- Banned
- #26
2:31 AM
- STATUS - read MiB's post, remembered the he's a fat kid who feeds off internet sarcasm. bolded fat because I laughed.
2:32 AM
- STATUS - on the phone, might not update for a while. Pray for me.
2:38 AM
- STATUS - off the phone, call ended sooner than expected. 2:39, but it didn't like, take me like, a whole minute to type that, I'm just being, like, thoughtful. 2:40, shit.
- STATUS - read MiB's post, remembered the he's a fat kid who feeds off internet sarcasm. bolded fat because I laughed.
2:32 AM
- STATUS - on the phone, might not update for a while. Pray for me.
2:38 AM
- STATUS - off the phone, call ended sooner than expected. 2:39, but it didn't like, take me like, a whole minute to type that, I'm just being, like, thoughtful. 2:40, shit.