Wizard wars...


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
Reaction score
So i decided to play this mod again, i know its dead and i know it has bots... but i'm having a couple of issues with the bots.

I have 2 versions of wizard wars, full 1.2.7 version and 1.3.0 beta, the full version when i add bots in it, they go straight to the spectator team and the beta version actually adds bots like it was meant to but they leave after ~10 seconds playing which is annoying. Anyone got any clues on what could be wrong here?


New Adventurer
Jul 24, 2009
Reaction score
I had the same problem, maybe Thothie can shed some light on the situation, he WAS the dev-head at some point in time.


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
I'd be guessing they're crashing due to one of the many updates to the Steam protocol since the ancient era in which they were forged. I'd have to look at it when I get the chance.


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Try changing your HPB_Bot.cfg as follows: (copy/pasta)
# This is the HPB_bot.cfg file (for Team Fortress 1.5)
# Any line begining with '#' in the first column is a comment line
# The following commands are supported in the bot.cfg file:
# addbot - will add a bot using a random team, random class, and the
#      default bot skill level.
# addbot <team> - will add a bot to the specified team (1 or 2) using
#      a random class and the default bot skill level.
# addbot <team> <class> - will add a bot using the specified team,
#      the specified class number (1 - 10) and the default bot
#      skill level.
# addbot <team> <class> <name> - will add a bot using the specified team,
#      specified class, and specified player name, with the default bot
#      skill level.
# addbot <team> <class> <name> <skill> - will add a bot using the
#      specified team, specified class, specified player name, and the
#      specified bot skill level.
# The team number MUST be 1 or 2.
# The class number MUST be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10.
# The player name can be any valid player name (without spaces or quotes).
# The bot skill level can be 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 (1 being the best skilled
#      and 5 being the worst skilled).
# For example, "addbot 2 5 Mojo 4" (without the quotes) adds a bot
# to team 2 (Red team), using class 5 (medic), with a player named
# "Mojo" using skill level 4.
# botskill <skill> - change the default botskill level (1 to 5).
#                    skill level 1 is the best, skill level 5 is the worst.
# observer <value> - change the observer mode setting, 1=on, 0=off.
# botdontshoot <value> - change the botdontshoot setting, 1=on, 0=off.
# pause <timeout> - pause for the specified number of seconds before
#      continuing with the commands in the bot.cfg file.
# min_bots <value> - configure the minimum number of bots that will run
#      on this dedicated server.
# max_bots <value> - configure the maximum number of bots that will run
#      on this dedicated server.
# bot_strafe_percent <value> - sets the percent of time bot will strafe
#      left and right while running.  Allowed values are 0 - 100.  The
#      default value is 20.  Note: a higher straffing percentage causes
#      the bots to fall off of narrow walkways and causes them problems
#      getting through doorways.
# bot_chat_percent <value> - sets the percent of time bot will use the
#      "say" command to send a bot_chat (checked every 30 seconds)
#      Allowed values are 0 - 100.  The default value is 10.
# bot_taunt_percent <value> - sets the percent of time bot will use the
#      "say" command to send a bot_taunt message after killing another
#      player.  Allowed values are 0 - 100.  The default value is 20.
# bot_whine_percent <value> - sets the percent of time bot will use the
#      "say" command to send a bot_whine message after being killed.
#      Allowed values are 0 - 100.  The default value is 10.
# bot_chat_tag_percent <value> - sets the percent of time bots will remove
#      clan tags from player names.  The default value is 80.
# bot_chat_drop_percent <value> - sets the percent of time bots will drop
#      characters from chat messages.  The default value is 10.
# bot_chat_swap_percent <value> - sets the percent of time bots will swap
#      characters in chat messages.  The default value is 10.
# bot_chat_lower_percent <value> - sets the percent of time bots will
#      convert chat messages to all lowercase.  The default is 50.
# bot_grenade_time <value> - sets the minimun number of seconds that must
#      elapse after bot has thrown a grenade before bot will throw another
#      grenade (prevents grenade spamming).  Allowed values are 0 - 60.
#      The default value is 15.  Note: setting bot_grenade_time to 0 does
#      NOT guarantee that the bots will throw one grenade right after the
#      other.  The bots will randomly decide when to throw a grenade but
#      won't throw one unless bot_grenade_time seconds has elapsed since
#      the previous grenade (i.e. you can't force the bots to grenade spam).
# bot_logo_percent <value> - sets the percent of time the bot will attempt
#      to spray a custom spray logo after killing an opponent.  The default
#      value is 40.
# bot_reaction_time <value> - sets the reaction time delay of the bots.
#      When the bots see a new enemy they will delay slightly before firing
#      to simulate a human reaction time delay.  The reaction time delay is
#      also based on the bot skill setting for that bot.  High skilled bots
#      (with skill level of 1 or 2) will have shorter reaction time delays
#      than lower skilled bots (with skill level 3, 4, or 5).  The delay
#      value can be...
#      0 - disables the bot reaction time.
#      1 - very short reaction time delay. (between 0.01 and 0.10 seconds)
#      2 - moderate reaction time delay.
#      3 - fairly long reaction time delay. (between 0.10 and 0.30 seconds)
#      The default value is 2.
# Any other commands in the bot.cfg file will be treated as server
# commands.  For example, you can use "map mapname" (without the quotes)
# to select a specific map, or you can use "mp_forcerespawn 1" to turn
# on force respawn, or "kick # 1" to automatically kick player number 1.

# wait for 3 seconds
pause 1

# change default bot skill level to 2
botskill 2

# Remove the comments on the 2 lines below to support a minimum and maximum
# number of bots running on a dedicated server.  Bots will be added to the
# server until the total number of players (bots and humans) reaches the
# max_bots value.  Each time a new player joins the server, a bot will be
# kicked from the server unless there are only min_bots number of bots
# currently on the server.  After players disconnect from the server, bots
# will be automatically added back to the server until the total number
# of players reaches max_bots again.  You should make max_bots be AT LEAST
# one less than the maxplayers value (otherwise no one will be able to join
# your server).

min_bots 0
max_bots 8

bot_chat_percent 1
bot_taunt_percent 10
bot_whine_percent 1

bot_chat_tag_percent 0
bot_chat_drop_percent 0
bot_chat_swap_percent 0
bot_chat_lower_percent 0

bot_logo_percent 0
bot_reaction_time 1

# add 6 bots using the default skill level (a random skin will be chosen)

bot_strafe_percent 10
bot_grenade_time 20

bot_strafe_percent 15

bot_strafe_percent 20
bot_grenade_time 30

That's really just a guess based on what's in my old ww host's server.cfg though. I can't rest it from here.


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
Reaction score
Works without issues now, thanks. :mrgreen: