I think any healing of the drown damage would be dumb. Just have caverns and stuff like that with air pockets. Make it part of the challenge of the map.
the skyblue outline is where the water brushes should be. dont worry about making the water a func_water. you can leave it as a regular brush, HL still renders the !water texture as water therefore still moves and acts like water.
perfect, but i got a problem with compiling... i cant manage to make it compile...it has been compiling for over 16 hours, i had to shut it down because i dont have permission to keep it up in the morning
well, high compile times like 16 hours is very unusual.. but I have seen a compile time go up to 8 days. so it might be error free... but try doing some things differently, maybe, dont compile with RAD or VIS until all the terrain is done
My philosophy is: if it takes more than six hours to compile in HQ mode, you are doing something horribly wrong.
Doesn't mean, necessarily, that it won't work, but it means it likely will not work well, and you are practicing some atrocious mapping habit you need to get out of.
trying to make displacement-like surfaces in goldsource
doing with brushes what you can do with textures (my tower in the original versions of foutpost)
decompiled things being put into your map -.-
other processes running while you compile, especially hl2 >_>
elaborate brushwork
decompile it to get the dimensions, maybe even port it into your map as a template, but then rebuild it to those dimensions (using the original one as a reference, of course), thats what i'd do if i needed something like that.
Ewok made deralia but i havent seen him for ages
beside another reason i am so reluctant to remake the ship is because i want it 100% like the original
Yeah, but most people don't want to see map clones. Even item clones is annoying. Using prefabs is already a quite boring thing to do, but using decompiled objects as prefabs is even worse.
I do realize that but again i repeat, certain architecture and items are used elsewhere, for an instance, the deralia tower is a giift by the elves and similar towers exist in their homeland, but back to the ship, the player takes the ship, and the ships sinks in a storm, thats the story of this map
EA didn't invent steam...but they do like, totally suck my balls, like the E, the E is suckin this ball, and then the A, the A is over here sucking this ball and its like, E and A are just, suckin my balls...
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