Suggestions that might help refresh MSC and bring ppl back


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
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ATT: The idea behind this post is to make certain things in this game usefull, things such as gold. Or to create diversity in combat or how you approach conflicts by using new consumables to assist you or using followers you purchased in towns.

Combat mechanics-wise:
-add more variation to weapon types in future releases if possible, there are skills that used to have dual wield weapons at early stages but not anymore (mostly focusing on two handed items, skills such as axes and blunt, tomahawks are old and outdated, would be nice to have weapons like this again added to the game)

-add new shields to the game and make them a viable again (not even sure if the shields issue is gone but i stopped using shields a long time ago prior to this, mostly because there are little to no enemies in this game that require the use of a shield), perhaps upgrading the shields with new abilities or passives, like stunning enemies when you block with the shield and attack with it, costing stamina to use this (actually makes stamina potions have an use in the game).

-add throwable consumables (bought in towns for gold, gives actual use to gold, do not put these in chests as reward otherwise beats the point of using gold to buy them), potions/weaponry/spelltraps, some examples: throw a potion that releases a deadly poisonous cloud to anyone in the area (both the player and the enemy), throw a potion that creates a holy cloud that regens players in the area or boosts healing effects in that area, throw a scroll to the ground to set a magical trap, throw daggers/knives/axes/rocks or w/e, you name it!

-I know there was a dinamic quest system in the works, i don't know much what the actual plan is, but i do hope this questing system becomes meaningfull, rewarding the player in gold(again, must give gold a proper use) or xp or a random item reward based on the quest difficulty. Also would be nice to have the option to get special assignments in two ways, pay a bunch of gold to spawn one of these for you or do normal assignments and pray that RNG god gives you one of those for free. Maybe these special assignements would be the ones rewarding gear for your current level, idk.

-Been playing through many maps this last month and i thought that having the option to rent/buy npcs in towns would be a great idea, thornlands uses this particular idea i'm suggesting, low level characters spawn that thornlands guard that will help you for a few coins in that map, except what i want to try and suggest is npcs that you buy and will remain with you for a period of time or untill you send them away or have them die. The idea would be to have a new shop in each town that sells "contracts", each town would house a certain level range of npcs to buy, edana obviously having the cheap and weakling followers and high level towns such as sorc_villa having expensive and strong/helpfull followers. Not sure if having this extra follower would be possible but perhaps there is a better way to implement this idea, having a scroll with a limited number of uses, like a galat chest scroll that summons the chest, instead of a chest, it would summon the npc you bought. Examples of followers: bandits, guards, thieves, knights, mages, wizards, peasant (commoner fighting with his hands or something like that), sorc shaman, sorc juggernaut, sorc thunderfist (the martial arts giants), sorc guard, sorc thuldar (!!!), elementals, greater elementals, elf guard, elf wizard, dwarf warrior, necromancers and so on. Each follower would have his own unique price, which could be gold or a specific item associated with the npc (like thuldar requesting a blood drinker). This suggestion aims to help cut down on spare items that people hoard, people used to trade these away for potions but stopped doing so as people have left the game and lost interest in it overall. This suggestion will also help spend some of that gold people are stacking for ages.

-As for pets themselves, i don't really want to suggest more pets, wolves are sort of annoying as they are with all the knockback spamming, other animals would most likely be equally annoying aswell. Eagles pushing enemies into a corner or constantly flying away from your healing or spiders blocking your hits (unless its a tiny one, which then would be a problem to heal).... nah, think i'm fine with wolves already! :p

And for last suggestion in this post, earth subskill and dwarves playable race large update, where you at? :!: Getting tired of gazing upon greater earth elementals and suddently getting 1 shot to the face for observing them too much and not dodging enough those nasty magics. :oops:


Epic Adventurer
MSC Developer
Warriors of the North
MSC Archivist
Apr 20, 2013
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Re: Suggestions that might help refresh MSC and bring ppl ba

Balancing the economy would be really hard though... A lot of old players have a ton of money, and just setting high prices wouldn't really help much 'cuz newer players. But I'm all for giving purpose to gold and stockpiled items


New Adventurer
Jul 1, 2016
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Re: Suggestions that might help refresh MSC and bring ppl ba

Add a player count simulator setting. It's obnoxious being unable to progress, because no one else is on. There is a workaround, but the fact that it is preferable and almost required is sad.


Epic Adventurer
MSC Developer
Warriors of the North
MSC Archivist
Apr 20, 2013
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Re: Suggestions that might help refresh MSC and bring ppl ba

Jaydeus said:
Add a player count simulator setting. It's obnoxious being unable to progress, because no one else is on. There is a workaround, but the fact that it is preferable and almost required is sad.
Where are you stuck at


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
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Re: Suggestions that might help refresh MSC and bring ppl ba

Balancing the economy is not really that hard, just add a new currency type that is more valuable than gold and make gold coins even more common in chests. Make this new currency the go-to currency to buy some of these things, heck it would probably even make sense to have currencies for each main race: elf/dwarf/human. While gold coins would remain a currency common to all 3.

