Hello and questions


New Adventurer
Jan 21, 2014
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Haha, nice choice of pic, we've got about 4 or 5 people who do this, but yeah, only me and one other are probably regular enough to get to an area that *might* have it anytime soon.

Love the mayors chest comment, figure that's the most useless chest in the game, knowing my luck it actually spawn it so you're screwing with me in reverse.

EDIT: Travel through time sounds interesting, wondering how MS:C pulls that off.


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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That would be telling...

...But you were nearly onto it earlier in the thread...

...And it is wibbly wobbly timey wimey... Stuff.


Active Adventurer
MSS Developer
Sep 6, 2009
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You should ask around the town you got the axe in. Someone there might know how to fix it.


New Adventurer
Jan 21, 2014
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Oh yeah don't get me wrong, I've talked to the M---- who told me to talk to R----- saying, I quote, "that's a real smith" to which my thoughts were, "then why the hell don't you let him do is job and stop making crappy knock-offs!" Just need to find the ore now, unless you're suggesting someone in that area has information specific to the location.... ::RUN'S BACK TO G-------::

Ahhhh and I see what you mean Thothie, by earlier... kinda funny actually now that you mention it, that I was already looking at that, though I didn't notice the difficulty/threat level there for some reason till I double checked last night. Guess I'm definitely not ready to be there!


Old Skool Apostle
Mar 9, 2009
Reaction score
Or you could avoid all this confusion by simply playing on the wonderful and plentiful FN servers that are there for your playing pleasure! People are on daily, that would be more than happy to help you and all of your friends! You wouldn't have to wait or bother with forums or all that tedious nonsensical stuff... This is the most friendly and polite way I can say, STOP PLAYING PRIVATELY


New Adventurer
Jan 21, 2014
Reaction score
Wow, nice way to say it politely by YELLING AT THE TOP OF YOUR LUNGS at the end.

I'm sorry, I thought we were having a nice friendly discussion here, and I rather enjoyed coming to this thread, talking about my meager exploits(hopefully with as few spoilers as possible), asking advice and hints. Getting the occasional crack and joke out of it.

There's a TL:DR at the end if necessary.

I understand the benefits of playing publicly on FN, and the benefits of playing with a lot of people, but quite frankly I have already put a lot of time into my character that I don't feel like losing. One of my buddies has a decent bit of work in on his character as well, I know this pales in comparison to some. I understand that my character can never be migrated to FN, and the reasons for this. The one time I logged on since resuming this game(to ask a question, they were actually quite helpful), the two people who where online were on nightmare_thornlands, I'm certain that level is far beyond my capabilities even without basically a character wipe. I also noticed they had 900 and 1000 some odd HP each, so that gives me a general idea of how beefy their, and probably most peoples, characters are. Especially compared to my character that just reached 350. I personally do not feel like being led around by the nose by someone epic-ly ahead of me, who knows every secret, etc. Hence why I was posting here only when I needed assistance, advice, hints. I'm also quite certain people that advanced probably don't want to wait for me as I slowly grind up, get absolutely murdered on the maps they are playing, again, etc etc.

My friends and I play privately for quite a few reasons, most involving the caliber of people you get to meet when you play publicly. I personally started playing online 16 years ago, when the lovely game that this mod uses game out. Other than getting to go serve my country overseas three times, in that time I have played all kinds of games and been part of quite a few different communities. I've learned repeatedly what kind of douche nozzles a lot of players can be, originally by being one myself, I was a teenager like you are when I started out(sorry if I'm incorrect here, going off your profile saying you are 17). One day I decided I did not like the way I was, and others were, behaving, and set about trying to repair my reputation, living by a principle of "yeah, I don't know these people, but am I gonna be happy with myself looking in the mirror in the morning?" Needless to say it was a silly notion, I still hold to it for my personal standard, but gave up on public gaming long ago.

