AMX Mods


New Adventurer
Feb 24, 2005
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*Gives thothie a big hug*

Edit: I'll email you my findings with night and rain.

Edit #2: Can you change the first option to "Abstain"? As Exit may lead players to think it'll leave the game, and the less intelligent players can use an increase to vocabulary anyway.


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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How about renaming the cancel vote option "Ralph Nader"? To make players more politically aware? ;)

I'll switch Exit to Exit Menu, since my adaptation of the adminvote system doesn't work with the translator, and many of our players don't speak very good 'englais' - and most of those that do can't even spell 'Abstain'. ;)


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Alright, yet ANOTHER update: (and another double post)

You can now DEFINE YOUR CUSTOM MAPS VIA CVAR! (W00t!) - and I've included better feedback for chat based votes, as well as the Ralph Nader issue discussed above.

To define your custom maps, add to your server.cfg:
custommaps "mymap1 mymap2 mymap3"
So, if you have just Unrest and World Walker Preview:
custommaps "ww1 unrest"

If you do not define custommaps it will default to "ww1 unrest pvp_archery pvp_arena". The vote system will not allow votes for maps not on the server - but it will display those as available, regardless.

Case isn't an issue... Partially matching names should be, but after testing it, it doesn't actually seem to be a problem. I recommend using spaces between map names for consistency, even though other seperators may work too.

If you have no custom maps, use custommaps "none"

Limitation: Your custommap list cannot be more than 512 characters long.

Personal request: With 'gauntlet style' custom maps (such as World Walker), please make only the first of the series votable. The value of the reward on WW3, assumes you had to fight through WW1 and WW2 as well, or at least pick up where someone else left off.

Same links:
Download: Beta Mapvote Plugin
View: Beta Mapvote Source

Just about ready to take this thing out of beta, should this work out. Hoping to maybe make it into its own seperate pluging as well, so you don't have to overwrite the adminvote.amx.


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Maybe you, or someone, can figure why this wont work:

* Warns players of possible crash when touching transitions.
* Requires VexdUM Module:
* No warranties. Distribute freely.

#include <amxmod>
#include <VexdUM>

#define MESSAGE_DELAY 10.0
new Float:g_lastMessage;

public plugin_init() { 

  register_plugin("Transition Warning","0.3","Thothie");

} //endpublic plugin_init

public entity_touch(entity1, entity2) {

  if(entity1 > 0 && entity2 > 0) {
    new classname[32];
    entity_get_string(entity1, EV_SZ_classname, classname, 31);
    if( contain(classname, "transition") ) {
      if( is_user_alive(entity2) ) {
        //prevents message spam
        new Float:difference = get_gametime() - g_lastMessage;
        if ( difference > MESSAGE_DELAY ) {
          //Sending both chat and console as MSC doesn't always echo chat to console
          client_print(entity2, print_chat, "Currently, only ONE player can transition at a time.");
          client_print(entity2, print_chat, "Otherwise server will crash. %s", classname);
          client_print(entity2, print_chat, "Pick one player to do so while the others disconnect.");
          client_print(entity2, print_console, "Currently, only ONE player can transition at a time.");
          client_print(entity2, print_console, "Otherwise server will crash.");
          client_print(entity2, print_console, "Pick one player to do so, while the others disconnect.");
          g_lastMessage = get_gametime();
        } //endif difference
      } //endif is_user_alive
    } //endif contain_class
  } //endif entity > 0

} //endpublic entity_touch

I thought this method would be better than ripenting all the damn maps, only have to unripent them whenever they may fix it... Then again, I think all the Ripents I've done will either be obsolete, or need to be redone, come the next version.

The odd thing it's doing is: is that it is triggering whenever the player touches an msarea_music or trigger_once - and NOT when an msarea_transition is touched - which has mongo most confused. (There's a %s debug thing in there that returns the classname of entity touched.)

Brightmod (to Luke) I notice on brightmod you can set the lighting to any one of 24 settings. Rather than disabling the time system altogether, I was thinking we could use maybe 12 of them to create a smoother day/night color map that wouldn't go into insane levels of darkness (just have the SetLights X go off whenever the time changed an hour). Then have this theorical plugin have a cvar containing a list of underground maps where it freezes time at 16:00 as you suggested. (Although, I still dunno where you got this info that 16:00 has a less chance of rain than any other hour - that seems odd, to say the least.)

That would make for a more realistic day/night system AND take care of the underground rain/light shift sillyness.

You'll have to excuse my being way behind on all these... I've been really sick lately (got the Bird Flue or somethin) - tis like, code a line, puke2.gif, then code another line, repeat...

Wouldn't there be some irony, indeed, if it really was the Human-Bird flue and the first guy to catch in the US would be named after an ancient egyptian god with the body of a man and the head of a ibis? ;)


New Adventurer
Feb 24, 2005
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The whole 16 rain chance thing is something I found by experiment, it might not be true and just chance, but it doesnt hurt. The problem I found with continously resetting time is that if rain does start, it goes for 1 second, and can keep going in little bursts and its really very annoying.

So I just set mine so it resets to 10:00 every 5 minutes (it isnt up at the moment due to computer problems)

And yeah that would work, using the setlights thing. But the skybox doesnt change so it looks pretty wierd.


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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LukeW said:
The whole 16 rain chance thing is something I found by experiment, it might not be true and just chance, but it doesnt hurt. The problem I found with continously resetting time is that if rain does start, it goes for 1 second, and can keep going in little bursts and its really very annoying.

So I just set mine so it resets to 10:00 every 5 minutes (it isnt up at the moment due to computer problems)

And yeah that would work, using the setlights thing. But the skybox doesnt change so it looks pretty wierd.

Hmmm... I'll have to see about that sometime... I think J-M is right though, next priority should be HLDS auto-installer, so we can get more servers out there. I'm going to have to take mine down a few days this week. Lady X is also being a pain now, so...

I'm fairly certain that, one way or the other, I can figure how to change the sky. I can change the skyname, and make it stick with map change - shouldn't be too hard to figure how to make it work dynamically - or rip the information on how to do so out of someone's mind...