New Adventurer
Time to mend
03 January 2006
Lately I've just been busy optimizing Deralia, to increase performance. Unfortunately, I've pretty much done all I can do for the map.
Also, due to the recently hightlighting of many bugs in the current release of MS:C 1.0, i've been trying to keep track of bugs and make a checklist that me and primarily the rest of the dev team can work through, there's been some progress but it's still going to take some time. It's quite wierd how some bugs that appeared in the release version weren't in the dev versions. Guess one always has to account for unforseen problems. I'm actually looking foward to the future, the game is just going to improve from hereon out which is promising considering the current positive responses i've read.
- Ewok
Odds and Ends
02 August 2005
Well, been rather busy with life latey, things been going a little slow my side. Just been trying to get reflective water working in Deralia mostly and making it look right.
Also, need to go back to a completed map to just change some entity work so stuff doesn't get stuck in walls. All gameplay related stuff. Plains is coming on alright, modifying Mulcibers map is quite daunting a task. But hopefully i'm doing alright.
Sorry I didn't post shots like I said, will look to updating the shots of Deralia on the gallery maybe once of done it right.
- Ewok
Older News
Well, just uploaded two new builds of Edana and Thornlands recently.
Besides the many changes to Edana and Thornlands i've done already that you fans won't know, this update featured minor texture changes for Edana, I redid the brushwork outside the temple area though. I'm pretty happy with the way it looks, more fresh and realistic. Thornlands now has the new mp3 music Lanethan made playing at full length which is sweet. And the gameplay / spawn / monsters changes Dogg and I made for Thornlands should prove better.
Going to work less on the upgraded maps now, and rather focus more on Deralia. Finish up the bank and various small touches I want added.
- Ewok
03 January 2006
Lately I've just been busy optimizing Deralia, to increase performance. Unfortunately, I've pretty much done all I can do for the map.
Also, due to the recently hightlighting of many bugs in the current release of MS:C 1.0, i've been trying to keep track of bugs and make a checklist that me and primarily the rest of the dev team can work through, there's been some progress but it's still going to take some time. It's quite wierd how some bugs that appeared in the release version weren't in the dev versions. Guess one always has to account for unforseen problems. I'm actually looking foward to the future, the game is just going to improve from hereon out which is promising considering the current positive responses i've read.
- Ewok
Odds and Ends
02 August 2005
Well, been rather busy with life latey, things been going a little slow my side. Just been trying to get reflective water working in Deralia mostly and making it look right.
Also, need to go back to a completed map to just change some entity work so stuff doesn't get stuck in walls. All gameplay related stuff. Plains is coming on alright, modifying Mulcibers map is quite daunting a task. But hopefully i'm doing alright.
Sorry I didn't post shots like I said, will look to updating the shots of Deralia on the gallery maybe once of done it right.
- Ewok
Older News
Well, just uploaded two new builds of Edana and Thornlands recently.
Besides the many changes to Edana and Thornlands i've done already that you fans won't know, this update featured minor texture changes for Edana, I redid the brushwork outside the temple area though. I'm pretty happy with the way it looks, more fresh and realistic. Thornlands now has the new mp3 music Lanethan made playing at full length which is sweet. And the gameplay / spawn / monsters changes Dogg and I made for Thornlands should prove better.
Going to work less on the upgraded maps now, and rather focus more on Deralia. Finish up the bank and various small touches I want added.
- Ewok