially something similiar to forging gear)? Maybe new items that can only be collected from specific themed maps assigned to each type of shroom? I know its way alot of mushrooms, but the potential use behind them for various reasons could be so damn "high"!
-Potion variety pack, this pack might be useless, i don't know. I do like a wide variety of potions flasks in RPG games though, if msc could do that without breaking up, probably a good addition then.
-Fantasy weapon pack, 20 models included in the pack, some potential variety in weaponry is included. Things like rapiers, double sided blade, blade with a spiky handle (mix use of pushing back and doing damage or parrying and returning damage to the enemy), etc.
-Fantasy swords pack, 6 swords, all magical looking and low quality. Could potentially use some of them as daggers too with rescaling.
-Knight gear, i like this set, i really do. All 4 of the items look pretty good and would most likely be worth considering adding into MSC in the future.
-Fantasy bows set, 10 bows, from basic to magical looking, this pack seems pretty good for replacing old models with and even add new potential bows to the game.
-Fantasy heavy armour set, 10 models, chain armours, plate armours. They look exactly the kind of thing msc would use, quality-wise.
-Fantasy light armour set, 10 models, lightweight armour. Samething as the previous listed item, quality-wise it looks like the thing msc would use.
-Fantasy shield set, 13 models, basic to magical shields. Samething as the previous listed item.
-Fantasy daggers set, 10 models, basic to magical daggers, same as the previous entries.
-Fantasy swords set, 10 models, baisc to magical swords, samething again.
-15 weapons pack, looks similiar to what msc would use in terms of weapon content.
-Diablo spear pack, 5 spear models with some nice quality in them.
-Fantasy weapons pack, set of items that look like are made of glass/crystal or whatever.
-Orc warlord pack, this pack might be worth it, if we were to add a new orc unit to the game. The creator named it warrior, the creation seems more related to a warlord than a warrior to me.
Secondary picks
-Wyvern pack, potentially could have some good use.
-Basic potions pack, not really sure if these are of any use.
-Pumpkin pack, maybe add a new type of food consumable? Apples are the low tier consumables, could always go with a mid tier or higher consumable. Perhaps have its own recipe aswell for a pumpkin soup or maybe a pumpkin pie. :roll:
-Meele weapons pack, have no clue if this can be of any use, the weapon variety is good tho.
-Moar potions pack, probably MSS. i don't know.
-Tardis 2013 pack, probably not that much use, but since we already have a tardis model in the game, thought it might be a good idea to give it some more use. Like different variations of Tardis used for different purposes, one to travel into the past (helena-old_helena), one to travel into alternate dimensions (nightmare maps) and so on. I'm not really a fan of doctor who, not that i don't welcome the use of the tardis in this game, it's actually a pretty good idea.
-Apples pack, more apples, anyone? Could always update these things with some extra variety, effects and uses. Maybe even have them used to create basic potions and stuff.
-Medieval weapons pack, these look nice. MSC probably has little to no use for these unless its model replacement, so MSS perhaps?
-Low quality medieval/fantasy pack, might have some use within msc, at least one of the models might (the one handed sceptre that is).
-Low quality blunt weapons, blunt weapons with a level system design (they change in appearence and get stronger and nastier), the idea behind it is pretty good, probably no use out of those models though. Unless it is for replacing the current existing models with these.
-Low quality fantasy swords pack, i have an undecided opinion about this, they look a little bit too cartoonish, plus the textures in some of them also make them less serious as instruments of war. Some of the models, while unrealistic, look good/ok to me.
-Greenstell weapon set, same issue as the previous listed item, too cartoonish, though i do see more potential in this item than the previous one, it contains a diversity of tools.
-50 weapons pack, from the image i count 40, inb4 rip off title, cheap price anyways. The only use i see in this pack is probably replacing some of the existing bow models with the ones provided here, they might look better than the tree bows and its variants we have.
-Medieval weapons pack, there are low-mid and high quality included, mss could potentially use this(?), i have no clue.
-Old rusty gear, the only reason i'm posting this is because of the shield, it does look nice, not sure if it would still look nice ingame, also considering the price tag, probably not worth it.
-Hammers pack, 5 hammers, no big deal. Just decided to mention.