The members of my group I have known for the longest have been together near a decade, six of us originally came together to play Hostile Intent in the CAL. We've added quite a few member's since then on our occasionally forays out into the public. We have around around a dozen active members and a bit over a dozen other occasional visitors/semi active members. I've actually gone to one of these guy's house and met him and his family in person, then took them out shooting, so I would say our group's bond is pretty good. Now granted, I've only gotten five of the 'actives' to play MS:C with me, but considering that's up from "man WTF are you playing THAT old thing for?" I'd say that's quite an accomplishment.

I have a general idea of how difficult FN was to create and operate, and understand the value it gives to everyone, and am appreciative for the people who made and maintain it. However a big thing for us when playing any game is having our on servers when possible. As I'm usually the one who operates our servers my home box, it's usually only available when I am, that and it being private are the two major dis-qualifiers when requesting an FN password. I've had PM conversations with Thothie about this, in which he pointed out an option for pin locking a server, which is cool, but by the time we had gotten to that point I had already had reach the significant investment point on my my current character. I also feel pin-locking a public server is an awful rude thing to do to other players.

I have recently obtained a second, yet slightly older box(should be just fine for HLDS, Minecraft, etc.), and just today figured out what I was doing wrong with Thothie's HLDS Restarter. I have 100mb down/10mb up connection at my house, and I was actually getting everything running for a full time server, maybe even thinking about taking the password off and applying for FN, if the members of my group decided we could live with the loss of our current characters. You could probably consider my interactions here in the forums a kinda of testing the waters if you will, checking out the community and the game again after many long years away. I had considered my interactions here as very positive, even if short, that is until your out of the blue, and quite rude at the end, post.

We don't usually play publicly to avoid douche nozzles, kids, cheaters, etc etc. A few of us have grown quite attached to our non-FN characters already. We understand the benefits of FN and large group playing, and some of us had already been considering going public in this game, maybe even adding a server to the public list some day.

Sorry to say, just as it takes one bad apple to ruin a bunch, I takes one bad interaction to turn me off of a community. And believe me, its not due to a lack of thick skin, I just don't have time for this kinda shit anymore, I'd rather be playing. Congratulations on accomplishing the exact opposite of what you were trying to. This community might have gained a member or two, hell maybe even all six(they're not as into MS:C as I am, so who knows).

Thothie, Zeus, Oyster and community, thank you all for your time, the comments, the jokes/sarcasm, please stay classy. I wish everyone luck with their future endeavors, especially the dev team. Thank you for keeping this project alive and kicking, it's awesome to see, especially cause some many other good mod teams have moved on from goldsource.

Thothie or dRkILL, please lock this topic at your convenience, or delete it, or whatever.


Old Skool Apostle
Mar 9, 2009
Reaction score
It takes one misinterpretation to ruin an entire post; and obviously one line of enforced sarcasm to do so. I was only teasing you man, I respect that you have your own group you play with, I wouldn't wanna play with assholes like myself either...but I didn't think you'd take it serious enough to go on a tangent, or going into my in-depth profile information. I apologize for peaving you and offending you, and clearly wasting your time with that wall of text. Have fun playing the mod however you want man, apologies. :? (Yes I read your entire post)


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
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Well that was unexpected.

Guess what he was trying to avoid in-game, ended up showing up in the forums. Job well done Lucifer.


Staff member
MSC Archivist
Apr 8, 2005
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Online, or off, apparently, there is no escape from the drama that is MSC.

...and don't be so hard on Lucifer - he's just lonely. ;)

I'm always tempted to disable saving outside of [FN] entirely to avoid this sort of heartache down the road - which I suppose I'd be more inclined to do, if we could just pass out [FN] passwords willy nilly, but alas, the manpower required to monitor that is just not available these days, even if we also have less "passionately productive" cheaters around than we once did.

You are going to eventually hit a wall, but you are less apt to hit it, I suppose, than some others who have insisted on playing off of [FN] and done so single player, since you at least are playing with some friends. Even then, without the aid of the general population, things are going to move very slowly for you, and of course you'll have to keep coming back here to have answers to various questions denied on a regular basis. The game is, more or less, rigged up with the intention that, from time to time, some players will be trading with one another from opposite sides of the power spectrum. Lack of participation in that trade will make some acquisitions very difficult, and others, entirely pointless.

