Thothie said:Torkalath Bows (all): increased req to 30
What, they were all 30 to begin with. Do you mean 35? (as i heard some people saying some tork bows are higher lvl than others).
So i'm confused.
Thothie said:Torkalath Bows (all): increased req to 30
zeus9860 said:Thothie said:Torkalath Bows (all): increased req to 30
What, they were all 30 to begin with. Do you mean 35? (as i heard some people saying some tork bows are higher lvl than others).
So i'm confused.
Jonzay said:Why not make it require 30 archery, and 30 in the element the bow uses? (Maybe 28 of each element for chaos tork, or something). That way players would still have to work to use the bows, but not have to use an orion bow (no ammo, huge hitbox, untyped damage, screw thornbow =P) the entire arduous journey to 35.
Thothie said:I'm confused too, apparently. :\ Thought I nerfed em somehow... Meh... I'll have to look into it.
I can't figure what be wrong with those dern bandits though... Anyone give me a bug report as to whether something similar is happening with the orc shaman?
Not off hand, but shall examine.Hakariaki said:Dark staff seems to be a bit glitch with the primary attack.
Works fine on my mainchar level 37 affliction.
Tested it on my alt char level 27 affliction and it only works time to time.
The damage works like it should but the mana drain dosent work most of the time. seems to work only the first 2 secounds when i take the weapon out. It dosent work everytime i change weapon to it just a few times (20% of the times).
Any ideas why this is happening?
Hakariaki said:Or is there some command to make your summons vanish regardless if your close to them or not?
It's odd, as it shouldn't act that way, once attacked, but shall fix it one way or the other, next patch.Hakariaki said:(exploit report)
Probably stuck with it, but it's something to bring up with MiB... I can't make heads nor tails of the attack code anymore. >_> Though, the way the system is supposed to work, you're supposed to have to complete the lesser charges with each attack.Hakariaki said:The new charge system. Even if you dissable the autocharge it's diffrent from befor. Cant charge directly after a previously charge like you could befor with the +uber. Makeing leveling with UGA and Neckhunter is like half the speed. (changed for most weapons).
Anyway to revert it totaly like it was befor or are we stuck with this new thing? Leveling divination just got hell allot harder to level![]()
ATM, weapons where the primary skill is magical likely won't get a parry value (though not sure why the ice staff does then). Shall examine and see if I can fix it.Hakariaki said:Edit:
Lack of Parry on fire staff and dark staff.
with a level of 40 in ice you get 60 parry with ice staff. both fire and dark staff are set to 0 parry.
MrJohnson said:Just a question about the autocharge in combination with a binded key for +uber.
Before the patch I was using mouse1 to attacking with non-charged attacks rapidly (for example speed attacking with small arms) and mouse4 (+uber) for repeated charged attacks (push +uber, release at full charge, instantly pressing +uber again to have the charge ready at animation end)
Now when I have ms_autocharge on mouse1 and mouse4 simply do the same thing, but I can't rapidly attack with non-charged attacks anymore. If I turn ms_autocharge off my mouse4 +uber bind doesn't work anymore for the described way of attacking.
Who's at fault here? Am I just doin it wrong or is this not possible anymore with the new patch?
edit: just read the post from Hakariaki, sorry for the repost.
bind mouse4 autochargeon
alias "autochargeon" "ms_autocharge 1;wait;speak activated;wait;bind mouse4 autochargeoff"
alias "autochargeoff" "ms_autocharge 0;wait;speak deactivated;wait;bind mouse4 autochargeon"
Rideon said:Lodagond-4 crashes when picking something out of a galat or twice, happend twice now![]()
Top Page said:Spawning a largely full Galat chest may lead to server crash when withdrawing items
- This is actually a perpetual bug until we optimize the inventory systems.
- A full Galat chest is the resource equivalent of another character joining, so don't withdraw items unless you think the server can handle that at the time.
