I am seriously loathed to post a link to another free MMORPG, and personally think all such posts should be deleted (basically draining off clientel from MS) - but I *looked* at SRO a few months back, mainly to see if there were any interestin' ideas there in for MSC. It's not *quite* the same genre, being Chinese Martial Arts sword and sorcery themed MMORPG, but I would suggest that the MS:S guys take a look at the game for the sake of game mechanics. The healing system and experience paths they set up made for some dynamic and fairly fast paced game play, some bits and pieces of which could be used to inspire any future MSC system. The game is rather lacking many other respects and very PvP oriented, but there's some decent ideas therein.
They also have some interestin community events from time to time... In addition to the usual holiday based events (a GetDate function in MS:S script language might be a good idea), reading the webpage, I guess they had some major sploit added to the code by a patch and rolled back a bunch of characters as a result. But they are having a "compensation" event, of some sort, to let characters regain what they lost.
It's a semi-free scam, of course. You can play for free, but you must pay for certain items that make all the people who do pay god-like. So, lest you wanna pay, game gets rather pointless as soon as your high up enough to PvP (maybe 3-4 hours of game play).
Nuff said. Silkroad is fun for a bit but...its just grinding OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER on the same mobs trying to get 100 quest item drops which drop 1 time one in a million. So takes about 7 hours to get all the quest drops. Then there r those jerks that play on the game that basically gank you. Also the "world chat" which you have to pay for gets SOOOOOOOOOOO annoying. It's basically a bunch of lil kids going "LAWL YER GAY U HOMO LAWL!!!!" and you CANNOT turn it off.
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