-Weapon pack, maybe for mss.
-Weapon pack, these look okay'ish overall
-10 katanas pack, bunch of katana reskins that basically look like basic elemental reskins, overpriced probably. Not that they look bad, it's just that the price tag might be a rip off compared to some of the other packs. 10 bucks would probably be the ideal price. Then again i'm no expert.
-Lowpoly medieval weapons, maybe for mss, idk.
-swords pack, mss maybe.
Some non-pack items here, mostly npcs (if not all)
-Dragon knight, pretty sure it could easily fit into msc, given that we have dragons in the lore and a dragon themed map.
-Battlemage maiden, looks damn nice. Not sure what kind of integration she would have in msc though. Maybe endgame content possibility? Like a character introduced later that will help you with quests or something. We are humans in this game and have little to no help from humans themselves, which is weird. Maybe could be for mss, idk.
-sword + shield knight, this looks nice but uh... i would place it on the same spot as the previous listed item in terms of where it should be, if msc could use this, good, if not, then mss?
-Female warrior, could easily be added to msc, with places like deralia and hall of deralia, could also easily replace some of the existing ugly models (i'm looking at you, the one npc that shows up in foutpost/islesofdread2/gertenheld_forest/deralia...)
-Warrior girl/young female warrior, same as the previous one, except looks more rookish.
-Medieval female warrior/experienced female warrior/royal guard, probably what i would call as the real deal. Could also help replace existing ugly npcs.
-Medieval warrior, same as the previous 2 entries, except looks like a basic male warrior/basic infantry, so i guess a rookie.
-Medieval warrior/experienced warrior/royal guard,same as the female counterpart.
-Warrior/Rogue warrior, same as the previous one except his motives are different.
-Fantasy warrior/Rogue warrior leader, basically what the name says, looks like a rogue warrior to me or some type of warrior you would pay to get the job done.
-Medieval knight, basically the bulky guy from the group that gets all the attention.
-skeleton warrior/undead warrior/cursed warrior, someone was caught exploring the wrong location at the wrong time.
-Skeleton archer/undead archer/cursed archer, same fate as the previous fool.
-Necromancer, the one guy who delivered said fate to the previous two fools. :roll:
-Woman priest/female support mage, the go-to npc to get some support magical spells and items.
-Human battlemage, the go-to npc to get some offensive magical spells and items.
-Human warlock, the go-to guy to get offensive magical spells.
-Female mage, the go-to npc to get basic magical spells and items.
-Fire mage, the one npc that just wants to see the world burn, also he could sell some spells too to help him achieve that.
-Mistress, the go-to person to get shady requests/tasks and things involving poison (i guess in other words, she could sell poison related magics)
-Dwarf warrior, there was still room to add a midget to the list, so here it is!
A pack that is priced over 50
$59 troll pack + reskins, not sure if necessary to the game but might be worth mentioning.
UPDATE #1(Free-50€ search)
This update contains a list of items that are potentially ready for implementation:
-Monster rig Mesefus, a pale undead, includes a walking animation, seems to be missing 3 basic animations (attack, idle and death), price is cheap though.
-Low poly giant demon with a club, it seems to be ready for use and contains 4 animations.
-Large red mantis, death animation, max 3ds rigged.
-Wasp, seems to be game ready, fully animated.
-"Metal" wasp, exactly the same as the previous one, just retextured and 1€ higher. :roll:
-Alien, game ready, doesn't look 100% alien to me, looks like an experiment gone wrong. Includes "dramatic poses", walk cycle animation and attack animation.
-Fly, seems to be complete and ready for use, includes 3 animations (flyloop, idle and death). Cheap price.
-Low poly fantasy wurm, 9+ animations, seems ready for use.
-Carnivorous plant, seems ready for use. Says its animated but doesnt specify what animations are included.
-Demonic bear, actually its a panda. Anyways seems to be complete, says its animated but doesnt list what the animations are... Might be missing some animations most likely. Also low price.
-Fire Golem, this right here looks badass and it's one of my main targets right now. It seems to be complete for instant use.
-Ice Golem, this is the same as the previous one, different model though. Also one of my main targets right now.
-Demon lord, this is probably a great investment, seems to be game ready, low price, a whole bunch of animations (8 to be exact) and comes in two elemental versions of fire and ice. Also my main target.
