The Blades of Urdual


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Re: The Blades of Urdual - 17 active members

Some of these threads are of your own creation. (Actually, most of them are.)

"To those concerned" meaning, we're cracking down on the other guilds too.

But yes, if you wanna make a forum on some other website to spread cheats, as you seem to be suggesting, there's not much we can do about that, save dealing with individual members. Though I think you'd have to renounce your already strained rights to "finger quotes".

Now, if you'll excuse me, once again, I gotta start consulting with MiB for another month of fixing exploits that, if not for J-M's advertising, would normally be so rare we wouldn't have to worry about them and could work on the game itself. ><


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
May 10, 2010
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Re: The Blades of Urdual - 17 active members

I'd like for everyone to understand, before reading this post, that we are a community. We are all the reason why this game is around today, and I'd like to see it flourish. Picking fights with one another and "exploiting" isn't going to help any of us. First of all, when I think of any sort of exploit/cheat, I think of some sort of way to achieve a feat, such as killing a boss, without taking damage. While such actions should be frowned upon, most shouldn't be countered by *give monster said ranged ability that kills people instantly*.

Well you know what, now I'm just pissed off, someone is editing the crap out of my post. All I'm doing is saying things that need to be said. If these things are not said, this mob is going to die, simply put. If this stuff keeps up everyone is going to quit the game.

Thothie said:
Some of these threads are of your own creation. (Actually, most of them are.)

"To those concerned" meaning, we're cracking down on the other guilds too.

But yes, if you wanna make a forum on some other website to spread cheats, as you seem to be suggesting, there's not much we can do about that, save dealing with individual members. Though I think you'd have to renounce your already strained rights to "finger quotes".

Now, if you'll excuse me, once again, I gotta start consulting with MiB for another month of fixing exploits that, if not for J-M's advertising, would normally be so rare we wouldn't have to worry about them and could work on the game itself. ><

I'd like to throw in my two cents, first of all, I think any item that exists up to this points is nowhere near as overpowered when it comes to some of the rediculious shit some of the bosses currently ingame (and or trash mobs). I'm not sure if it's just me, but even when I use fire immunity pots, GPoP, and ice armor of course, I die in pretty much 1-2 hits from anything on Phlames, or even Umulak. It's pretty much to where I find no enjoyment out of doing so.

I spent the first 20+ levels of every profession(?) on Daragoth, and honestly, this is probably one of the better maps in the entire game (along with Oceancrossing, smugglers_cove, Thornlands even, possibly MS_snow? I can honesly count with my fingers, toes, and cock, the number of worthwhile maps in the game. That is, 21 maps). As far as "favorite endgame boss maps" the only ones that come to mind are: Skycastle, old_helena, the orc/undead fortress map, and maybe Calruin2.

Oh yeah, and bloodrose, but you know what is completely retarded about bloodrose? The only worthwhile things it rewards are probably better for lower level players who are leveling their other skills, YET you need either 10 people (which causes the map to crash) or some rediculiously high people in order to complete such a feat of strength. Either all of this, or you needed some Godlike of a player to grow wings and fly, or some other related sort of exploit.

And come to think of it, I REALLY liked Ara as well, except I'm pretty sure you need a MINIMUM of 2 people in the server in order to get one item that comes to mind to drops, which is the only worthwhile thing that comes from said map. Not only that, but it's a low as sh!t drop change, I've done at least 40 completed runs (probably the map of which I've done the most runs). And never seen it drop, granted, some-most of those runs where by myself before I even had heard it required more than one person to be in the server for it to drop.

Ok, back to being on track, half the sh!t, when it was implemented, an exploit against said stuff existed. Have any of you mother ******* tried to get 4 people with 705 hp to kill Maldora on Lodagond-4? ...Shi!, I'd rather stick my cock in a ******* meat grinder, somehow magically grow my cock back, and repeat. I'd honestly be willing to bet this feat is impossible unless they have 30+ in one skill, such as bows, and all 4 players are shooting different elemental torks in all different directions. But, I also highly doubt you have completed The_wall if you haven't completed LODA4. And on top of all this LODA-1 is HARDER than LODA4. What the hell? I'm a 705 hp player, the only items from Loda4 I haven't outgrown are the *unfortunately, I can't post them on this forum*, and/or a weapon which whose model which was copied from WoW, while I'd also like to point out I'm not upset it was stolen, as it is a very exciting model.

If !out of them all day long. Not only that, but it would make good use of the Spider blade, a weapon that is probably the most useless unused weapon in the game. Yet it drops from the Blacksmith's chest from Phlames.

Thothie said:
Now, if you'll excuse me, once again, I gotta start consulting with MiB for another month of fixing exploits that, if not for J-M's advertising, would normally be so rare we wouldn't have to worry about them and could work on the game itself. ><

No offense, as I really like this game and believe it has unseen potential, but I'd recommend consulting with MiB for the next couple months in order to retune all old content, and possibly retune current endgame content. As current exploits that had exhisted in the history of the game has caused such maps to be classified as borderline rediculious.

EDIT: This was edited out somewhere, but I'll add it again but edit some of the other stuff out that shouldn't have been posted, as I feel necessary it HAS a place in this post. If everyones characters were to be reset, NOBODY would be able to achieve an item past the Dragon axe, and I believe even such a feat as obtaining one of these would be rare, if not impossible. As the "cave" where these can be found requires relatively unobtainable items for even level 25 people to come across. Not only that, but getting said weapon would be worthless, as it's accuracy is terrible, and would only be good on fire vulnerable mobs. Come to think of it, we might see Litch tongues too, because there will be no other frost weapons.


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Re: The Blades of Urdual - 17 active members

I won't go over everything that's wrong in that post to avoid flooding this thread with "everything that's wrong with MSC" BS, except to say, if any boss is killing you in two hits, you shouldn't be fighting said boss.

Suffice to say, regardless of your opinion of the game, all spreading cheats does is make us waste time and server CPU fixing said exploits, rather than working on expanding and improving the game, nevermind fueling the "community vs. developer" atmosphere that makes it neigh impossible to retain developers.

There's a whole lot of exploits in this game that would eat tons of game resources and developer time to fix that we just let side on the basis that only a handful of folk will ever discover them. If people start advertising them, then we're forced to take the time to fix them, often in ways that hamper legitimate players, and no one wins in that situation.


New Adventurer
Jul 24, 2009
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Re: The Blades of Urdual - 17 active members


This is ground zero.


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
May 10, 2010
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Re: The Blades of Urdual - 17 active members

Thothie said:
I won't go over everything that's wrong in that post to avoid flooding this thread with "everything that's wrong with MSC" BS, except to say, if any boss is killing you in two hits, you shouldn't be fighting said boss.

1. The only way I can solo the bear god is by using the bone blade / shield combo. Or a vampire blood potion, which oldly enough, can't be used on 95% of the boss mobs that exist currently. Bone blade, probably one of the weakest weapons in the game and still takes a while to get him down.
2. I'm not sure how much damage reduction you can achieve with max mitigation buffs/armor but if I'm still getting two shot, then Keldorn is getting 4 shot.

Thothie said:
Suffice to say, regardless of your opinion of the game, all spreading cheats does is make us waste time and server CPU fixing said exploits, rather than working on expanding and improving the game, nevermind fueling the "community vs. developer" atmosphere that makes it neigh impossible to retain developers.

3. In my opinion, one can either be for the game, or they can Go to Hell in a Handbasket. If it is the later, then it is the job of all of us find said person, and if necessary, report them to devs and get them banned.

4. I've never questioned the community vs. dev atmosphere, nor am I questioning it now. I think it's up to all of us to work together to create and promote a wonderful mod to HL1. I do believe it's part of the developer duty to take into account community *uh what's the word I'm looking for* well, ideas maybe? Not sure if that's the correct word. For example, the blinding poison overlay, I haven't gone out of my way to fix it, but I believe it is stupd. Therefore, I do not do such levels where I'm blinded by such ability.

5. This example gets it's own number, Felwyn shards, another example, to be honest.. I do not care about them or what can be obtained with them. I find the underlying idea behind only being able to get one or however the system works to be borderline retarded. That is my opinion, if others disagree, let us hope that is the majority - for the decision to keep them so hard to obtain is still in place. If it is not the majority decision, then there might be an issue, which I think is the case now. LIke I said, regardless I don't give a damn. Also, I'm 99% sure someone let me "borrow" a Felwyn shard when I was like level 5, just so I could see the model of it, swing it at a few rats, then give it back. So I'm pretty sure I have the data saved to my character so that I can never obtain a symbol or shard simply because some ass hole took advantage of me when I was level 5.

Thothie said:
There's a whole lot of exploits in this game that would eat tons of game resources and developer time to fix that we just let side on the basis that only a handful of folk will ever discover them. If people start advertising them, then we're forced to take the time to fix them, often in ways that hamper legitimate players, and no one wins in that situation.

Thothie said:
There's a whole lot of exploits in this game that would eat tons of game resources and developer time to fix that we just let side on the basis that only a handful of folk will ever discover them.

Thothie said:
only a handful of folk will ever discover them.

6. Let me just point out, anyone with a higher than a 3rd grade education can discover 90% of the exploits that are currently in game. Let me also point out that they don't even need to be able to read english for this to occur, they can just observe people, or see what map they are on. I for one have never "asked" about any such "exploit" ingame. I have however, learned from just being in servers and observing people some different "tricks" that can be used.

