The time has come to voice opinions...


New Adventurer
Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
And get them shot down by people who like flaming so here goes some opinions...Read whole thing before responding..(just in case your an impulse responder)

1: There should be maps made to level high level 5k hp critters with 1k exp that can be hit by only one thing...For example Knife rats that can only be hit by knife class weapons...
2: There should be solo maps for those of us who like soloing or those that dont get along well with others....yet gives nice rewards if we do happen to beat the map..
3: Artifacts for low the Knife of Peon Bill....level 1..damage 5...speed...little above normal...special ability double gold from rats...etc...
4: Artifact Chests for Low Levels and High level Soloers....maybe with less chance of rare sure...but more chance of arti chest popping up...Yes i take the Pot of warmth when an arti chest pops up just because i got a choice...
5: Offline patch for those of us who like soloing or dont get along with other people...(bet u would like to get rid of problem causers too..yet probably wont work...)
6: Something to tell me what my hit and defence percentage is without guesswork....
7: Mixable Spells.....For example = Cast Blizzard and Lightning Storm....double mana less lasting time but casting time as one spell....(oh so i can wish in one hand and well u know...)
8: Better Defense with the high armors...because i see very little change in damage...(maybe im worng but still i can voice opinions)
9: Less People saying boss is tooooo easy....(ok i know that youngsters nowadays can play halo 3 backwards upside down
and blindfolded...but i cant)
10: Just because someone can kill a boss with kicks...doesnt mean make him stronger....
11: Maybe some of us are slower than the others so maybe we would like an advantage...
12a: If the bosses have so much hp and mana compared to us...then why doesnt it ever run out while they are constantly attacking and spamming magic?
12b: When do we get to have as fast regen and inf mana reservers(or infinite seeming)?
13: For the amount of Time spent on this Mod why hasnt there been a female model fixed for players?(or is it to hard to use the female npc model and animate it?)
14: When do we become powerful and high enough level to make the bosses run screaming to their moms?
15: How come at 30+ level u can play 20 maps in a row and not level but once?(ok thats a figure of speech)
16: When does Vampire Blood Allow you to see in the dark so using it at night is helpful if u cant see?
17: Ok i know theres axes and swords and junk that raise spell levels....but wheres the div spell other than rebuke undead that raises divination?
18: Why do the uber spells do so little to NPC but so much more to me?(i know it probably doesnt but it sure seems like it)
19: If this is supposed to be Multiplayer mostly wheres the hirable npc's for when noone wants to run what u want to run?
20: Why is it when Point A and B are seperated by a thin straight line i have to goto point c-z to get to the other side?
21: Why are people rude?
21: Why do people flame?
22: Why am i the only one writing down these opinions when they arent all my own....?
23: When is everyone gonna realize that not everyone plays to be better than everyone else?
24:But to have fun..
25: Guess if u read this far u deserve a good ending so here goes.....

When do I and my friends get to play the perfect game?(dont answer because there is no perfect game its a trick question)



New Adventurer
MSC Developer
Aug 24, 2004
Reaction score
Hah, this should be rich.


New Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Feb 21, 2008
Reaction score
1. I don't like the idea of weak monsters with incredible xp... for obvious reasons...
2. I do however like the idea of solo-friendly maps. Maybe not with arti chests with regular items.. but more quests with good items at the end (ex: bloodstone ring).
3. Artifacts should be extended to low levels. But I do like some variety, and I think having some non-artie chests that actually spawn nice goodies is a good idea... but then there are chest whores and the such.
10. Yes. No more making bosses strong :p
13. Female model. Lolz. It would add variety, so I'm all for it.
15. I agree... I think the increase in xp needed to level for each successive level is a bit high.
21 & 21. Umm.. I think answering that question itself would bring on the flames. But.. I do agree with your point.
22. Because they'll get flamed.

And there is no such thing as a perfect game.
And I just thought I'd post some serious answers before any flame-happy forum ferret posts. Maybe it'll stem the rush. :p


New Adventurer
Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
Ty for helps alot to hear others actually agree somewhat with
I dont feel as dumb just dumb now...



New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Maps for high level people.

Woah. You must have your head under a rock.


New Adventurer
Mar 3, 2008
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Ok simple clarification....I said maps for high levels i mean maps for high levels.....Monsters that do 100+ damage have insane amounts of Hit Points and fairly decent exp rewards....I mean nightmare_thornlands is a good example of what im talking about....Gigantic Boars hit pretty dang good and stun most of the time....But they take alot of damage and give 400 exp...adn Kodiaks same process 500 exp...all youd have to do would be to at minimum double there hit points and damage and Give them a substantial exp boost and theres your Higher Level Map that i am talking about....



New Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
Question 13 really sticks out the most.

But I recall someone saying it would be hard because the armor could have to be either gender only, and that would be annoying, or having an armor apply to both sexes and that would be to hard.


New Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
Your Blind
allentrill1000 said:
And get them shot down by people who like flaming so here goes some opinions...Read whole thing before responding..(just in case your an impulse responder)