I don't know if gold can be wiped from the game as if it was reset, which is why i'm suggesting this second. If it doesn't work, then i'm sure adding new currencies will work.


New Adventurer
Jul 1, 2016
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Re: Suggestions that might help refresh MSC and bring ppl ba

greatguys1 said:
Jaydeus said:
Add a player count simulator setting. It's obnoxious being unable to progress, because no one else is on. There is a workaround, but the fact that it is preferable and almost required is sad.
Where are you stuck at

I'm not, at this point. However, when it was me and a friend playing, we made virtually no progress past medium maps, until we had more players join. This is related to the drop rate system being tied to player count. The vast majority of runs provide zero meaningful items, even though they can take over fifteen minutes to half an hour per run. When you have five or more people and no one gets anything good, over and over, it is extremely frustrating, and I have seen several groups quit.

More maps like Kfortress, The Wall, and Lodagond would be welcomed, as you know you'll be getting SOMETHING for the run.


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
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Re: Suggestions that might help refresh MSC and bring ppl ba

Jaydeus said:
More maps like Kfortress, The Wall, and Lodagond would be welcomed, as you know you'll be getting SOMETHING for the run.

I have suggested this before like 2-3 years ago or something along those lines. When the_wall was released, it felt so great for me, people dislike the overpowered minions there that use hax, i dislike those too. But if we take into consideration the actual release of the map, it was so damn great for two reasons, it felt nostalgic like when lodagond series was being tested and the fact that every run you get 1 drop confirmed out of many possible drops. Lodagond had way too generous drops when it was first released, it got nerfed down quite alot but its still damn generous today, plus you can get 1 out of 6 possible 100% drops.

The best moments in this mod is when something challenging and not completly game breaking is released, we had a period of time a few years ago where Blooddrinker, bludgeon hammer and neckhunter were the best weapons available, using these 3 weapons to beat the_wall when it first came out was extremelly challenging and hardcore without potions or a group of high level players, people had to adapt to the map and use potions alot in the early days. The map is still challenging, but as we progress further in the powergap, it becomes less of a pain in the ass to solo the map. There are only 2 problems in that map right now, ihotohr (he can overflow players easily with the spamming) and the icy undead giants in the staircase (they pretty much rape anything they touch, if both of them team up, you are pretty much screwed without having someone doing tank duty on one of them).

Having the option to get loot solo after a lengthy map is a great thing imo. I guess the problem nowadays is that most maps can be rushed in 15 or 20 minutes and weren't created with the mindset of having a long challenging run. Literally what i so call "dungeon raid" maps, spawn, rush objectives, kill boss, loot, repeat. The_wall when it first came out, it was one large map (not the two parts we have today), map was so large that it had to be split into two, otherwise it would risk crashing the server (which happened quite frequently), the early runs people recorded in this map would be around 3 hours, depending on the amount of people playing and how large the group was. Slowly making progress and coming up with tactics/exploits to counter the overpoweredness the map had to offer.

Here's a short list of my favourite high level maps:
-lodagond series;
-kfortress (mostly the hollow one part);

Each of these maps felt nostalgic when it was first released. The challenge, the fun and the epicness of playing in group and trying to beat a hardcore map was there. Imagine the reaction of people when they first met hollow one/ihotohr/maldora/cold one final form/icy undead giants (w/e they are called). Man it was just so great... Unlike the greater earth elements that will just one shot anyone, regardless if they have potions effects or not and will pretty much make everyone go p*ssy-mode and shoot them down from the distance, either this or rage quit. :p


New Adventurer
Nov 3, 2016
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Re: Suggestions that might help refresh MSC and bring ppl ba

I like the idea of three different currencies and yet I do not as well. Gold as you said should be the go to standard for all three and all other lesser races/traders. But then you have to worry about what makes sense game wise for the other currencies. I mean are any of these races so reclusive that they have need for their own, Dwarves perhaps if typical ones, but then wouldn't trading for minerals be their thing?

If you can not wipe gold out of the game that players already have, why not make rupees *cough* be the currency? Or franks, or something else that sounds spiffy. Or call it silver or rename the entity gold in the back ground something else (like "golds" perhaps) but still for lack of a better name, is called gold.

I liked Ever Quest's system of copper, silver, gold and platinum. But that was more for weight, stacking same items and banks, then trying to make different economies. Plus then having three or four more distinct currencies would just make the game itself, especially in it's preparation and implementaion harder and players might get confused or frustrated when trying to buy from one race or payed by another.