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Read topic title!!!
http://www.zhlt.info/command-reference.html said:-nowadtextures Include all used textures into bsp.
This option is obsoleted by -wadinclude and is only left in to retain some backwards compatibility.
http://www.zhlt.info/command-reference.html said:-wadinclude file Place textures used from wad specified into bsp.
This option will cause csg to include used textures from the named wadfile into the bsp. It does partial name matching, is not case sensitive, and can also match directory names. If multiple includes need to be done, -wadinclude must be specified multiple times, once for each include. Only textures actually used in the map are included into the bsp.
cd "C:\Hammer\zhlt"
set WADROOT=C:\Hammer\wad
hlcsg -high -wadautodetect -wadinclude "ts_neobaroque_miptex.wad" "C:\Hammer\zhlt\ms_wicardoven_etest.map"
hlbsp -high "C:\Hammer\zhlt\ms_wicardoven_etest.map"
hlvis -high -full "C:\Hammer\zhlt\ms_wicardoven_etest.map"
hlrad -high -extra "C:\Hammer\zhlt\ms_wicardoven_etest.map"
copy ms_wicardoven_etest.bsp "C:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\d_l337ed@hotmail.com\half-life\msc\maps"
del ms_wicardoven_etest.lin
del ms_wicardoven_etest.p0
del ms_wicardoven_etest.p1
del ms_wicardoven_etest.p2
del ms_wicardoven_etest.p3
del ms_wicardoven_etest.prt
del ms_wicardoven_etest.wic
hlcsg -wadinclude "wadfilename1.wad" -wadinclude "wadfilename2.wad" "mapname.map in correct dir"