Thothie said:Should explain that's because the aluminum industry is very big here in the US. Processing involves a lot of fluoride, and the stuff is hard to get rid of, legally.
It's been estimated that 75% of US citizens demonstrate some level of thyroid dysfunction as a result. And it's become standard practice to identify the remains of US citizens in plane crashes by the fluoride toxicity levels in their bones.
I love this country!
{ bandit_ally_boss_dead
callevent npcatk_suspend_ai
callevent npcatk_suspend_movement deep_idle
setmovedest none
callevent check_qualify
setvard ALLY_FOLLOW_ON 0
setvard REWARD_MODE 1
menu.autoopen 1
{ check_qualify
getplayersnb TC_QUAL_PLAYERS
calleventloop $get_token_amt(TC_QUAL_PLAYERS) tc_get_averages
divide TC_AVG_DMG_PTS game.players
multiply TC_HALF_AVG_DMG_PTS 0.5
{ tc_get_averages
local CUR_PLAYER $get_token(TC_QUAL_PLAYERS,game.script.iteration)
{ say_reward //PARAM1 = calling player
local USER_PTS $get(PARAM1,scriptvar,'PLR_TOTAL_DMG')
playanim critical look_idle
saytext Judging by your performance out there, or rather the lack there of, I don't think you're ready for what I could teach you.
local USER_STEAM $get(PARAM1,steamid)
add USER_STEAM $get(PARAM1,slot)
if ( G_REWARD_LIST contains USER_STEAM )
playanim critical look_idle
saytext Sorry, the deal was you could train once from one of us. Thanks for the assist though. We should be fine from here.
local EXIT_SUB 1
local RALION_ID $get_by_name(bandit_ralion)
if ( !$get(RALION_ID,isalive) )
playanim critical look_idle
saytext Ralion maybe dead, but I'll stick to his deal... I'll show you what I know.
playanim critical look_idle
saytext Alright... I'll show you what I know.
local XP_GAIN 20000
local PLR_ADJ game.players
subtract PLR_ADJ 1
multiply PLR_ADJ 0.25
add PLR_ADJ 1
multiply XP_GAIN PLR_ADJ
giveexp PARAM1 MY_SKILL $int(XP_GAIN)
gplayermessage PARAM1 * $int(XP_GAIN) XP Awarded ( MY_SKILL )
local OUT_MSG "You recieve "
stradd OUT_MSG " from "
stradd OUT_MSG $get(ent_me,name)
infomsg PARAM1 "Training Recieved" OUT_MSG
That, would be a rather impressive bug... SFAIK there should be no way for them to do that. :\Sirschmoopy said:If you drink lead foot the stone masons in loda-1 still toss you, im pretty sure thats not a bug but it wouldn't hurt to say.
I'd have to examine it more closely to see what the specific issue, but if I were to hazard a guess, it may simply be that Crow did not foresee players becoming so powerful that they could take him out so quickly. May have to tweak out the map somehow.Sirschmoopy said:also in loda 4, the doors to the poison greater after you beat both yellow and blue, it some times locks you in, i have a pic of me and freerad in it, and we wasted lodestone and gpops D: ... tab=public
I'd have to examine it more closely to see what the specific issue, but if I were to hazard a guess, it may simply be that Crow did not foresee players becoming so powerful that they could take him out so quickly. May have to tweak out the map somehow.[/quote]Sirschmoopy said:also in loda 4, the doors to the poison greater after you beat both yellow and blue, it some times locks you in, i have a pic of me and freerad in it, and we wasted lodestone and gpops D: ... tab=public
Sirschmoopy said:also in loda 4, the doors to the poison greater after you beat both yellow and blue, it some times locks you in, i have a pic of me and freerad in it, and we wasted lodestone and gpops D: ... tab=public
Rideon said:The_Wall Lever Bug still caught me >_<
zeus9860 said:Rideon said:The_Wall Lever Bug still caught me >_<
Don't stand next to the lever as it goes down, i think its obvious. Or just run and jump while pressing use on the lever like me.