A map idea by Icuownage


New Adventurer
Mar 30, 2008
Reaction score
It never really occurred to I could try help out and do stuff for this game, but I was recently told that I could probably help out by creating map concepts. So this is what I am going to try do. This topic will have a few of my ideas when I come up with them, please comment, and if your able to help map them.. As I am unable to map ><

Anyway an Idea!

You come across a small cave, inside there are a few guards or what nots, orcs, maybe humans? Anyway, as you venture deep inside, you come across a golem that has been tied up, you have to free it and kill it, it will drop a gem. You venture into a much larger room and encounter a VERY large golem, but its inactive, and their are binding runes over the walls. You come across a pedestal with a gem slot on it, you place the gem inside and the runes on the wall shatter and explode, the golem then shatters to reveal a large skeleton carrying a blade, this skeleton is quite a few times taller than you, there is a hallway behind you, and the skeleton can follow you, when you venture inside, you find your in a forgotten fortress that has been abandoned for so many years that it was trapped under the rocks there is a door to the left that is shut, it revels a courtyard of a castle, with the sky being just stone, after you defeat the skele, it could possibly drop a fabled blade (I guess I can't add loot) anyway, the pedestal with the gem becomes free, and the door opens up, inside is another pedestal, with another gem slot, you use the same gem, and it reveals knight, well knight armor that is animated, you duel with it (its very strong and uses charge attacks) It only fights one on one, but compared to other bosses I guess it could be considered weak as you must be able to solo it, after it dies it drops something, idk yet


New Adventurer
Aug 9, 2007
Reaction score
Backwater County, NC
This is the latest overworld map I could find.


There are quite a few map concepts and plans already. I'm not trying to degrade your idea, but it's good to make forum-goers more aware of the mod's situation. It needs coders, badly, and your idea seems pretty intense so far as scripting goes. I'm no expert coder; I'm only learning C++, but now you know what these guys need. Tell your friends on ModDB, read some tutorials on mapping :)