Now, I wouldn't consider this an exploit, but I can tell you right now, that from experience leveling to 705 hp. There are maybe 3 maps which in sequence, are the best for leveling any skill from 1-25 in the entire game. Now if devs were to find this out, 3 said maps MIGHT be nerfed in the exp gain. So it was brought to my attention that someone thought I was talking about another map, which to clefify - I'm talking about Edana (Rats), Thornlands (Boars), and Daragoth (Orcs), if you grind anything else from levels 1-20 (or maybe even 25) because you think it's faster, you need to repeat first grade math. Unless someone can inform me of a better rat grinding map than Edana, which I'm all ears. Not going to lie, for anyone who comes across this mod, nerfing exp gain is the last thing you want to do, or it will be 2008 or whenever everyone left the first time, all over again.

Another thing from my post above that was edited is the fact that a mob that comes to mind is probably the best way to lvl from 7-15+ in every skill. ONE specific mob. What I find ironic is a trash mob in Umulak can maybe 4 shot me (when I have like 80%+ mitigation), takes about 20 times as longer to kill. And hardly offers 3 times initial said mobs exp value.

Stoned said:

This is ground zero.

The fact is, it shouldn't be, we're all in this together.


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MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Re: The Blades of Urdual - 17 active members


Obviously my willpower is failing or I wouldn't be posting at all, and I'll try to ignore most of that as OT (nevermind how wrong it all is)... But I'll break down and harp on the Felewyn shard, as it is a good example of a set of exploits that have been spread in the name of "anti-dev justice".

The problem with the shards, is that, unlike most MMORPG's, we don't have a global active unique-item system. Thus we have this, yes, "retarded" system to try to minimize the number running about. As more and more people have found more and more ways around it, it has become more and more complex and retarded.

The idea is that there should be no more than 5 active Felewyn shards in the entire world at any given time, and that no single player should be able to acquire more than one, except through trade, and even acquisition of that one, shouldn't be guaranteed.

The problem is, certain people have decided it is their "God given right" to have at least one of every shard - preferably more, for additional trading. Said individuals have taken it a step further, and have decided it's everyone else's god given right as well.

So we keep coming up with more and more hacks to cut down on them, even going so far as to introduce the Unholy Blade, on which to dump extras, so we can get a more accurate gauge on just how much fail there is in our countermeasures.

It's more or less a trial item for the Apostle weapon system. Until we find a way to secure this system proper, we won't introduce any Apostle weapons.

...and that's just one of several ongoing battles between the devs and the hackers... Oh the drama.


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
May 10, 2010
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Re: The Blades of Urdual - 17 active members

Thothie said:

Obviously my willpower is failing or I wouldn't be posting at all, and I'll try to ignore most of that as OT (nevermind how wrong it all is)... But I'll break down and harp on the Felewyn shard, as it is a example of a set of exploits that have been spread in the name of "anti-dev justice".

The problem with the shards, is that, unlike most MMORPG's, we don't have a global active unique-item system. Thus we have this, yes, "retarded" system to try to minimize the number running about. As more and more people have found more and more ways around it, it has become more and more complex and retarded.

The idea is that there should be no more than 5 active Felewyn shards in the entire world at any given time, and that no single player should be able to acquire more than one, except through trade, and even acquisition of that one, shouldn't be guaranteed.

The problem is, certain people have decided it is their "God given right" to have at least one of every shard - preferably more, for additional trading. Said individuals have taken it a step further, and have decided it's everyone else's god given right as well.

So we keep coming up with more and more hacks to cut down on them, even going so far as to introduce the Unholy Blade, on which to dump extras, so we can get a more accurate gauge on just how much fail there is in our countermeasures.

It's more or less a trial item for the Apostle weapon system. Until we find a way to secure this system proper, we won't introduce any Apostle weapons.

...and that's just one of several ongoing battles between the devs and the hackers... Oh the drama.

See that is why I don't care about the felwyn shard, because part of me believes in the system. What totally sucks though, is there are an active 20 people who play this game, and even 20 is a stretch. If it takes 5 people to make a shard (is that correct, I'm not sure exactly?) and it takes 5 DIFFERENT shards to make an Unholy Blade (again, is that correct, I'm not sure again?). Then technically it is impossible for even one person to obtain even an Unholy Blade. This is why I THINK people belive the system is retarded.

On top of all that, weapons randomly disappear all the time into a bottomless pit, known as a specific players name ingame, who I will not mention's anus.

Apostle weapons are definitely out of the question until our player base is up ideally, or maybe even a dream that will never become a reality.


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Re: The Blades of Urdual - 17 active members

There are currently 526 active players on FN within the past two months, and that's assuming no player has less than three characters (dividing active character files by 3, thus there maybe more). There are 105 characters, modified within the last six months, that have two or more Felewyn shards.