1: There should be maps made to level high level 5k hp critters with 1k exp that can be hit by only one thing...For example Knife rats that can only be hit by knife class weapons...
2: There should be solo maps for those of us who like soloing or those that dont get along well with others....yet gives nice rewards if we do happen to beat the map..
3: Artifacts for low the Knife of Peon Bill....level 1..damage 5...speed...little above normal...special ability double gold from rats...etc...
4: Artifact Chests for Low Levels and High level Soloers....maybe with less chance of rare sure...but more chance of arti chest popping up...Yes i take the Pot of warmth when an arti chest pops up just because i got a choice...
5: Offline patch for those of us who like soloing or dont get along with other people...(bet u would like to get rid of problem causers too..yet probably wont work...)
6: Something to tell me what my hit and defence percentage is without guesswork....
7: Mixable Spells.....For example = Cast Blizzard and Lightning Storm....double mana less lasting time but casting time as one spell....(oh so i can wish in one hand and well u know...)
8: Better Defense with the high armors...because i see very little change in damage...(maybe im worng but still i can voice opinions)
9: Less People saying boss is tooooo easy....(ok i know that youngsters nowadays can play halo 3 backwards upside down
and blindfolded...but i cant)
10: Just because someone can kill a boss with kicks...doesnt mean make him stronger....
11: Maybe some of us are slower than the others so maybe we would like an advantage...
12a: If the bosses have so much hp and mana compared to us...then why doesnt it ever run out while they are constantly attacking and spamming magic?
12b: When do we get to have as fast regen and inf mana reservers(or infinite seeming)?
13: For the amount of Time spent on this Mod why hasnt there been a female model fixed for players?(or is it to hard to use the female npc model and animate it?)
14: When do we become powerful and high enough level to make the bosses run screaming to their moms?
15: How come at 30+ level u can play 20 maps in a row and not level but once?(ok thats a figure of speech)
16: When does Vampire Blood Allow you to see in the dark so using it at night is helpful if u cant see?
17: Ok i know theres axes and swords and junk that raise spell levels....but wheres the div spell other than rebuke undead that raises divination?
18: Why do the uber spells do so little to NPC but so much more to me?(i know it probably doesnt but it sure seems like it)
19: If this is supposed to be Multiplayer mostly wheres the hirable npc's for when noone wants to run what u want to run?
20: Why is it when Point A and B are seperated by a thin straight line i have to goto point c-z to get to the other side?
21: Why are people rude?
21: Why do people flame?
22: Why am i the only one writing down these opinions when they arent all my own....?
23: When is everyone gonna realize that not everyone plays to be better than everyone else?
24:But to have fun..
25: Guess if u read this far u deserve a good ending so here goes.....

When do I and my friends get to play the perfect game?(dont answer because there is no perfect game its a trick question)


1: I think thats called a boss :wink:
2:Without this, it probably would drive people to make their own private servers, defeating the point of teamplay
3:The example you put is pretty crappy of a low-leveled rare, but we do need more
4:Without this, it probably would drive people to make their own private servers, defeating the point of teamplay
6:Figure it out :D
7:Sure why not?
8:Higher armors have special effects and a good rate of defense it doesn't need to be improved
9:Bosses aren't supposed to be easy. Maybe its the high levels saying that to easy low leveled bosses
11:Level More :p
12a:The point is they are supposed to be like that. Boses have unlimited mana which makes it harder and funner
12b:Never. That defeats the whole system of stats
13:Don't ask me i'm no modeler :wink:
14:Lulz, when you reach the level that isn't reachable
15:Because, It depends what you train (title has nothing to do how strong you are), such as axe at level 30 fighting mmmm say Skycastle on Fallen Knights takes a very long time to level it.
16:Vampire Blood is just life steal...
17:An axe does :p but rebuke is the only i know of
18:Hmm, Say if you had Runegahr's Tornado spell, would it be fair to spam it on bosses?
19:Lulz, those sucks
20:Because, it makes it more like an RPG instead of votemap here, votemap there
21:Don't ask me :wink:
21:Don't ask me :wink:
22:Because, people thing is game is good enough
23:They don't only some people like to compete against each other
25:You get a perfect game once you learn how to script, model, and program to create your own game :p


New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
1: Wut.
2: No.
3: There are.
4: Err.
5: Sure, providing you make it.
6: The chance out of 100 on the bottom-right textbox.
7: That throws weaknesses out the window.
8: Wrong
9: Ignore 'em
10: Mkay
11: No.
12a: They're bosses for a reason, son.
12b: You think any old Tom Dick and Harry could run around killing Doom Bringers?
13: Nobody made one.
14: Take this dossier on MS:C.
15: It's called grind-factor
16: Vampires aren't supposed to be able to see in the dark, just sense stuff, according to the myths.
17: Not made one yet. Damn, you're impatient.
18: 'Cuz.
19: There's about two hirables in the entire game, one of which is useless anywho.
20: Because of the thin straight line.
21: Why is space infinite?
22: Because Her Majesty demands it.
23: When Hell freezes over.
24: What.
25: Thanks.
26: Go make a better one

There, have an acidtongue reply. I got a few left over from when I forgot to do my annual rant :p


New Adventurer
Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
See some things we can all agree on and some we dont..thats the point of opinions.....and yes i am
I am closer to dying of old age then most of you guys...(unless your all over the hill and Actually its very nice to see people's opinions even if they agree or disagree....oh and by the way....remember this....i have played half-life since it came out i have played pretty much every mod, including the first fantasy based mod for it(which btw never got out of alpha) yeah i am the guy who wants someone to combine different mods and make a super mod, but then again i want my cake and eat it to and have an extra for later....Keep the opinions coming and don't be afraid of coming up with your own....maybe we can find more to agree (and on...



New Adventurer
Blades of Urdual
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
I'm severly under the hill, right now. You make some good points, and yes, I've played a bunch of half-life mods too. I bet it'd be havoc if we join two together.


New Adventurer
Mar 3, 2008
Reaction score
Now to figure out which ones to combine and we are all



New Adventurer
Apr 16, 2008
Reaction score
...boils down to

Remove multiplayer

There are other valid points, it always bothers me when in games the enemies never run out of magic.


New Adventurer
Apr 4, 2008
Reaction score
Behind you.
17: Ok i know theres axes and swords and junk that raise spell levels....but wheres the div spell other than rebuke undead that raises divination?

Answer is: Golden Axe, it levels divination up like crazy. (Ehem... The name of the map starts with B)