-Demon, seems to be complete and ready for use. This is a secondary target for me. (might buy it at a later time)
-Mummy, same as the previous item.
-This creator has a bunch of animated stuff. All of them seem to be missing "materials", idk what that is. Also the format might not be the proper one, but there is this conversion option of 5 models per week. So i guess it's worth it?
Not animated, some models that look nice and i thought i should mention:
-Magma creature, not rigged or animated, looks good though.
-Stone golem, doesn't have animations, which is too bad, the model looks damn good and has alot of potential use. Also cheap price.
-"Female warrior", the name makes little sense imo, the model is pretty good though.
-Nasty demon, looks pretty good.
Just some links for future reference:
-3DRT creator store
-CGtrader store
This came to my mind as i am clueless as to what i should do to donate something, be it money or models, both ways should be described so people have an easier time doing this stuff. People are often driven away by the complexity of things or the lack of knowledge to know what to do.
Now the main focus of this topic, i've been digging through turbosquid yesterday and today for quite sometime, decided to make a search on model packs under $50, see what kind of things pop up and if they associate with the medieval-fantasy theme. Currently my google chrome has a crapton of tabs open, so i'm gonna go through all of these tabs and post the ones that seem more usefull (alot of these tabs are weapons packs, most of which are basic models low quality models that are in the game or are even uglier than the ones ingame). Then again i have no clue if said model packs are of any use or can even be used in msc or mss. Along with the fact that some of these might have already been donated (which could very well be another problem for donators who are clueless like me).
Anyways, here's the list:
-Dinosaur Pack, this is probably my favourite search of them all, it's not a weapons pack and the theme is actually interisting, not sure if its entirelly fitting with msc but since we already have alot of things that don't seem fitting, so why not? Dinosaurs need some love too. Crocs are already ingame too. Maybe use them in jungle'ish maps or large plain areas such as thunderplains, or could even pull that one move of having dinosaurs frozen in icy maps and the ice is melting away so they magically come back to life.

-Spider pack, we already have a bunch of spiders in the game, i know. But this one pack literally looked like something that could have some potential use with msc, along with the fact that the quality of the models are literally msc look-a-like.
-Zombie horde pack, not 100% sure about this pack, the way the models look like, they don't seem to fit in that well, since its mostly horror fitting. Unless it goes along with the lines of khaz failed experiments and/or abominations.
-Fantasy meele weapons pack, these look pretty good, the price tag is a bit heavy but probably worth it. Also one of my suggestions from here was to add more weapon variants to each skill, the use of dual wielding in blunt and axes for example, the introduction of dual wield spears. Things like this... this pack could potentially add some more diversity to available weaponry.
-Fantasy robes pack, pretty sure this was already donated as i saw people talking about it long ago. Still worth a mention i guess?
-Alien insects pack, reminds me of hunderswamp_north, probably some potential use to these.
-Fish pack, the only reason i'm posting this is because of the fact that we only have 3 underwater enemies in this game from what i recall (leeches, sharks, demonfish) and i guess that orca whale that essentially is not a valid target. There was talks for an underwater map in the recent past, inb4 that map is rigged with sharks and demonfish and glowing leeches. To avoid that, perhaps this one pack will help avoiding that.
-Mushroom pack, maybe new consumables with side effects? Maybe new items used in alchemy to create advanced potions (mix 3 different types to create a potion, essentially something similiar to forging gear)? Maybe new items that can only be collected from specific themed maps assigned to each type of shroom? I know its way alot of mushrooms, but the potential use behind them for various reasons could be so damn "high"!
-Potion variety pack, this pack might be useless, i don't know. I do like a wide variety of potions flasks in RPG games though, if msc could do that without breaking up, probably a good addition then.
-Fantasy weapon pack, 20 models included in the pack, some potential variety in weaponry is included. Things like rapiers, double sided blade, blade with a spiky handle (mix use of pushing back and doing damage or parrying and returning damage to the enemy), etc.
-Fantasy swords pack, 6 swords, all magical looking and low quality. Could potentially use some of them as daggers too with rescaling.
-Knight gear, i like this set, i really do. All 4 of the items look pretty good and would most likely be worth considering adding into MSC in the future.