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Dec 31, 2009
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How do I get out of this box?
Re: The Blades of Urdual - ∞ active members

Quick heads up to BoU members :

I've returned to MS:C for the meantime. If you need any help, give me a ping. You'll probably see me in game.
Funny - I re-join during the seige of gondor.


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
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Re: The Blades of Urdual - ∞ active members

Random: just tried that rank formula you got there, got 13,0075 for final result. I'm over-ranked it seems! :twisted:

Yes, i was bored and decided to do some maths (which is something rare coming from me). :eek:


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Re: The Blades of Urdual - ∞ active members

Alright, here goes.

In light of recent events, J-M v2.5.5 has been expelled from the guild, and I have been appointed guildmaster in his place. There are a few things I would like to say concerning myself and the Blades regarding recent events and the future.

For starters, we are not J-M's "lap dogs" or what-have-you; yes, I am aware that many of us (myself included) have stuck up for him in the past, but that does not mean that we aim to carry on his work. I am not assuming that the arguments will continue despite his absense, I am merely stating that we do not share his ideals.

I would also like to highlight that I am not J-M either. I can assure you that I'm not planning to go down to the same route; I'm merely here to keep the guild together for the time being. I know I might not have the cleanest of hands (for which I apologise) but I have changed my stance and no longer have the time to needlessly fight against people who are giving up their time to continue updating MS:C. However, I would like to point out that I have no history of exploiting and have refused to have anything to do with such things for all the time I have been in this community, and I would appreciate it if I wasn't tarred with the same brush as my predecessor.

I'm also going to request to become a moderator of our subforum and, if I may be so bold, the Recruitment forum as well. J-M's idea of having someone regularly sifting through and deleting posts in that forum was a good idea - it's getting a tad cluttered here and there nowadays. I am not planning on using this maliciously, but I can understand if this is overstepping my bounds somewhat.

Finally, I would like to apologise for any trouble I have caused in the past - I can assure you that times have changed and it is not in my best interests to cause any more friction between myself, the Blades and anyone else in the community.

Have a nice day!


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Re: The Blades of Urdual - ∞ active members

I don't think you've ever caused any trouble to speak of. Maybe we've pissed you off from time to time, but we get that...

...I'll talk to Lord K about setting this up for you.

I take it you have the guild crest password?


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Re: The Blades of Urdual - ∞ active members

Hah, always a good sign. :p Thanks. I don't have the guild crest password though, no.


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Re: The Blades of Urdual - ∞ active members

Yes... We'll try to get that fixed for you as soon as possible. ;)


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Re: The Blades of Urdual - ∞ active members

Well, keeps one on one's toes, I suppose...


New Adventurer
Jul 5, 2011
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Re: The Blades of Urdual - ∞ active members

Tentadrilus said:
Well, keeps one on one's toes, I suppose...

*takes it off*

Not anymore it doesn't.


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
Re: The Blades of Urdual - ? active members

You know I wouldn't mind the 300% damage as much if you also got 300% xp while wearing it.


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
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Re: The Blades of Urdual - ? active members

SilentDeath said:
You know I wouldn't mind the 300% damage as much if you also got 300% xp while wearing it.

Haha, never thought of that, what a pro-tip. :mrgreen:

The Man In Black

Staff member
Jul 9, 2006
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Re: The Blades of Urdual - ? active members

C'est impossible ;-)


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Jul 3, 2005
Reaction score
My information.
Re: The Blades of Urdual - ? active members

In regards to the Crest Password, I have, and have had, that for a long ass time. J-M handed it over long ago. And I'm back (and sober - as some may have noticed otherwise in offtopic section of forums last night).


New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Heroes of Dawn
Blades of Urdual
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Lost in my mind.
Re: The Blades of Urdual - ? active members

You might want to update the member list. Madman left the guild, and Froggy and Dark_ham I have not seen on in a long time.


New Adventurer
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
Re: The Blades of Urdual - 14 active members

Is there a specific format for applying, or should I just inquire about it here? Either way, I'm interested in joining a guild, and this one seems to have the staying power and respect to stay with MS since the beginning.

As of this post, my current HP is 629, my MP is 340 (One spellcasting level away from 20, able to use HC), and my skill levels are as follows;

Level 25 Assassin

Swordsmanship 26
Martial Arts 24
Small Arms 17
Axe Handling 22
Blunt Arms 23
Archery 21
Spellcasting 19
Polearms 20

Fire 30
Ice 27
Lightning 25
Divination 23
Affliction 23

I agree to the rules of the guild, understand it's origins and purpose, and promise to be as active as moderately possible.

You can find me anywhere as Gridalien.