Those factors, coupled with the double XP (quad for bosses), and the various treasure bonuses, make leveling on [FN] much faster, of course (many of our 1000+hp [FN] characters are only a few months old). Additionally, we offer the votelock option, to keep the riff-raff out of your on-line games, even on public servers. I suppose I could consider allowing the votelock option with just two players, instead of requiring three, but regardless of what we offer, some hapless victims will always fall into this offline trap.

But, for now anyways, you can continue to play off-line, I suppose... Just don't complain about the wall when you hit it, or we'll have to laugh and point while saying, "we told you so.", and that's just bad form all around.


MSC Developer
Nov 25, 2005
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You are here --> X
It's dangerous to disable offline play in games these days. If you're not careful, people will end up believing you did it for DRM. :wink:


New Adventurer
Jan 28, 2014
Reaction score
First time I think I've posted on these forums! I just wanted to place my input to the whole FN - Non FN thing.
I've been playing this mod on and off for a while and I've always enjoyed playing with the people on the main servers!
I know you may not play on the public servers because of reasons of your own but if your worried about the community
here then I personally haven't had a bad time with anyone and enjoyed playing with them.

I know this may not change your mind about playing on the FN servers but I'm sure you'll be welcomed :)

P.S to anyone I've been playing with in the past week, I'll be back on Sunday night :)


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
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JessJess said:
P.S to anyone I've been playing with in the past week, I'll be back on Sunday night :)

So i guess you will be farming wicardoven a few more hours for that one particular item eh? :wink:


New Adventurer
Jan 28, 2014
Reaction score
Once I get home on Sunday night it'll be straight back to farming wicardoven indeed Zeus :(


New Adventurer
Jan 21, 2014
Reaction score

So I'll be honest, when I posted my tirade the other day I expected to turn my back on the forums and not come back. Needless to say I am pleasently suprised with the turn of events. Thank you Lucifer for the semi-apology, I say semi cause it takes two people to F up communication, so here's my part; I am sorry for miss reading the context of your statement, missing the sarcasm completely, and over reacting.

Two days ago I said, "awwww wtf, right?" and tried out a public FN server, since then I've had some good times, a ducky time and a weird time. My FN character almost had the skills (not equip though) of my offline character, I'm amazed at how fast leveling occurs in FN, especially with more ppl in server, had 3 people on with me the other day and I gained a bunch of levels(the good time).

The suck time someone ran in and started one shotting the creatures I wad leveling on. And the weird time was last night, some guy (I'll withhold his name for now, unless you want) wanted me to go off and play another game while afking in MSC, cause apparently leveling is soooo slow at level 43, he seemed kinda put out when I told him that seemed like a very not fun idea. He also wanted me to switch servers, I'm assuming to a EU server, to accomplish this... What's the deal with that?


Active Adventurer
MSS Developer
Sep 6, 2009
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I'm amazed at how fast leveling occurs in FN, especially with more ppl in server, had 3 people on with me the other day and I gained a bunch of levels(the good time).
I actually think the new XP boosts really harm the game by making the early game last literally one hour. All that exploration and fun you had off of FN with your friends virtually never happens on FN for anyone. The XP boosts should not kick in until you reach around 600 HP. Or, there needs to be some kind of an EXP cap implemented for any skill under level 20 to prevent people from whizzing by all of the games classic content. Once you get to higher levels the game is a boring linear shitfest anyway, so it was actually really nice for me to see some people having fun on their own server.


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
Reaction score
That was someone trying to use you for their own profit, when you see someone doing that, ignore them and do as you please.

You are nobody's tool to be doing what other people wish for.

And if someone tries to hijack your server by force without asking, tell them to take a turn.

And if someone that is much higher than you is killing all the critters for your level, tell them, to gtfo aswell after asking nicely. If they don't do that, you can always post a screenshot here in the forums with a bit of proof, to let other people know of these behaviours, then some of us will kick that person on sight when they get on in our farming runs.

Believe me, when news like this spread around with people who play this game kinda often, bad people of this kind usually will quit the acting or will play by themselves mostly. This is after getting kicked out of servers a dozen times.


New Adventurer
Jan 21, 2014
Reaction score
I do have to admit, I see where you are coming from on leveling being too quick, my offline char was 2 weeks of work at least that I'm 3/4s of the way caught up to in skills already, financially and equipment wise doesn't compare, but ill get there. I hope there's still fun to be had in both respects to FN and offline.

And on the afk farm guy, I knew I'd seen the guys name around the forums before, so yeah, its Max-Ride Height Wizard... Assuming he's a immature Russian kid... Some elements of his convo where verbatim to what someone else posted on here, "why you play this", "morrowind and skyrim better" actually a lot of the Antrim better, didn't outright say this game stole, did.t ask me to dupe, obv cause I don't have anything... Part I don't get is if he hates the game/dev team so much why the hell did he stick around to become lvl 43 in the first place, and is still trying to advance? He made fun of Furion for being a hypocrite, yet seems he is a huge one.


Active Adventurer
The True Followers of the Lost
Blades of Urdual
Alpha Tester
Feb 28, 2008
Reaction score
Just stay clear of that guy, some of us suspect he is doing bad stuff in-game and is asking to get banned/rolledback.

Guy has no sense in his words, if he gives you free items, don't accept those, you never know how he got them to begin with.


New Adventurer
Jan 21, 2014
Reaction score
Yup! that was the plan, moment he said he was 'hoping I was afk so he could level off of me' I was like "oh jeepers here we go" figured something was wrong with him but didn't wanna cry foul till I double checked the forums for sure. Knew his name was familiar, but couldn't remember if it was post about him or a post he made.

EDIT: Aaaannd... Just got my first character issue! Love it! Posted in appropriate section.


New Adventurer
Jan 21, 2014
Reaction score
MMM MMMM MMMasssive Necro!....

Anyways, I'm back (to the game) and thought I'd drop by to say hi, ask some questions now and then. Good to see patches and installers and stuff since I've been gone. Posting at break at work, gonna have to get back to it.

Mods/Admin, I'f you'd rather i start a new post lemme know, though necromancy seemed kinda fitting though... :p


New Adventurer
Jan 21, 2014
Reaction score
So, in contrast to back in 2014, when I had internet but originally only wanted to play private with my regular group of online friends, and then realize the benefits of FN and made the switch, I now live 35 miles outside of town have no broadband internet (I use my phone, tethered, to validate stuff on steam on my desktop after manually transferring what i download in town on my laptop, and I won't get started on what a POS it is...)

Sooooo gotten back into MS:C, but am completely up the creek for people to play it with, I've searched around a bit (and remember a little) that this game is a lot more friendly in terms of difficult and loot with other people and FN servers.

I know there are some thing that require multiple players, and probably somethings that maybe rely on FN connection to do the math on this? Plus it is gonna take me forever to progress, which I'm ok with (Currently about 430hp with Axe at 20 and all other skills 15-16, except Spells)


How much content will I miss out on?

What are some areas I should be playing solo at that HP right now, there are two guides i've referenced, one a "map" of the areas and connections, and a list someone (i think Tothie) posted. Some of the areas I thought were do-able have rofl stomped me, some where not as bad. I've been Keledros for the first time, and was working on WW3 when i got locked out of a certain room...

and break is over, more questions later...


Epic Adventurer
MSC Developer
Warriors of the North
MSC Archivist
Apr 20, 2013
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Welcome back!

How much content will I miss out on?
I don't really understand this question :I

What are some areas I should be playing solo at that HP right now
I'll pm you some things 'cuz they'd be considered spoilers.


New Adventurer
Jan 21, 2014
Reaction score
Thanks!... yes, I was hoping for PM to be the preferred delivery method, did not want to violate forum rules.

On "How much content will i miss" was looking for a rough ballpark (% or item/area count) of stuff I will NEVER be able to do or get without other people, I know I read somewhere there a a handful of items you cannot get solo, and I've assuming there are some areas that are so "kick your butt till your pants are a hat" hard that you cant even attempt without a raid team.