-Fantasy bows set, 10 bows, from basic to magical looking, this pack seems pretty good for replacing old models with and even add new potential bows to the game.
-Fantasy heavy armour set, 10 models, chain armours, plate armours. They look exactly the kind of thing msc would use, quality-wise.
-Fantasy light armour set, 10 models, lightweight armour. Samething as the previous listed item, quality-wise it looks like the thing msc would use.
-Fantasy shield set, 13 models, basic to magical shields. Samething as the previous listed item.
-Fantasy daggers set, 10 models, basic to magical daggers, same as the previous entries.
-Fantasy swords set, 10 models, baisc to magical swords, samething again.
-15 weapons pack, looks similiar to what msc would use in terms of weapon content.
-Diablo spear pack, 5 spear models with some nice quality in them.
-Fantasy weapons pack, set of items that look like are made of glass/crystal or whatever.
-Orc warlord pack, this pack might be worth it, if we were to add a new orc unit to the game. The creator named it warrior, the creation seems more related to a warlord than a warrior to me.
Secondary picks
-Wyvern pack, potentially could have some good use.
-Basic potions pack, not really sure if these are of any use.
-Pumpkin pack, maybe add a new type of food consumable? Apples are the low tier consumables, could always go with a mid tier or higher consumable. Perhaps have its own recipe aswell for a pumpkin soup or maybe a pumpkin pie. :roll:
-Meele weapons pack, have no clue if this can be of any use, the weapon variety is good tho.
-Moar potions pack, probably MSS. i don't know.
-Tardis 2013 pack, probably not that much use, but since we already have a tardis model in the game, thought it might be a good idea to give it some more use. Like different variations of Tardis used for different purposes, one to travel into the past (helena-old_helena), one to travel into alternate dimensions (nightmare maps) and so on. I'm not really a fan of doctor who, not that i don't welcome the use of the tardis in this game, it's actually a pretty good idea.
-Apples pack, more apples, anyone? Could always update these things with some extra variety, effects and uses. Maybe even have them used to create basic potions and stuff.
-Medieval weapons pack, these look nice. MSC probably has little to no use for these unless its model replacement, so MSS perhaps?
-Low quality medieval/fantasy pack, might have some use within msc, at least one of the models might (the one handed sceptre that is).
-Low quality blunt weapons, blunt weapons with a level system design (they change in appearence and get stronger and nastier), the idea behind it is pretty good, probably no use out of those models though. Unless it is for replacing the current existing models with these.
-Low quality fantasy swords pack, i have an undecided opinion about this, they look a little bit too cartoonish, plus the textures in some of them also make them less serious as instruments of war. Some of the models, while unrealistic, look good/ok to me.
-Greenstell weapon set, same issue as the previous listed item, too cartoonish, though i do see more potential in this item than the previous one, it contains a diversity of tools.
-50 weapons pack, from the image i count 40, inb4 rip off title, cheap price anyways. The only use i see in this pack is probably replacing some of the existing bow models with the ones provided here, they might look better than the tree bows and its variants we have.
-Medieval weapons pack, there are low-mid and high quality included, mss could potentially use this(?), i have no clue.
-Old rusty gear, the only reason i'm posting this is because of the shield, it does look nice, not sure if it would still look nice ingame, also considering the price tag, probably not worth it.
-Hammers pack, 5 hammers, no big deal. Just decided to mention.
-Weapon pack, maybe for mss.
-Weapon pack, these look okay'ish overall
-10 katanas pack, bunch of katana reskins that basically look like basic elemental reskins, overpriced probably. Not that they look bad, it's just that the price tag might be a rip off compared to some of the other packs. 10 bucks would probably be the ideal price. Then again i'm no expert.
-Lowpoly medieval weapons, maybe for mss, idk.
-swords pack, mss maybe.
Some non-pack items here, mostly npcs (if not all)
-Dragon knight, pretty sure it could easily fit into msc, given that we have dragons in the lore and a dragon themed map.
-Battlemage maiden, looks damn nice. Not sure what kind of integration she would have in msc though. Maybe endgame content possibility? Like a character introduced later that will help you with quests or something. We are humans in this game and have little to no help from humans themselves, which is weird. Maybe could be for mss, idk.
