Awesome helmet, maybe change the texture of those serpentine strings.
tehrilez said:I give some criticism for his work, and say what I think would look good, and I get shat on by CMD shuriken. (fair, huh?)
tehrilez said:I dont like it.
No specific reason, I just dont seem to like it at all.
The white looks like solid white with blue flakes and the black half looks like the moon colored black with a red V on it.
if you're just skinning but not ac tually modeling, then I've got nothing to say and you really shouldnt release it in its current state.
Also : I really, really hate that moon texture. You've used it several times, get some new photoshop filters will you?
You don't have to make everything in this game strictly white and black. Its getting old really fast. Just using simple design implies balance, like a sharp jagged half compared to a nice smooth, detailed half. You don't need to make every map/helmet sword look like a friggen moon cookie.
You don't have to make everything in this game strictly white and black. Its getting old really fast. Just using simple design implies balance, like a sharp jagged half compared to a nice smooth, detailed half.
Sabre said: