- Admin
- #1

Known issues

- While, the relights in Calruin2 and ms_wicardoven helped a LOT, and some other stabs have been made at this, I expect you'll still be seeing more than enough of this type of server crash.
- Some stabs have been made at this on a case-by-base basis, but we've still no universal edict trackers.
- Using "-num_edicts 4096" in the HLDS switches, and having the server restart when it is empty ("ms_reset_if_empty 1" in server.cfg), combined with giving another minute or two leeway for restarts seems to help alleviate this problem quite a bit, if not eliminate it.

- Occasional crash when FN connection resumes

- Missing models yonder: http://www.thothie.com/msc_dev3/crow_models.rar

- This is the FN connection status icon. It r not working right. :/

- Suspect another case of "Your other left"

- There's something fundamentally wrong with "clientevent remove all"

Known Ancient bugs:
- Become invisible when putting on armor (armor display bug work around, type 'vis' in console)
- All entities invisible bug (type kill in console to cure).
- Lights/sprites not going away / sticking to other objects (Sticky client-side effects)
- Occasionally a weapon/spell will stop doing damage until it is unequipped then re-equipped.

- Can't use charge attack in laggy conditions. (Work around: use +special or +uber)
- Sitting animation bugs (sometimes saves to character for awhile)
- All water sometimes goes white (texture stretch bug, restart)

- Typing issues in chat. Especially with European keyboards.
- Prices over 32k register as negative on client.
- Health/mana indicator madness (see yonder)
- Small sack holds stuff it should not.
- Bank freaks if you have more than one of the ticket or item you are trying to trade

- Max view distance not consistent between listenservers host and clients. (Nor at all on dedicated servers)
- Double attack bug, most prominant with xbows
- All tomahawks appear as fire tomahawks in third person
Also Not liable to go away soon:
- Some monsters still capable of some acts while frozen (jumping, etc.)
- Orion Bow jamming sometimes, (I've no idea how to fix this without dropping the whole charged weapon concept.)
- Jumping from server to server without closing HL screws with FN functionality (solution: Close half-life before joining another game.)