I think the devs have made excellent work all round with MS:C, and I hate to bitch but I can't stay quiet anymore....I've been biting my tongue for, literally, years on this.
It really bugs the crap out of me that your clothes still show through your armor!!! It looks awful. Really, really bad and it's been an issue since...forever. I want armor firstly because it makes my PC look like a badass. The fact it provides practical protection is a distant, distant second. Don't the armor models just need scaled up a tad? Or is this a horribly impossible problem that cannot be fixed without Valve re-writing half the GoldSource engine and a team of codemonkeys working on the mod for 78hours straight? In which case I'll shut up.
It really bugs the crap out of me that your clothes still show through your armor!!! It looks awful. Really, really bad and it's been an issue since...forever. I want armor firstly because it makes my PC look like a badass. The fact it provides practical protection is a distant, distant second. Don't the armor models just need scaled up a tad? Or is this a horribly impossible problem that cannot be fixed without Valve re-writing half the GoldSource engine and a team of codemonkeys working on the mod for 78hours straight? In which case I'll shut up.