Onibaku said:current patch is no longer that current
The Man In Black said:You're right. Thothie, let's drop everything going on in our lives so we can work for free for this selfish ass.
Though, since 'current' means most recent, it'll always continue to be the current patch until there's another, even a century from now.
Removed the links... We'll have to beg RKS for new European file space, I suppose.Rideon said:It seems the full installer and the patcher for EU is broken, i somehow can't get that popup saying me to download or cancle it
*in the time bord copys it*
I would suspect either your MP3 got corrupted, or the fact that thornlands goes "lol, I'm gonna spawn 50 monsters at the same time!" maybe fugging with your puter, if yer hosting / listenserver.TheOysterHippopotami said:Music no longer plays on Thornlands for me. However, it works just fine in other maps, and other players seem to have no issue with music in thornlands.
Fixed next patch. We may or may not be doing something to make stamina useful next patch. Stamina is tricky though, as it's entirely client side.Caluminium said:Rune Shield has more stamina drain than Urdulian Shield when you left click to block, which makes no sense..
Rideon said:someone opens his galat with quite a few items in it
To be expected after a SQL transfer... Not nearly as bad as the fact that I'm having to hit every link 10 times before it turns over... I *hope* that's just my ISP not liking the new location, but if it isn't... It maybe the SQL database is just too large for the new server's CPU and virtual HD to handle... And the only way I can think to fix that is *shiver* a forum reset.MrJohnson said:Dunno if this has been reported, I can't use the search function as I have issues with the forum since server moving.
I assume you mean after he pounces on someone... Never figured why this is, save maybe some DOT stack issue (may also be player immune to the DOT you are using, somehow shielding the goblin.) Weakened them considerably to help deal with this, but suffice to say, I've yet to figure a perfect solution.MrJohnson said:On orc_for, the shadow goblin on your way to the second lightning shaman is sometimes un-hitable, neither weapons nor AoE spells work on him.
It happened to me from Server HP 500-620.
Thothie said:I assume you mean after he pounces on someone...
Thothie said:Not nearly as bad as the fact that I'm having to hit every link 10 times before it turns over... I *hope* that's just my ISP not liking the new location, but if it isn't... It maybe the SQL database is just too large for the new server's CPU and virtual HD to handle... And the only way I can think to fix that is *shiver* a forum reset.
MrJohnson said:Thothie said:I assume you mean after he pounces on someone...
I didn't mean the goblin pouncers, I mean the shadow goblins, those little bastards that jump around and stealth themselves.
But you're right with the pouncers, I encountered that issue too.