-sword + shield knight, this looks nice but uh... i would place it on the same spot as the previous listed item in terms of where it should be, if msc could use this, good, if not, then mss?
-Female warrior, could easily be added to msc, with places like deralia and hall of deralia, could also easily replace some of the existing ugly models (i'm looking at you, the one npc that shows up in foutpost/islesofdread2/gertenheld_forest/deralia...)
-Warrior girl/young female warrior, same as the previous one, except looks more rookish.
-Medieval female warrior/experienced female warrior/royal guard, probably what i would call as the real deal. Could also help replace existing ugly npcs.
-Medieval warrior, same as the previous 2 entries, except looks like a basic male warrior/basic infantry, so i guess a rookie.
-Medieval warrior/experienced warrior/royal guard,same as the female counterpart.
-Warrior/Rogue warrior, same as the previous one except his motives are different.
-Fantasy warrior/Rogue warrior leader, basically what the name says, looks like a rogue warrior to me or some type of warrior you would pay to get the job done.
-Medieval knight, basically the bulky guy from the group that gets all the attention.
-skeleton warrior/undead warrior/cursed warrior, someone was caught exploring the wrong location at the wrong time.
-Skeleton archer/undead archer/cursed archer, same fate as the previous fool.
-Necromancer, the one guy who delivered said fate to the previous two fools. :roll:
-Woman priest/female support mage, the go-to npc to get some support magical spells and items.
-Human battlemage, the go-to npc to get some offensive magical spells and items.
-Human warlock, the go-to guy to get offensive magical spells.
-Female mage, the go-to npc to get basic magical spells and items.
-Fire mage, the one npc that just wants to see the world burn, also he could sell some spells too to help him achieve that.
-Mistress, the go-to person to get shady requests/tasks and things involving poison (i guess in other words, she could sell poison related magics)
-Dwarf warrior, there was still room to add a midget to the list, so here it is!
A pack that is priced over 50
$59 troll pack + reskins, not sure if necessary to the game but might be worth mentioning.
UPDATE #1(Free-50€ search)
This update contains a list of items that are potentially ready for implementation:
-Monster rig Mesefus, a pale undead, includes a walking animation, seems to be missing 3 basic animations (attack, idle and death), price is cheap though.
-Low poly giant demon with a club, it seems to be ready for use and contains 4 animations.
-Large red mantis, death animation, max 3ds rigged.
-Wasp, seems to be game ready, fully animated.
-"Metal" wasp, exactly the same as the previous one, just retextured and 1€ higher. :roll:
-Alien, game ready, doesn't look 100% alien to me, looks like an experiment gone wrong. Includes "dramatic poses", walk cycle animation and attack animation.
-Fly, seems to be complete and ready for use, includes 3 animations (flyloop, idle and death). Cheap price.
-Low poly fantasy wurm, 9+ animations, seems ready for use.
-Carnivorous plant, seems ready for use. Says its animated but doesnt specify what animations are included.
-Demonic bear, actually its a panda. Anyways seems to be complete, says its animated but doesnt list what the animations are... Might be missing some animations most likely. Also low price.
-Fire Golem, this right here looks badass and it's one of my main targets right now. It seems to be complete for instant use.
-Ice Golem, this is the same as the previous one, different model though. Also one of my main targets right now.
-Demon lord, this is probably a great investment, seems to be game ready, low price, a whole bunch of animations (8 to be exact) and comes in two elemental versions of fire and ice. Also my main target.
-Demon, seems to be complete and ready for use. This is a secondary target for me. (might buy it at a later time)
-Mummy, same as the previous item.
-This creator has a bunch of animated stuff. All of them seem to be missing "materials", idk what that is. Also the format might not be the proper one, but there is this conversion option of 5 models per week. So i guess it's worth it?
Not animated, some models that look nice and i thought i should mention:
-Magma creature, not rigged or animated, looks good though.
-Stone golem, doesn't have animations, which is too bad, the model looks damn good and has alot of potential use. Also cheap price.
-"Female warrior", the name makes little sense imo, the model is pretty good though.
-Nasty demon, looks pretty good.
Just some links for future reference:
-3DRT creator store
-CGtrader store